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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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Sadly, I gained another skein yesterday. I'm using up stash making the Top Down Crochet Sweater for Karen's class, but I had to get another skein of lime green to keep the stripe pattern consistent, so...


Stashbuster Total: WTD -2 YTD +75

The shame...:blush:blush:blush

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I guess my post the other day got eaten :lol


I used up 2 skeins for +4 but my Mom sent me 4 skeins I got in the mail yesterday so that's -8 giving me a WTD of......


WTD -3

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Not looking good for my score this week. A lady at church gave me a ziplock bag full of little balls of white yarn. They are still in my car - afraid to bring them in the house. But I will look at them all tomorrow to see if any of them are useable. There goes my score.

Not that it would matter much. I have to order yarn for a special afghan. That will eat away at my YTD positive score too. That's life...right?

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WOW...I haven't posted my numbers in so long! :blush But, I've been working on a scrap afghan using a "P" hook & my numbers are starting to come up. I've been updating my signature & will try to remember to post tomorrow night! :yes

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I'm posting early. DD is home from college and we plan on spending the day together. Maybe shopping and going out to dinner.


so here is my score.


WTD=+1 YTD=-12

I'm really trying now to get that YTD to the positives by the end of the year. :manyheart

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After looking at all the small balls of white yarn the lady at church gave me, I have made the decison to put them all back in my trunk so they can go to Good Will. With all the yarn I have, these will be sitting around for years waiting to be played with. I feel bad because she bought them for me, but I just won't use them in the near future, so why hold onto them? Right? Am I wrong? :thinkOh how I hate getting rid of yarn. :(

So with that said, I finished on skein last night. And that was all for the week.WTD = +2

Next week I will be ordering the yarn needed for the special afghan.:ebay Until that arrives, my hooks will be flying as fast as possible to make my YTD look better. :crocheting

For now, it is off to find the paint brushes to paint the bathroom:artist.

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I didn't get much crocheting done this week, but I sure missed sitting in my big blue chair and playing with all that soft yarn! I did manage to finish a small ball, though, making ties for a pair of booties.


For everyone in the U.S., have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday this week. Be safe and enjoy!






For week ending November 21, 2009:

WTD: +1 / YTD: -20

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Today I'll be working from a giant skein of cotton so I won't get any more points but I'm happy to report that for the first time in about 3 or 4 weeks now... I have a positive score for the week!! YAY!


WTD: +3

YTD: -51

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Today I'll be working from a giant skein of cotton so I won't get any more points but I'm happy to report that for the first time in about 3 or 4 weeks now... I have a positive score for the week!! YAY!


WTD: +3

YTD: -51



Good for you, Jain!


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