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Beautiful Afghan

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Today I was sitting here wondering if I should dig out the afghans again. After all, it is 70 degrees out and that is quite chilly for us.


Then the door bell rings and there is the postmen with a red box in his hand. At first I thought it was from a friend in England, but no it was from Hookerangel in Ireland.


Once I opened it I was speechless and the tears were in the eyes.


In the box was a magnet for my fridge, a lamb bookmark, some Cadbury candy, a post card showing the ancesteral homes of some of our Presidents. Then I got down to the most beautiful afghan. It has an Angel in the middle, and above the Angel is my Name Mary Jo. I am looking at this and then Dh says “Did you see this side?” There on the side is my C’ville name Tampa Doll. My name is done in silver and the halo on the angel is done in gold with it finished off in fun fur.


This is a big Thank you to Hookerangel in Ireland; you have really brightened my day.


I posted this in the wish list Thank you's, but I had to show you all this beautiful work of art.



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wow that is so sweet and that will definitely keep you warm though by the way send some of that 70 degree weather to Michigan :lol:rofl

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Absolutely stunning!!!! What a wonderful gift to receive. Such beautiful work!!! This is an heirloom piece & great love was put into each stitch - especially since it was personalized for you. Lucky lady to get it and a real Angel who sent it.

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