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2013 Stashbusting CAL


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Yahoo!!!! Crochetville is back up. :woo:yay


I was so disappointed yesterday when I discovered Crochetville was down.  No way!!! My very favorite place on the web is down.  Oh I had horrible withdraw symtoms.  Then my brain said, "What are you worried about?  Your score is what its been for awhile."


My score for the week ending 6/22/2013 is:



WTD: 0


I have made 2 chemo caps using Caron's Simply Soft in Dark Country Blue and Light Country Blue.  There is enough yarn left in both skeins to make several more caps before I can say I have used up yarn.  Oh well.  I will just keep my hook a flying.  Everyone have a good week.  Also we will need to post our YTD scores next Saturaday June 29th.

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I am -12 for the week. Minus twelve, I say! And I'm proud of it. Stupid shin injury; that'll teach you to make me break my running streak! :P  :rant


  • WTD: -12

:yarn  :yarn  :yarn  Although I think I now have my rainbow-ghan planned out to the finish! (I was out of scrap yarn to be able to finish, so I HAD to order more, right? Yes, yes I did...)

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Gosh, I figured I was out of luck as far as posting this week, not that my score makes a difference... I didn't get a single stitch in this week!  :(  I think I'm going through withdrawals, too - it's been so busy here, and now we're in the middle of a heat wave to boot.  :sun  Anyway, here's my score -


WTD 0 / YTD +65 week ending 6/22/2013


I hope you all had a great weekend!!  :hug

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Sorry I am very late in posting this!  I was gone all weekend and forgot totally about this!


So without further adu...




Shining_star +20


cshort +16



Using up Yarn

Braxxi +8

Addicted To Patterns +8

Just-in +1


Holding Steady!


crabby rat




Adding to Stash!


mva5943 -2

Bailey4 -3

Vikingrunnergirl -12


And the Shoot the Moon Winner!!

homesteadingwife -26

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Thanks for posting the scores FrLopLady.  Since Crochetville was down most of Saturday it would have been hard to post them early Sunday as a lot of us were just posting our weekly scores.  I am sorry you were posting scores in the wee early hours of the morning or the late night hours.  However you look at it.  Hope you managed to get a good night's sleep.

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Thanks for posting the scores FrLopLady.  Since Crochetville was down most of Saturday it would have been hard to post them early Sunday as a lot of us were just posting our weekly scores.  I am sorry you were posting scores in the wee early hours of the morning or the late night hours.  However you look at it.  Hope you managed to get a good night's sleep.

I was gone all weekend and didn't think of it until late Sunday night.. I didn't even know the 'ville had been down until I saw it on here.  So it worked!

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Reminder:  This Saturday will be the last Saturday of the month.  We will need to post our YTD scores as well as our WTD scores.  I am not sure why but I have a feeling we are going to have some interesting scores.  So everyone let those hooks fly.

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Another week of almost no crocheting.  I did get a few stitches in this afternoon, but not enough to count.  I really need to pull out all the stops - I'm working on a blanket that was supposed to be a wedding gift; but the wedding was two weeks ago now!  Anyway - I know I won't have any time tomorrow to get any yarn used up so I'm posting my score now...


WTD 0 / YTD +65 week ending 6/29/13


Have a great weekend, everyone!!



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No crocheting this week. I will be getting back to it, though. I have several projects I have to get a move on!! An afghan and a sweater have to be done in September and I have a baby blanket to get started on for a cousin!


But I will be super busy this weekend with hubby's 20th high school reunion, so my scores for the week and month are:


WTD: 0 / YTD: +8

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I haven't been posting for the last 3 or 4 weeks.  I have been out of town and haven't been able to get online much.  I have been keeping up with my yarn income and outgo though.  I hope it's not a problem for me to report it all in one week.


WTD:  -6

YTD:  -109

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I had 1 point last week, but the site was down :angry so I couldn't post. I did a lot of :crocheting this week. I started with two 7 oz. skeins and one slightly used skein 4 oz. (+/-), so not enough :yarn used to count. I'll add last weeks +1 though :cheer.

WTD: + 1   YTD: + 82

Ellie 13

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