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OK, how bad does it have to be to make you FROG?

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I was wondering what others do? How off the pattern do you have to be to frog? If I am doing a filet pattern, I will frog no matter how far back I have to go. If I am doing other patterns, I will frog if I catch it on the next row, but if it is down in the pattern and I haven't caught it on the next row, or if it is hard to see, I leave it........HOW about you......

When do you FROG:yay

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Depends on what I'm making. The week before Christmas I frogged half a queen-sized afghan back because it was just too awfully off stitch count in the center and I couldn't mask it. I've frogged a few squares recently because they just weren't right and I couldn't stomach saying "oh no one will notice" but there have been times I've noticed something a few rows back and thought "eh, that's just my mark, proof it was handmade". Also depends on who it's for


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if the error is going to throw off the pattern, as in a wearable, or if it's a very 'motif intensive' pattern, like a doily, i'll frog it back. if it's something i can mask or that won't be too noticeable, i leave it:blush

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I frog everything unless it's for me, and if it's a wearable, I will frog it even if it IS for me because it will be out where the public can see it. The way I look at it is if I noticed it, then someone else can, too, so I'd rather take the time to frog it and redo it than let it go and take the chance of someone else seeing it and wondering why the person who made it would let it go with something wrong with it.



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I just heard someone say "If you can't see it from a galloping horse, it's good enough for me!" and I just about died laughing! :rofl


Seriously, if you can't see it without actually LOOKING for the mistake, AND it won't mess up the next round/row (i.e. - I can't fudge the next row to make up for it) I just leave it.

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It depends on what is wrong with it, and how noticable it is and if it affects the finished item. I have left things in if it does not affect the overall look or pattern repeat. But most of the time I will frog. My bf has laughed at me so many times because he hears me grrrrring and ripping it out.

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I :frog.

I am such a profectionist, that if I find a mistake, no matter how far back, I rippit. I have frogged an entire baby blanket back to the beginning chain because I found an error of stitch counting when doing the border.

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Usually I frog when I see the mistake on the next row (isn't it "wonderful"?) At the beginning of my crochet career, I rarely frog as I would say, "Nobody will notice." But the further I get, the more anal I become (is "anal" a censored word?) So now if I find a mistake, I will frog the whole row...and cry.


Frogging is very energy draining but the end trumps the means so it's worth it!

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i frog every mistake... drives my mother crazy because i frog her stuff too when she leaves it out... i saw a doll dress she was making and had half of it frogged before she caught me...she was not a happy camper..

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Hmm, when do I frog?


I frog when the pattern isn't coming out the way I want, even if the stitch count is correct. For instance, the Relaxed Cardi in last December's Crochet Today! magazine. I made it using the wrong weight yarn and it looked awful, even though it was technically correct. So, a-frogging I went.


As for minor errors, like a skipped stitch, or something like that, I usually don't frog for that, unless it's in the same row OR it will mess up an obvious pattern, like a lacy pattern, or something. I'll just add another stitch in about the same spot in the next row and call it good. That's why I crochet, and do not do a lot of knitting.


I'm making a simple lace shawl, knitted, for my mom for mother's day, and every time I make a mistake, I have to pull out my work, b/c it's really hard to fix some mistakes. I can pull up a dropped stitch, as long as it's not in the lace pattern, but if it is, oh well, too bad, so sad - I have to undo an hours worth of work.


Now, if the pattern is totally mis-shapen, and I don't notice until the end, I have to make a judgment call. I made a baby blanket on the diagonal once (one of my first projects, actually), and by the time I got to the end, I realized my stitch count was off at the start. There was no WAY I was frogging two weeks worth of work, so I "fixed" it with the border and figured, "hey, it's a baby blanket, it's gonna get stretched out anyway!". It looked mostly square, until you folded it, so it was okay. Just not perfect.


So, I guess that's my standard - as long as it looks okay, even if it's not perfect, no frogging. As soon as the mistake makes something look *****, I'll undo the work.

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i frog every mistake... drives my mother crazy because i frog her stuff too when she leaves it out... i saw a doll dress she was making and had half of it frogged before she caught me...she was not a happy camper..




My Grandmother would've beat me with her cane if I EVER did that!!!!!!!


(You know I'm kidding about the cane part) but ... I don't touch other peoples work. Period.

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Usually depends on what I'm making and who it is for. Typically if it is not noticable or I can somehow fix it in the next row, I won't frog it.

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If theres a mistake in a doily and/or wearable, it gets frogged. My Grandma who taught me to crochet had included in her lesson.


Now if it's really unnoticeable and won't hurt on like an afgan well... I have left those in.

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It totally depends on what it is I'm making & how bad the error nags at me ;) I'm not afraid to frog :lol


There's nothing wrong with a small error.The Amish always have a mistake in every quilt they make. They call it a humility block http://www.quilt.com/History/HumilityBlockHistory.html

I actually love the idea of it :)

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I will frog:frog right back to the beginning if there is a mistake there! It just drives be CRAZY:loco to know that it isn't "right", I figure if I can see it, everyone can! And I don't believe in that old "leave atleast one mistake in everything you make for good luck" thing:think !

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I guess I'm a perfectionist because if I know there's a mistake and I didn't catch it early, I'll frog the whole thing if that's where the mistake was. No matter how much I've gotten done or how big the project is. It would drive me nuts knowing there was a mistake and I didn't correct it.


Alisha, I love that humility block information. I never knew that, makes me rethink my mistakes now. I'll call them humility mistakes.

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