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The best thing about Cville is .....

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... that it inspires me to go above and beyond what I've already done.


I never would have become the crocheter that I am if it wasn't for all of the truly amazing things that I've seen here in the Show & Tell section or the help from the wonderful ladies (and gents) that hang out here.

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...the sharing, caring and willingness to help. A place where you can show what you've made, learn about new patterns, share ideas and just overall friendliness!

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.........is Show & Tell. I have a place to share my creations and love getting responses from all over the world. Who could ask for anything more! Seeing other crocheted items only makes me want to do better and crochet more things too.

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Easy!! The members! Never have I met a friendlier or more talented group of folks. Without encouragement from here, I'd have NEVER ended up where I am today!



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The woman here are wonderful. They will lend you a shoulder to cry on, and cheer you on to complete the WIP from a year ago. They will make you jealous with their glorious stashes of yarn, and then send you to a great site of free patterns. It is so great to be a member here. There isn't anywhere like it on the web!

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...is jam packed full of the most friendly, caring and talented people I've ever had the priviledge to meet! :hug


I've also been inspired. I went from a casual crocheter to I can't live without it!



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The wonderful new ideas I get from the members!! I also LOVE the charity section and being able to make a tiny difference in someone's life.

I also have been inspired to go out of my comfort zone and try new crochet things!!

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Well the best thing about Cville is so much the friendships how everyone here is friendly how when I'm sad I know that my friends are here to cheer me up how we all cheer each other when we're down how we all laugh and how we can all relate to each other I love the show and tell I love seeing all your new projects I love the free patterns section I love the help I've received from here I love how everybody on here is so thoughtful ok I can go on and on how much I love this place it's like I eat and breath the ville the fiance thinks gee your always on the ville :lol:rofl but what can I say I love love this place

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Seeing how alive and well crochet is! Everytime someone says it is "just" for old ladies I burst out laughing and tell them to come to Crochetville!

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The loving caring heartfelt members and managers. There is always some one here to lend an ear, or to help out with a problem, crochet or personal. I have learned SO MUCH since I have come here it is IMPOSSIBLE to say I have one favorite thing, I would have to say it is CROCHETVILLE..lol

I LOVE IT :yay

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What a like most about Crochetville is that it feels like "Home". The people that live in "Crochetville" are GREAT!

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What I like best about Crochetville, hmmm, let me see, this could be a long list. But I'll shorten it,

1. all the friends that I have met here.

2. the charities that I have become involved with

3. Knowing I'm not alone in my passion for yarn.

4. I have to check in first thing in the morning, and the last thing at night, I don't always post but I read all of the new post.


Thanks for asking!!!

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Everything! Especially the members and managers. Everyone is so nice and helpful and giving. From helping people with comfortghans to making one for the Travolta's. This place shows the true spirit of giving without the expectation of getting something in return besides the feeling of knowing you did a good thing. thanks for this wonderful community.

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I am pretty shy and reserved, so it is nice to have an unthreatening place to connect with people outside of my family. I like the people and the inspiration from the projects everyone does.

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The support of the members - whether with crochet inspiration or words of encouragment. It's awesome!

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To me the ville means all.. You all kow how to cheer some one when we are sad ... Your Prayers when we are sick, Your helping hands and ideas and of course we can't leave out the charity secction and the warm wishes and prayers sections and also the Show and Tell section where we all can see what others make and go OHHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHH YeaHHHHHHHHHHHH, WooooooooooW....

And the Swaps and the new friends we make here ..

I've made lots of new friends that we still communicate off ville and swap with them and I look forward to making many more new friends so How can I live with out you all???

I can't..

This is the best place in the world...

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The best part about Crochetville is the "citizens" who "live" here! No matter what time of day or night it is, people are here, willing to share whatever they have, give whatever they can, and just be great friends in general. The day I discovered Crochetville was my luckiest day of surfing EVER!

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