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Solid Gold Antique Crochet Hook

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I'm sure all you ladies will appreciate this beautiful antique hook. It is made of 14 K gold, and is approximately 100 yrs old. I am so lucky to have my hubby, as I am now the proud owner of this beautiful hook. My DH has bought me several antiques in the last two weeks for an early anniversary and birthday present, this was one of them, the others were 4 compostion shirley temple dolls and an antique hoosier cabinet. I haven't taken pics of them yet, and didn't feel you gals would want to see anything but the hook. Hope you enjoy the picture of the hook, and let your imaginations run wild thinking what beautiful pieces of work the original owner created with it.




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Wow! I think that is cooler than the solid gold stethoscope my friend's law firm gave her husband when he graduated from med school (the stethoscope was given to the firm years ago from a doctor in lieu of a cash payment for services; it sat in a storage closet for years because no one knew what to do with it).


Anyway, I for one would also like to see a photo of the Hoosier cabinet. I love those things!



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A true treasure! I like to imagine the lady to whom it was originally given, sitting in

her Victorian parlor in her full skirts and many petticoats. I wonder what she made with it? I'm sure yards and yards of exquisite lace to trim her "unmentionables"!


Jean Leinhauser

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I'd be scared to death to use it!!! Something might happen to it. (NOT!!!) It's beautiful! Do you lend your husband out for birthdays/anniversaries?? Just long enough to buy a gift LOL

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That is so neat! Is it heavy? It is balanced so that if/when you crochet it wouldn't slip down, out of your hand? Aren't you going to crochet at least one item with it??


I would like to se the other items you received also.


Your DH should have classes to teach other guys "how to buy your wife/girlfriend the perfect gift".

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