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Recent Spate of Troublemakers

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Everyone, I apologize for the recent spate of troublemakers who have made it through and are creating havoc in various threads around here. Luckily, they've mainly been interacting with each other.


I've done the first ever mass banning of troublemakers in the history of Crochetville. I'm probably also going to have to follow this up with some mass deleting of their posts once I can be sure they are gone and not causing any further problems.


I am advising those who have been banned NOT to register any new accounts, and do not encourage any of your friends to register new accounts to cause problems for us either.


This behavior is NOT tolerated here at Crochetville. Our forum software does log IP addresses, and if I have to, I will contact the abuse departments of the ISPs of each and every person involved if you do not decide on your own accord to go away and leave us alone. With your IP address and the time stamp associated with each post, your ISP will easily be able to figure out who you are. This type of behavior is a terms of service violation for every reputable ISP out there.

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As usual I totally missed what has gone on :think I have no clue why people do stuff like this it is so immature & completely beyond my comprehension :no I mod at a chihuahua board & I swear it brings out the weirdos :think I will continue to :think as to why people cannot find something more usual to do with their time :no Maybe try some charity work instead of causing others problems !!

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Thank you Amy for making sure Crochetville stays a friendly family environment. Crochetville is for people who love to crochet and make friends. I am totally addicted to this forum . I have learned so much. It would be very sad if things changed. Thanks again.

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Thank you Amy for all your hard work. I read a few of these recent posts and kept thinking, "are they for real?", and since I was doubting myself I didn't want to cause trouble and report them in case they were serious about joining the group.

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I belong to another message board that has a couple of ladies that frequently force their opposing views, and I do mean force, as in they are right and everyone else is wrong. It can get quite nasty, to the point that people are leaving that board in favor of direct emails to each other. It only takes a few to ruin it for everyone else. I appreciate your efforts to keep this board a happy and positive place. :clap

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I did see that in crochet help and wondered what was happening. good work Amy. I am sorry you have to deal with this stuff.


We nice guys cause you enough havoc without those with vile intentions :wlol:rofl

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Now that things have calmed down a bit, I want to let everyone know more about what was going on. We got a large group of people who were posting in the Introduce Yourself folder with lots of strange, unusual messages. Nothing technically wrong with most individual posts, but when all taken together, they were designed to be disruptive to the atmosphere of this forum.


This had absolutely nothing to do with regular members. I'm not sure where these people came from, but it was obviously a concentrated effort from somewhere to disrupt our lovely group.


They have all been banned, and hopefully they will not return. I have IP addresses and time stamps of all their posts, and most actually were logged in with IP addresses that can be traced back to a paid-for service provider. If this was a group of youth, I can't imagine their parents would be very pleased to find their home internet accounts taken down because of their childrens' actions. And if these are adults, I can't imagine why grown people would need to behave in such an immature way.


At any rate, for now they seem to have stopped registering new accounts. But to protect the forum, since I have to be away from the computer later today, before I leave, I will be disabling the ability of any new members to register. I'll open the forum back up for registrations sometime later.


Just wanted to reiterate to everyone that this had absolutely nothing to do with any regular member at all.

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Well, now I know why I missed all the "hurrah". I rarely, if ever, read the introductions. In fact, I don't think I ever introduced myself. hehe. I just tend to watch a little while and then jump in with both feet in my mouth >grin<


Glad it wasn't anything worse.

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thank you amy. why people seem to feel the need to try and create problems for others is beyond me. what they didn't know is we have our very own amy who will track them down like the dirty dogs they are and ban them forever more:lol :lol :lol great job sweetie and again thank you. i was wondering about some of those myself. thought it odd but then some people are:yes :yes i think we all owe amy a great big:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap

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I did see something earlier in crochet help or somewhere that didn't look right but I didn't even *go there*.


Yes, thank you, Amy for doing a thankless job! :hug If it weren't for our moderators Crochetville would be overtaken by these type of people.... :(



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