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crocheting something "as if"

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AS IF means to proceed with purpose...so, have you ever made something that you have no reason or purpose to make, and no use for and save it for if/when an occasion arises?. For instance, you have no babies to speak of in the family or friend circle, but you crochet something for a baby girl or boy "just because" you wanted to, and save it for a future gift for someone? I'm not talking about consignments or crocheting for the sole purpose of selling....just was there an item that totally struck an interest in you, that you had no reason to make whatsoever, but felt compelled to make it anyhow? If so, please tell me about it.

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I love making the scrubbie sets with a little matching basket or coaster sets with matching baskets just to keep in a stash for emergency gifts. I also do this with doilies when I'm not bogged down making things for everyone.

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I've done quite a few like that. Over the summer I made a granny square baby blanket because I needed something to do. I also made a baby bonnet this fall just because I wanted to try it. I decided to try a crinoline lady so I made one out of sport weight yarn - it'll probably end up on a blanket for some little girl or stiffened and put on some little girl's wall. Within the last couple weeks I saw a pattern for a little girl's cardigan and made it just to see how it would come out, and then yesterday I started a ripple baby blanket that is comming out absolutely beautifully because I needed something to do with the yarn. (it was part of a sampler from knitpicks and now I need to get three more balls of each color to finish it. ;) )

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Most of the time I'm crocheting/knitting without a "purpose". If I see a pattern or even yarn, I'll make something out of it just to see 1)if I can follow the pattern; 2)how the yarn looks, etc. Right now I am crocheting scarves like a mad woman, just because I like the pattern so much, it's so easy and most of the time I can finish it in one evening. But there are times when I crochet for a purpose:1)holidays coming up, gotta make something for the grandkids;2)friends having babies, gotta make that afghan!! :lol I think what I may also be saying, is I cannot let my hands sit "idle"!! :lol And right now, that is why my hands are killing me!! :eek:lol

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I crochet "without a purpose" about 90% of the time. I've got bags and bags of afghans, piles of dishcloths, etc., etc. Eventually they will all go to someone as a gift or a charity. Crocheting without a purpose can be lots of fun because there's no pressure to finish an item on a deadline.

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My weakness is christening outfits. I have about 4 different christening outfits waiting in my closet. Sometimes I will enter them in the county fair, but most of the time they wait until a baby needs it. They are so pretty and people are very grateful when you ask which one they would like!

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I have an afghan on the go now that I felt I just had to make - no rush just get it made -and there will be someone who needs it when it is done.


The great thing about crochet is that there is always someone who can use a yarn :hug

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About 99% of everything I crochet is crocheted "without a specific reason or purpose". I am a patternaholic and find things I want to make "just because" the item catches my eye. I have made baby blankets, baby sweaters, afghans, kitchen/bath items, purses, bags, & totes, holiday items, scarves and hats "just because". I then either collect the items until I get enough to send to a charity who needs them, give them away should the occassion arise that I need a gift, or just keep them because I really like the item. I like crocheting without a purpose, as there is no pressure to get the item done and it is lots of fun simply because I am doing something I "want" to do.

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so its okay to crochet something just because you want to?? Not becuase you have to have a need for it?? Oh, this makes me so happy!! so I can go ahead and make the shawler even though me or nobody i know would wear it?? :yay:yay

I argue with myself when i look at patterns becuase i want to make it or try it, but then don't have a use for it or a person to gift or sell it to....thats why i want to make some stuff and eventually have a table at a festival.

Remember that episode of seinfeld where Elaine's boyfriends had to be "sponge-worthy"?? Ever feel like a project has to be "yarn-worthy" ??

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99% of mine is done with no purpose in mind. I have completed projects in tubs. I have made afgans, hand warmers, slippers and hats. I like to work this way because I have no deadlines and I don't have to worry if it will fit. I tried makeing my great-granddaughter some mittens and slippers but they did not fit so then I feel it is a lost cause. So I will just stick to making what I want and when I want to make it, unless someone needs something made. I always have potholders and dishcloths on hand.

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Making something just because you want to, with no real rhyme or reason is a sign of your appreciation of beauty and a way to express your creative side.

I have a large tub I call my "just in case" tub, full of these kind of items and it never seems to get over filled, Occasions come up that are unexpected and I can always rely on my tub to fill that need. Also close friends and family often browse through it and find something they really like. Sometimes I tell them, gee I am sorry I promised that to someone, and then surprise them with it on Birthdays or Holidays. The look on their faces is priceless....

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I have done this. it started w/ the yarn choice, at jo ann's. this little voice went "buy that color", even though it wouldnt go w/ the others i was picking out for a specific project. It stayed around for MONTHS!


Suddenly a pattern presented itself and that voice again went "make this w/ that yarn you bought" (Yes, I do realize that having these voices talking to me does sound a bit odd/looney). So, I made the shawl, again w/ no idea who it was for, why it was being made, or when I'd give it away.


another few months went by after I finished it, and was having a gathering w/ friends. A friend was talking to me, and suddenly that voice went "give her the shawl". so i went to the car, got it and gave it to her. Unbeknown to me, at that time she was having a very difficult time in life, nearly losing her house, issues w/ her live-in boyfriend/fiance, health-wise, and thinking of suicide even.


It also seems to work in reverse. I think i need to make something for someone,like as a wedding present, and will be going along fine. Suddenly I will get this block where i can work on anything BUT that item. Then will find out the couple called off the wedding.


Sandy (who's finally starting to listen to those little voices) :)

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I'd say about 70% of my time is doing project that I know exactly who and what they are for and 30% is just part of the moment. Sometimes I just pick up a yarn and start crocheting and I won't realize what I making till I'm a 3rd of the way through it.. LOL



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99% of mine is done with no purpose in mind. I have completed projects in tubs. I have made afgans, hand warmers, slippers and hats. I like to work this way because I have no deadlines and I don't have to worry if it will fit. I tried makeing my great-granddaughter some mittens and slippers but they did not fit so then I feel it is a lost cause. So I will just stick to making what I want and when I want to make it, unless someone needs something made. I always have potholders and dishcloths on hand.


LOLOLI I have completed projects in tubs. You made me laugh! I read your post and thought......What is she doing crochting in a tub???:think:think I figured it out?!?!;):P;) Geez, Thanks for the chuckle!

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I did one baby afghan just because I wanted to do a certain stitch in a certain color combo. It didn't hang around long - my God daughter decided to have another baby and luckily, my afghan was boy colors!

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ALL of my crocheting is for a purpose. Sorry gals. BUT I dont have extra yarns around, and cant afford to buy because I like it, AND we dont have no fancy yarn shops in my town, or anytown close. So, my crocheting is usually for swaps, charity, or presents. I can HONESTLY say I have NO crochet items here with out home, I recently made a baby blanket for my GREAT nefew being born next month.

Geeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzz I dont like being in the minority here, or the ONLY one..........helppppppppppp :eek

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I like to think of this sort of being under the category of "There are no coincidences." Often, for no apparent reason or purpose, I'll come across a pattern that I just have to make, and then a reason will arise for my having made the pattern. For instance, I did an Aran afghan last year with no particular person to give it to, and then I found out that some friends of mine were getting married -- voila! Instant present! They just loved it.


I'm seriously thinking of perhaps making some baby outfits, too, for no particular reason, as it always seems like someone is getting pregnant!

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It's seems like these days I never get all the gifts completed that I would like to, time is always an issue, back when I could do projects just because I wanted to and even now I consider crochet my therapy.:)

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Awe, jobug don't feel bad. I don't have any fancy yarn shops near me either!! All I have is a walmart and that is a hour away.

Although I do have a very nice stash, due to freinds, garage sales or stuff that I bought on sale.

I usually have someone in mind when I make a project too. Although I do make things with no one in mind, then I can just give someone something.

Teapot:manyheart P.s. I hate deadlines too.

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Yeah. I've been on a baby crochet kick lately. I crochet at work when the phones are busy for stress relief. I have two premie blanket-hat-bootie sets done and am working on a third. They're all girly and the only baby I know is a boy.

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