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Has this ever happened to you?

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I went to the fair grounds last night to pick up my ribbon. They handed me my stuff and I started to walk away. Then I noticed a note attached to the ribbon, which said someone was interested in my afghan. I ask one of the workers what this meant, as this was my first fair entry. She said that this person wanted me to contact her, probably to ask about the pattern or stitch I used. So I called the lady and she said that I did a wonderful job on my afghan and wanted to know if it was for sale! I was stunned! I said yes, she asked how much, I told her, she bought it! The afghan was going to be donated to charity, but I thought with the money I could buy more yarn and make another one or two for charity.

Here's a pic of the afghan.

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Ah, this always happened to my mother and she would have to say no because the pieces were earmarked as gifts. She would give the ribbons with the pieces and the recipients always got a kick out of that.




You may have just started a new phase in your life, that of professional afghan making!


Would you be willing to mention what you charged for your work? I never know what to charge.

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I had that happen to me twice (the note on the piece) - many many years ago when I entered cross stitch pieces in fairs. One wanted to know the pattern. The other was a note from the head judge telling me what wonderful work I did on the piece - it won a First Place Ribbon. The next month I entered the same piece in a very small community show and it happend the judge was the same person. She recognized my piece and wanted to talk with me about it. Evidently, the Best of Show for the fair came down to my piece and a sampler. At fairs, the sampler will always win out is what I was told. She said the judges could not find an error or misplaced stitch on either piece. I was thrilled!


My goal was to always have someone want to buy a piece - like what happened to you. I haven't made that goal yet in entering pieces in fairs or other shows. That is a great accomplishment to have someone think enough of your work to want to purchase it - you should be extremely proud!


Keep up the good work!

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Thanks to all for the congrats! I am far from a professional.


This is my first entry. So as far as purchasing items entered, I didn’t even know you could do such a thing.


I have already starting thinking about what I want to enter next year! I think I’m hooked!

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I'd never even thought about entering pieces til i saw people on here mention it, i'm plannig my entry for next year already.

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I sent 3 things to a contest where there was a line on the application that siad if you were willing to sell the item, they would sell it. I got an honorable mention on one and a check for 25 dollars (50% of selling price)for another. 2things came back.

Ellie 13

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Cool! Congratulations on the win, and the sale.


It's never happened to me, but I think it's wonderful that someone offered to buy your work. It must have really caught their eye. I don't know if I would have the nerve to pin a note on an afghan like she did.


And I like the logic behind selling it. Buy more yarn and make one or two for charity. Great idea.



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Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments.



I don't know if I would have the nerve to pin a note on an afghan like she did.


I don't know how often this happens, but the note was actually a 3x4 preprinted form. It said at the top, "Interested in any of the entries?", then had a line for my name and description of my item, then a line for this person's name and phone number. And when I asked one of the workers about the note, she explained to me what it could be regarding. So, from her knowing about the form, I guessing they were printed there at the fair. I looked over all the paperwork again that I filled out, and went on line, and I didn't see anywhere that mentioned that someone may be interested in buying your items.

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Congratulations! Your afghan is (was?) lovely!! And you might want to update your journal to tell your readers about your ribbon and the sale. (You should be proud.)


Thanks. I took pics with a new camera for my journal, but I'm having trouble down loading them. My DH is going to help me over the weekend, so hopefully by Monday it will be on my journal.

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