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Waltztime Doily


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Found a wonderful filet-piece with peacocks in the book "150 Favorite Crochet Designs" by Mary C. Waldrep (availiable on amazon).


Having a closer look, i got scared bout the many increases and decreases the pattern requires, so i did the "Waltztime Doily" one for practicing those.


Please let me know what you think. Hope now I'm brave enough to start with the peacocks! :whew


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This one is really beautiful! I like filet very much! It was a training for you and you did well, so definitely you should try peacocks too :clap That decreases and increases are not so difficult as it seems, don't worry!

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  • 2 weeks later...


You did a lovely job with your doily.


I am also very intrigued by the Peacock doily in the 150 Favorite Crochet Designs by Mary Carolyn Waldrep. I'm wanting to make it as well. I'm not as nervous about the additions and subtractions any more since going through the "Your Name & More" in Filet Crochet by Vivian Floy Smith and doing the Capital letter filet doily. I've done several of those for gifts now, and have discovered that the secret (at least for me anyway) for increasing and decreasing the edges and have them look good is primarily in blocking it . If you crochet tight, try to do the edges a little looser and then when blocking you can shape them to your heart's content!


I'm sure you could do the peacock one.....remember it's always just ONE row at a time and if you keep that in mind it doesn't seem so overwhelming. I'm committed to several projects before Christmas and January but sometime in February or March, I think I may start working on that one. If you are still interested, let me know if you want to work on it together. Maybe we can get a CAL going on it. I just love peacocks don't you? I just found out that baby peacocks are called peachicks! (cute huh!)


In the mean time, you did lovely work and I know you can do more and more....even a few peachicks or peacocks! :hug:clap

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  • 2 months later...

I made this pattern in Hunter green that I got at a discount store for $.50 a ball back a few years ago. It is a very nice pattern but was very difficult in the dark color because I had a hard time seeing the stitches. It looks very nice in white, you did an excellent job!

I made 2 of these for my husbands grandmother.


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Beautiful, beautiful work... Love your doily... If the peacock it the one I'm thinking of, I want to try that one also... I'm just learning to do filet and the increases, etc. scare me too... Is it the buffet filet scarf peacocks?... You did a lovely job on your doily. Thanks for sharing... GBU!:):)

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