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Going to be a guest on Getting Loopy: Getting Close can you hear my knees knocking.

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Okay I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I just had to share with all of my friends here at Crochetville

I feel so flattered!!!!! I was asked to participate in a on-line podcast on Getting Loopy, a podcast that promotes our love of crochet. Seems they wanted a Thread Designer. I can't believe that my name came up. But I do qualify as a lover of thread crochet as most of you well know.

So December 15 at 9:00 pm Eastern standard time I will be chatting with Mary Beth Temple about Thread Crochet.


I can't believe I will get to share my love of thread with so many people I do hope you will all listen. It would help give me courage to speak up knowing that friends will be listening. You can even call in if you desire or join in on the chat line.


I will be able to talk about my various accomplishments and even about the classes here on Crochetville. But what thrills me most is being able to share my love of the intricacies of thread and hook. It's not often that thread crochet gets top billing in anything. I will be so proud to represent my favorite form of crochet.


Hope you all will be listening and giving me your moral support....... I will need it my friends.... as I am a bit nervous............ Okay....... Really, Really, Nervous.


Link to Podcast: Getting Loopy

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I don't usually listen to podcasts, but I think it is awesome that you'll have a chance to promote THREAD crochet--:yay for thread and little itty bitty hooks!


Not sure it counts as "theater," but...."break a leg!" :lol

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:applause:applauseCONGRATULATIONS KATHY!!!!! You certainly deserve the recognition!! :h5 Your work is absolutely stunning and I consider you a master of thread. :bounce I am sure all with agree that this call for a::ghug.


I know you will be nervous but you shouldn't be, your talent and knowledge will guide you and you will be excellent.


Lots of Love and I can't wait to listen to the cast,


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How exciting and you will be fine. You may start off being nervous but when you know the subject matter, it will get so easy and comfortable that you will actually have fun. I always hated giving presentations at work, but you know, the people listening and watching are saying, wow she is doing a great job.


I don't get up that early!!!! Can I download the podcast - I already marked it on the calendar. Now wait when DH sees it - he is going to be like - what is that!!!!! :lol


Lots of luck, but I know you will be a star

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:jumpyay:jumpyay CONGRATULATIONS!!:jumpyay:jumpyay


Kathy, one look at your designs and it's easy to see that you, of all people, belong on a program talking about thread! Your designs are GORGEOUS! Having you as a guest on a program about thread is like having Steven Spielberg on a program about movies! Best of luck to you! Don't be nervous, you're going to be WONDERFUL! I can't wait for the program!

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Congratulations, Kathy! :clap In my opinion, they picked the Queen of thread! Not to mention my very favorite designer....This is a recognition you are VERY worthy of receiving!! :nworthy


Could someone tell me how to listen to/download a podcast? :think I don't have a clue!!

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Congratulations, Kathy! :applause


Mary Beth is a fabulous podcast host/interviewer, and you are going to have a fabulous time with her.


I cannot wait to listen to this episode!

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For those who need it, here's a link to the Getting Loopy website.


I also added that link to Kathy's original post, so people reading the thread for the first time can quickly to the site.


Listen to some of Mary Beth's past episodes, too. They're really good!

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