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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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I rolled a skein down (+1) and I gave a skein and a ball away (+3) :cheer:clap. My birthday is Sun. so I'm at my parents this weekend. Mom and I are going shopping tomorrow, maybe I can get her to buy me shoes instead of :yarn:lol. I need pins backs and there's a Michaels near here. If I don't get more than 2 skein, I should be alright. I'm going to :crocheting some tonight, so maybe I'll finish the ball I brought.

WTD: + 4 YTD: + 22

Ellie 13

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I don't think I'll finish another skein today, so I might as well post my score. A good week with finishing an afghan, HAP rectangles, and another cowl.



WTD +16/YTD -32



Bad news is I ordered from Joann not once but twice this week (30% off and free shipping) and won an ebay auction. Hopefully everything won't get here the same week!

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Putting in my totals for the week...


I'm still slogging away with my Pound of Love skein and I just got in the kit for the WomenHeart Scarf project, so...


Stashbuster Total: WTD -2 YTD +40


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I'm not crocheting much myself lately :blush but I gave away 5 skeins and one ball of yarn this week. Still teaching a group of young ladies to crochet.

WTD +11

YTD +40

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I :crocheting a few more shamrocks last night, didn't finish the ball of :yarn yet. I'm going to K-Mart then to Michaels with mom after lunch. I'll be good and only get the pins I need :yes. I'll post now in case I can't get back here tonight.

WTD: + 4 YTD: + 22

Ellie 13

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WTD: -2 YTD: +28


Posting now as I don't think I'll get any more stash busted before we head out in a couple hours for dinner and movie.

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I didn't get a chance to finish off any skeins or balls this week. DD had strep throat and was home and that kind of threw off everything in my schedule. Maybe the coming week will be better for crocheting. :hook


Happy Valentine's Day everybody. May your flowers be fragrant, your chocolates be sweet and your hugs be extra comforting! :valday


And if you don't really celebrate, like my hubby and me, here's from one felllow crocheter to another :hug


Go treat yourself to some soft, wonderful, adorable YARN! :devil


For week ending Feb. 12, 2011:

WTD: 0 / YTD: 0

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It's been a rough week for me. I had to put my cat to sleep yesterday, and I'm taking it pretty hard. He was diagnosed with kidney disease about a year and a half ago and was on a gradual decline until this past week. He'd been such fighter these past months, I wasn't expecting him to go down so fast, but the poor guy just didn't have the strength for one more rebound. He was such a sweet kitty, and didn't have a mean bone in his body- didn't hiss, growl, scratch, or bite at all. We had him for almost eighteen years along with his sister/littermate for fifteen. I know he's in a better place and like to think he and his sister have reunited and are playing a fun game of tag. :manyheart The house seems so empty without them.(Gratuitous kitty:cat photos added- Buster's the black tabby and Shadow's the gray. Can't tell from the pics, but Buster was nearly twice the size of his dainty sis.)



Anywho, I bought three skeins this week and used one, so I'm at:

WTD: -4; YTD: -116





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