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The end of an era...

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Well, so to speak. I've been a little on the quiet side lately (at least for me) because I've been debating something. After thinking long and hard I've decided to end the monthly tote (Turtles TLC) giveaway. Between me working now, the holidays coming, and starting school in January I just don't have the time for it. I will still try to make a tote here and there to giveaway, it just won't be monthly anymore. It breaks my heart to do it because I love giving presents and giving someone a little extra joy. :(



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Sue- It sounds like you are going to be a very busy gal!

Your thoughtfullness and generosity is so appreciated by all. Please keep in touch as much as allowed. I for one, love reading your posts and seeing your pics. GBU!


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Ah well, Life does have a way of cutting into our fun sometimes. You have a full plate, and everyone understands.

Perhaps when you are all done with school and the holidays are out of the way, you will find a little time.

Just make sure you don't forget to come in and say Hi.:hug

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:hug I'm not surprised knowing all you had going on and coming up. Of course we understand.


I was :think and wondering how you were going to :juggle it all! Better to only do it when you can than to stress yourself out trying to do one a month and getting to the point it's not fun or joyful any longer!


Your totes are wonderful! The one's who received them, love them! You have been very generous in sharing your talent with your patterns and the totes. So, :ty and :ghug

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Hey ya, not a problem, life happens, lol. I think once a month for as long as you did, is a wonderful testimony to your generosity, and talents, and although I was never lucky enough to win one, ha ha, I sure did admire them all so much. Once a month is a hec of a committement, (WINKS remembering that email) and crocheting something shouldn't feel like work, or a job, or a responsibility really, but fun, something you love doing! and finding time to do it, lol...Good luck in school, and work, and you better still check in, we'll miss your totes, but we'd miss YOU more!

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Thanks for all the support. I'm not stopping, just not once a month. We're in washback season (hatchlings that get washed back to the beach) so we're super busy at work.


:hug to you all.


Heather, going for vet tech.


Mary Jo, you are a super star! I have no idea how you do all you do. I'm not leaving the Ville, just have other projects to finish that have to trump the totes.



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You have given so much -- not just the overwhelmingly generous Tote Giveway -- but the comradarie you add to the site. I thoroughly enjoy seeing your totes, but I also enjoy reading your posts and seeing what else you come up with. So, even though you may stop the Monthly Giveaway, you are giving every time you sign in to this site. I don't post near as much as some, but there are a few here that I follow and you are one of those. A positive addition to my day -- So THANK YOU -- for all you do, all the time! From another Turtle Lover! :)

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Sue I hope you get a chance to come and say hi, I wasnt lucky enough to get one of your totes But you made some pretty ones. I really like reading your posts. But understand that other things come first sometimes.

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Sue, as we all know too well life happens and when something that is supposed to be fun becomes a burden its time to kick it back a notch. I had really been thinking that you must never sleep to get so much done. You have entertained us all and I am sure that those that have recieved your totes treasure them. I am so grateful for the hotpad you sent me and the time you spent on my friendshipghan. Congratulations on finding a job that you are passionate about and your continuing education. :hug:hug:hug:hug

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As one of the very lucky recipients of one of the TLC totes, I applaud you for knowing when you need to take a step back. Crocheting should never, ever become a chore and I know how much you love to make others happy with the sharing of your talents! The Friendship'ghan CAL that you started is testament to that. All the time you have devoted to that, with the address updates, making sure to email the lists whenever anyone wants is very time consuming.


I'm so happy for you that you have found a job you love and that you are returning to school to become a Vet Tech! School will take alot of your time, but will be so worth it in the end!! And we'll all be here cheering you on in your pursuit of your goals:cheer:cheer.


I love your posts, your giving spirit, and most of all your friendship!!!:hug:hug

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I'm so happy for you, that you have a job you like! And that you are going back to school!


I agree with what everyone said!


I know I still smile when I use my tote from you!!!


Take care of all of the littlee frineds you are making at your new job!!!!!


Lots of you hugs for you!!!!


Please stop in when you can!!

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Sue it is perfectly understandable! Your life is changing and you have time restrictions now....it happens to us all.

As a happy receiver of one of your bags (which I am still using) I want to tell you how special that bag made me feel! You are a very kind and giving person and I'm honored to call you my friend!

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It was exciting to hear you had found a job that you just loved. Now it's even more exciting to hear you are going back to school to study to be a vet tech. I could not think of a more fitting profession for you than that. After you become a vet tech when you get up in the morning to go to work, for you it will be going to take care of and play with your friends. It will not be a job but just playtime for you. While we have all enjoyed your monthly tote giveaways (especially me since I was one of the lucky recipients) we understand why they must come to an end at this time. We know you will be very busy for some time to come but hope you will not be to busy to stop in and visit with us. Your friendship and your postings are what we enjoy and cherish the most. Good Luck. Now go and become the best vet tech ever.

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No worries!!!! Life Happens sweetie:manyheart


It's good you are thinking about this before you go into "overwhelm" mode - and that's just not good for you.


I was wondering what time of year washback began.


And you will be a natural as a vet tech - how cool is that?

You will be caring for some lucky critters to have you as their tech!



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Sue, don't worry yourself over it. Everyone understands when real life steps in and demands our attention. We'll all look forward with great anticipation to the totes that you do get the chance to make for giveaways. I worried myself half sick over not being able to do the monthly shawls when I got hit with that massive wave of depression last spring. In fact, I was my own worst enemy, I'm convinced that I made it even worse by worrying about not being able to do the shawls. Everyone was SO nice and so supportive, don't worry about a thing. Best of luck in school and on the new job! It will make the totes you DO get the chance to make and give away that much more special. :hug

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:manyheartA time comes when you have to do for yourself. And this is that time. Taking care of critters is your calling and you are lucky enough to be in a job that suits you to a "T".

You are a great shopping buddy and a very special friend. I know our shopping sprees will be cut back too (which is a good thing since you are such a yarn enabler!!) Do what you need to do and we'll meet in the middle (port orange) when we can. :hug:hug

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Sue I treasure my tote you made for me. When life gets in the way you have to take a step back and do what you have to do. You are doing a job that you love and going to school to be a vet tech is very rewarding. You are a super person and your thoughtfulness is appreciated.

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You ladies are the greatest!!! :hug


:manyheartA time comes when you have to do for yourself. And this is that time. Taking care of critters is your calling and you are lucky enough to be in a job that suits you to a "T".

You are a great shopping buddy and a very special friend. I know our shopping sprees will be cut back too (which is a good thing since you are such a yarn enabler!!) Do what you need to do and we'll meet in the middle (port orange) when we can. :hug:hug


Wait, I never said cut back on our shopping! :lol:hug



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Sue, it's wonderful to hear you are going to school to be a Vet Tech, I'll bet you'll love it. I'm sure as all the other ladies have said we will all understand. I think what you ladies do making things each month to give away to us is great but it's a gift and you should not feel bad because you have to stop because life is getting a little crazy right now. What's more important is that you stick around and say hello as often as you can and keep us updated on how it's all going. You are a very special lady.

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