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Yarn barf solution

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This is more of a funny than anything else. So today while I was winding up some yarn on my ball winder a HUGE yarn barf came out. :lol This was a Caron One Pounder. So anyway I was untangling the said yarn barf and it was being difficult,so I talked to it(yeah like YOU don't talk to your yarn! :P) I said in a very stern tone " I WILL cut you,I've done it before and I will do it again!" The yarn barf actually LISTENED and all of a sudden no more yarn barf it just untangled nicely and let me wind it. So this time I won don't mess with Sockmad when she is winding!!! :hook

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Good for you, getting that nasty yarn barf to behave. Mine know I'm fed up when I give them to my Mom to detangle while we watch TV. She doesn't like to knit anymore; but she sure can untangle...if the dogs stay off her lap.

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:rofloh man, I am laughing so hard.:roflI know what you mean, Yes I do talk to my yarn, but I usually I am mumbling, cause what I am saying in not nice.:rofl:rofl Thanks for the good laugh.

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:ty for the laughter. I'm :rofl. Its also good to know I am not the only one who talks to inanimate objects. I am also like Tampa Doll, I mumble sometimes because its not nice what I am saying.
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LOL I have yet to threaten my yarn barfs!...althooough, when hank comes to yank, I have been known to lash out (with my scissors), but only after some yardage of fair warning, usually escalating: *tsk*>*sigh*>*mumble*>*growl* (had no idea I was a growler until my DH made mention of it ; )


Too funny, though, Sockmad! I'm going to try a bit more patience next snag and use your powers of reasoning. It could wind up being the way to untangle such mangled up knots!

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I am usually fussing out my yarn. I have had to cut my yarn several times to unwind it. When I get yarn so tangled up I give it to my DH and he gladly untangles it for me while he watches TV. He says it's a great pass time while watching TV. :lol

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  • 3 months later...

I just found this post: :rofl:rofl:rofl.

Made me think of all the times I have threatened my yarn with:

"Don't make me get the scissors out!".



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:rofl!!!!!!! I LOVE that term! I have never heard it before and had also wondered if there were a better term for such a pain in the butt!!! Usually I just take a :tryme stance when yarn barfs happen, as my DH quietly sneaks out of the room ;)
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my dh thinks i am crazy because i will pick for hours at a barf in a $2 skein of rr to keep from cutting it. i hate knots. and yes i do talk to the yarn..thank goodness it has the good manners to never talk back or there would really be trouble!!!

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Love it yarn barf that is a new one on me but been there done that too. I love it when I am crocheting all sudden a thick wad of yarn comes up to your next stitch end up having to cut yarn to get rid of the fuzz ball. Thank you for sharing. Made my day.

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Yarn barf ~ that's very good!


Instead of yarn barf, I say my yarn skein is birthing ... something. Sometimes the birthing is quick and easy with a small, easy-to-deal-with clump. More often, it's birthing a demented looking smaller version of itself, as if a deformed clone has been hiding in there.


And I talk to my yarn too, of course. It will usually cooperate more with you if you tell it what you are making it into, and how nice it will be when finished. Inanimate objects need to be told what is expected of them because they don't know.

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