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New Monthly Giveaway Ready To Start!!

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The night that I was surfing Google looking for free patterns but stumbled upon the link to Crochetville was, indeed, one of the luckiest nights of my life! Thanks to becoming a Crochetville member, I have met literally HUNDREDS of new people, many of whom I have come to call friends, and for a while now I have been trying to come up with a way to show my appreciation to everyone here for making crochet THE best hobby I have ever had, and for giving me a great place to hang out and have fun!


Each month, we all look forward to seeing Tampa Doll's latest post with her gorgeous tote bag creations. It's SO much fun to see her latest bag, and then wait with everyone on pins and needles, anticipating who the next "Bag Lady" will be. I was blessed last December with one of Tampa Doll's totes, and the feeling of being chosen to receive a gift like that, well, as any of the Bag Ladies will tell you, it leaves you walking on air! I would love to be able to, if not leave someone walking on air, at least bring a big smile to their face by giving them something that's not just pretty, but practical and useful, so I have decided that starting with the upcoming month of September, early during the first week of each month, I will be sending out a gift to someone chosen at random.


As far as what that gift will be, well, three years ago, for Christmas, I designed a shawl / stole and made ELEVEN of them in a week to be used as gifts! It started out to be ONE of them, and as I was making that one, the women here at the Inn were coming up to me as I was crocheting it and saying, "Y'know, if you haven't already bought my gift, I'd LOVE one of those!" So I spent the week leading up to Christmas crocheting my fingers to the bone so that everyone who wanted one of my shawls / stoles would have one. They are SO soft and cozy! I finally got around to making one for myself after New Year's that year, and I just adore mine! I hope that everyone that is chosen as the months go by loves theirs as much as I do, and I hope it brings them as many cozy, comfy winter nights as mine has me!


A bit about my shawls / stoles - the yarns used for these are the softest I can find. Sometimes I use chenille, sometimes I use baby yarn, it just depends on what yarns I'm able to get in the colors I need when I need them. As far as the colors go, I don't do anything wild, I use colors that can be worn with confidence, without worrying about someone whispering "What was she THINKING!?" as you walk by. The colors didn't show up all that well because I took the pic inside and the lighting was AWFUL, but it's early morning, I need to get to bed because I have to be in work at 3:00, and I didn't have anyone to model it for me so I had to make do. The colors range from a blue-ish purple to a magenta to a pink to white. It is made holding two strands together, one white Red Heart Soft Baby and one variegated fingering yarn, acrylic, from Paradise Yarns. Its new owner has not yet been chosen, but that will be decided and it will be in the mail by Wednesday, the third of September. Then it's on to crochet October's shawl / stole!


So, without further ado, below is the picture of September's shawl / stole, done in the colors of the Winecups, Wisteria, Pink Evening Primrose and Milfoil that grow wild along the roads down here in South Texas.



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What a sweetheart you are! The entire thing is beautiful - the shawl, the idea, you. I'm consistently amazed at the generosity here. I didn't know that such wonderful people existed especially on the internet. :hug You're a doll! I'm sure everyone will adore the shawls and the love that went into making them.

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This is just something that I've been wanting to do for the longest time, and when I received my Bag Lady tote last December that pretty much made my decision for me that I was going to do it. I just couldn't think of anything that I wouldn't mind making every month, that would go up quickly enough to not be a major undertaking, but that would be substantial enough to make it worthwhile to give! I finally decided on the shawl, because I can make one in a night if I really apply myself, but even if I just relax and do a little here and a little there it doesn't take longer than two nights, three at the outside. And shawls are so comfy to wear, quick to just throw on to run out to the mailbox or whatever, and warm and cuddly when you don't want a whole afghan or comforter draped over you while watching television. So the shawl finally won out! :)


I promise, also, that the post introducing the shawl each month won't rival "War and Peace" in length. The introductory post was as long as it was because I needed to explain what I was doing. When I finally finished the post, hit "Submit Reply" and saw it in print I was like "YIKES!! I said all THAT!!??" :lol


Anyway, I'm glad that it looks as though people are going to like the idea! That makes it so much more fun to do!

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what a great idea for you to pay it forward! i look forward to your monthy contributions - you will have a bunch of crazy ladies waiting for your monthly post and mailman delivery - just like tampadoll does!

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Wow now there is going to be a shawl lady group. :clap That is just great.

I love the idea and I am sure who receives it will be walking on air also.:c9

The shaw is beautiful. This is a wonderful jester you are making and I am sure we will all be on pins and needles to see who gets it.:hook

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Omgoodness................ how wonderful!

that shawl is beautiful and your heart is golden!


Whoever you pick... will be one lucky lady!!!!

I know all too well the feeling of being picked! I became a 'Bag Lady' last month and I'm still walking on air!!!






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Elle, What a great and thoughtful thing to do. I bless the day I found Crochetville. I love the people and everyone is just so kind and thoughtful. I know that I treasue my tote. Now we have to wait patiently to see who the lucky shawl lady will be. This is just so exciting.

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What a wonderful act of kindness and generosity, Elle -Bless your heart. :hug Your September shawl is so pretty and does indeed look very soft and cozy...It's neat, too, that you stitched in some of the beauty of South Texas' wild side. I look forward to seeing who the lucky recipient is for the very first ever Elle-shawl!



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Add me to the group giving you a big hug. I love the 'little bit of Texas' stitched into it.


But couldn't you have picked next week to mail it? Double the anticipation of watching who gets the tote and now who gets the shawl, at the same time, is going to give me a heart attack! :lol I'm just kidding, of course.


And I know from my volunteer work, that the doing and giving away glow lasts a really long time, and is probably even greater than the recipient glow.



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What a generous gesture of you to do this?! When a good deed is done, it truly spreads.. I try and tell my children to do one thing a day to help or be nice to someone whether it be to hold a door open or help someone struggling with bags out of a store. Not only does it make a person's day but in turn it makes you feel good. I try to practice this act myself when I can. A few years ago we anonymously donated a little here and there to a local girl with leukemia. We don't have a lot but we know that they truly appreciated everything she received. What you, Tampa Doll and all the others on this site are doing is truly special!!

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