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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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Well, I just recieved an order from JoAnn...6 skeins of yarn! :eek I haven't had much tome this week to get any yarn used up either! :(

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Hey Diane ~ We may be competing for the Shoot the Moon award. I am waiting for my yarn order to arrive from my fav on line yarn store. And to be truthful, I cannot remember how much I bought. I think it was pounders. YIKES!!!!


As long as it gets me off the hook. :devil

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Okay, Another week has passed. How can that be?! :eek


2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: +4 / YTD: +20


Only one ball (+1) of orange went to the charity afghan this week. I think I will finish off the Caron black pounder in a few days, but then I have to go get another one:goodorbad Can't be without black can we? Anyway, since it's the main "color", it is necessary. I didn't get a JoAnn's flyer in the paper this past Sunday, so I don't know what's on sale. I will have to see if there's one in this coming Sunday's paper. I will NOT pay full price!


I also crocheted out two of the cotton balls purchased from Scrap back in October (#4884). One (+1) was really heavy duty and would never be considered for a dish cloth, so when I finished it off I called it a hot pad.


The next (+1) was a pink, off white, blue multi - can't find it on the net for the maker or name - possibily a discontinued Sugar 'n Cream. Started a 1.5' x 1.5' towel to cover my huge bread bowl. Only got about a foot, so I will have to buy more of that sometime. It will just have to be a UFO for now.


And finally, I grabbed a small ball (+1) of golden orange/yellow and made five yo-yos.




2009 Stashbusting CAL: WTD: +4/YTD: +20

Dishcloth Tuesdays ~ 2009 CAL

Yo Yo’s for Charity

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I'm putting in my totals now, before I forget...


No change this week, seeing as that shipment from Herrschners hasn't arrived yet...:devil


So, my totals for the week are:


Stashbuster Total: WTD +0 YTD +75

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well. I think I am going to be the big loser for this week!!!LOL:lol

I did manage to use up a skein last night, but, I have another 12 skeins coming from Herrschners. should be here today!!!!LOL:D

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Have a note at the post office (I have a PO Box) to please come in and pick up my package - it is too big to put in the keyed boxes. Now, is it all the spices I ordered or is it all the yarn I ordered?? Have to wait til tomorrow morning when they open to find out. This is just like Christmas!!


UPDATE - Can't be my yarn. Just checked my order status and it is set to ship on 12/8 due to a back order. 6 Caron one-pounders. Must be my spices from Penzeys. Which is still good!!!

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Tried so hard to bust thru another skein last night, but just couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.:night One skein scarves done in Homespun and in sc takes longer than I thought!! I was able to use up 2 balls of thread on my table runner and 1 ball for something else. :clap Not too bad. Next week will be the killer score.:reyes

WTD = +5

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I used up two more points of yarn, but then I bought two skeins so now, My score is:



WTD=0. A big fat zero!



Will I ever learn?

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I'm so happy with my score this week:

+11 WTD!

I have been working on a (pretty ugly) christmas stocking to use in the kindergarden I work at. I'm going to put different christmas items in it, and each represent a song. So it doesn't matter if it's quite ugly (with many different colours, hehe), I guess the kids will like it either way. Plus: it's fun to make! I love that I can finally use those small balls of yarn. :)


Oh, and my ytd:

+44 YTD (My highest number so far! I must stay strong, and not buy any yarn before Christmas.... But we'll see about that. ;))

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