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2013 Stashbusting CAL


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I learned a lesson this week--always label a crocheted gift! We gave a marcelle afghan as a wedding gift to an old friend of DH. He married for the first time at 70, so obviously didn't need regular household stuff. I included a yarn label, so they would have washing instructions. We just got a thank you for the beautiful tablecloth! It was worsted weight yarn and never occurred to me that they would think it was anything but an afghan. I guess the problem might be that it is round?


I hope to get some crocheting done today, but I'm starting a new skein, so I might was well go ahead and post my score....


WTD 0 / YTD -146

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I will post scores tomorrow between Noon and 2pm EST  if that is okay with everyone. 


I did get some crochet time in this week.  It seems that during the summer month's crochet time slows way down for me.  Does it for anyone else?


My scores are:


WTD: +5  YTD: +73 (6/29/13)


Have a great weekend!

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When I discovered Crochetville was down last week, I never got a chance to return to post and this week I haven't picked up a hook.  We've been feeding more than 100 kids every day for Vacation Bible School.  This weekend, I'm avoiding kitchen duty, if I can.


For weeks ending June 29, 2013:


WTD:  +1  /  YTD:  -134

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Ellie 13 I think if my cat or dog stole some of my yarn and kept it, I would count it as used.  I haven't had a pet in over 20 years and don't really remember by cat stealing my yarn.  But there was one time after I had him for about a year maybe two years when my husband (my ex-husband now) went camping.  A day or two after we left a friend came to our house to check on the cat's food and water.  I had used larger dishes for both so no one would have to check daily.  Plus I had a step stool/chair in the kitchen that I put by the back door and arranged the curtain so the cat could sit in the chair and look out.  So I thought I had done everything to keep him happy while we were away.  Wrong!!  When the friend came in the house she found the afghan from the living room (I kept it spread out on the back of the loveseat.) in the kitchen.  My husband and I came home a day early from our camping trip as we had a lot of rain and I found the afghan in the room next to the kitchen. He knew how to tell me he was not happy to be left home alone.  It was an afghan my Mom had made for me and she had passed away the year before so it was very precious to me.


homesteadingwife Whatever time is good for you to post scores that will be fine.  Sundays can be a busy day for all of us.  Between attending church, working, or family activities Sundays can be a full day,


greyhoundgrandma That is so funny about the wedding present.  But I guess that is a lesson we all should learn, to label our gifts so there is no mistake what they are.  Although when I got married the first time in 1972  I received a crocheted centerpiece for the table and it was made of acrylic yarn.  It was like a big doily but instead of making it in thread it was yarn.


crsheridan  I don't see a problem with you posting several weeks scores at one time.  Sometimes there are other things that we really need to take care of and some things we just have to put aside.


Now I will post my scores for the week ending June 29, 2013:



WTD: 0  YTD: -4

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WTD +3  YTD +5


So glad I'm staying in the YTD postive side.  I never thought that would ever happen when I started this CAL. :lol  :lol   I'm finally working on one of the doll kits I bought to donate for Christmas.  I hope to see that yarn gone soon!!!

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not bad this week I have been working on 2 shawls...did find some pretty ruffle scarf yarn that I just could not walk away from.  didn't realize my purchases and used up stash cancel each other out.  COOL!!


3 skeins sashay and starbella -6

3 skeins used in two shawls... +6


WTD: 0  YTD: -28

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Well, sadly, my totals aren't as stellar this week.  I found a bargain that I couldn't pass up for one of my favorite yarns, so...


Stashbuster Total: WTD -32 YTD +18


:devil  :devil  :devil

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Well for the weekending June 29,2013




and that is because I ordered 8 skeins of yarn to celebrate my progress in school for the spring semester.

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Here is this week's scores.  I hope I didn't leave anyone out.  If I did, just give a shout.



Braxxi  +24



CShort  +12



homesteadingwife +5



Using up Yarn


Shining_Star  +3

Bailey4  +3

Addicted To Patterns +2

BigPinkPolkaDot  +1

Ellie13  +1

Vikinggirl  +1



Holding Steady!




crabby rat







Adding to Stash!


crsherida  -6

fc1123  -16


And the Shoot the Moon Winner!!


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June's Year to Date Scores



Gold:   Ellie  +82

Silver:  Deanna6812                  +79

Bronze:   Homesteadingwife   +73


Using Up Yarn:

Crabby rat  +65

Cshort        +56

PBLKNP   +18

PineKnott  +13

PrettyWoman030981  +8

Bailey4  +5


Playing with New Yarn

Braxxi                          -436

Addicted2patterns       -206

greyhoundgrandma      -146

BigPinkPolkaDot         -134

csheridan                    -109

mva5493                      -28

VikingRunnerGirl          -28

fc1123                          -16

tnkycrochetnut              -4




Shoot the Moon

Shining_Star  -655

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Ok, you can officially declare me hopeless! Sale yarn gets me every time. Wal-Mart had a bunch of yarn marked down. I resisted everything except the cotton cones for $5. 4 billowing blues and 2 yellows put me at......-12.

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Ok, you can officially declare me hopeless! Sale yarn gets me every time. Wal-Mart had a bunch of yarn marked down. I resisted everything except the cotton cones for $5. 4 billowing blues and 2 yellows put me at......-12.

Skein 2 of the marcelle afghan used up....-10.

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