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Potholder of the Month Club 2009 *** December added***


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Another awesome one - you cease to amaze me. I figured out the snowflake on this one, no problem but what did you do for the potholder? You are so talented. :yes:yay



Thanks! But I just read em and then do em. :D

January is easy. Terri has some lunch plates etc. with a lovely snowflake pattern. I looked for a pattern to go with them and found this:



The problem was - the pattern isn't right for the potholder in the picture. There were serious issues- fatal errors, whatever you want to call them. There's no way to use that pattern and make this potholder!

So I kept the idea and scrapped the directions. A search of crochet pattern central got me to this:



I followed it and added the snowflakes before I finished the back seam.

You may notice that the snowflakes are different.

The one on the right is the one from the original (flawed) pattern. The second is from last year's Snowflake Monday's here on the ville.


I'm sure I don't have to tell anyone that no two snowflakes are alike! :lol


BTW - If you have a hankering for snowflakes please stop by the Snowflake Monday's 2009 CAL. We love company there!

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th_DSCN0013-5.jpg click me!


I found this one through a Ravelry search. I made a few adjustmnents to get a bigger size and added a second plain black square on the back so it's a usable potholder. The bullion stitches gave me some trouble so they aren't perfect. (That means they're mine! :lol)


Stay warm out there!

Happy crocheting,

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They are so cool. I was wondering what February's would look like. Now to sit patiently and wait for March.:hook




HUMMMMMMMM.... kind of like someone's beautiful totes???? :lol

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone,

I almost forgot to post these!

I finished them a few weeks ago and the first of the month came and went without a post. Sorry. I did remember to deliver them on March 1!


They're from http://priscillascrochet.net/free%20patterns/St%20Patrick.pdf



Thanks for looking!

:clover :clover :clover :clover :clover :clover :clover

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the delay, April has been a bit of a challenge so far.

First I decided to do a simple egg design. I finished them about two weeks ago but I wasn't happy. They were so...... plain. I found a copy of the Annie's Attic book "Whimsical Potholders" on clearance at Annies web site so I ordered it - then had to wait for the mail. I made the following bunny and want to make the second bunny from the book but I'm really having a problem with the instructions. OK long story, .... sorry.

Terri will get the bunny and the two eggs. I'm going to try to finish the other rabbit - it's the one wearing a cute dress if anyone has the book and understands the directions for her I'd love to hear from you! - but I had word that The Traveling Hook III is on it's way to me so everything else (including the rabbit) will be on hold for the week I get to play with a Jimbo hook! I'm making squares to donate to the fight against FA. You can read more about it here: http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=73520


April 2009 Pothoders of the Month


th_DSCN0003-11.jpg click me!



Thanks for looking,

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April has finally arrived.:cheer:cheer:cheer The pot holders for the month are posted and they are sooooooooooooooooo cute.

I love the eggs and of course the bunny. They are so cool.

Way to go. I just had the DH laughing, as I said good the potholders have been posted:rofl

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