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Opinions on PDF Patterns

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How do you feel about them? I have noticed more and more new patterns are only being put out as a you pay and download the PDF file from email. I don't like it. I see many I would want but refuse to pay a good price in my opinion for a copy of a pattern. I am wondering if it bothers anyone else or is it just me? I know you save on postage but still....

I can understand individual people doing this to sell their patterns but I'm talking about places like Annie's Attic.

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It totally depends on the pattern...I don't mind paying for a PDF pattern if it's something I feel I HAVE TO HAVE...I don't mind getting a PDF from Annie's or EPattern or some an independent designer...it really depends on what the pattern is.


I don't see the PDF as a bad thing at all. On EPattern...some of the patterns have come out of books that have been sold through Annie's Attic...and I have some of those books and some of the books I had wanted to buy or thought I wanted to buy but there was only one, maybe two patterns that I liked...I personally thought it was genius of EPattern/Annie to figure out that once they've sold their books, they could sell the patterns individually via PDF. Doesn't cost as much for me and I get only the patterns that I want.

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So far I've only bought 2 pdf patterns. Both were things I really wanted to have ASAP, so getting the pdf and printing them myself was great.


On days like yesterday when my printer is in a bad mood, I might not be so happy.

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I prefer the PDF patterns as I can download them and save a copy of them. That way if I lose it, I can go back and print it again. And I don't have to pay shipping and handling and wait for them in the mail.

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Well Acrobat Abode is free to everyone on just about any type of device (even my Droid cell phone supports PDF after I downloaded a App). However, my netbook does not support Word (although I could probably find a viewer download) so that wouldn't work for me. And someone on a MAC may not be able to view Word very well (not sure). I don't have Publisher at work, home or on my cell--again a viewer might be available to download, not sure. And almost no one uses WordPerfect anymore and even some documents on my work computer don't convert easily to Word. So outdated software is a problem. I just checked, a 2006 PDF document opened fine today.


So PDF documents are the easiest way to get document to the public.

Plus they're less copywrite infringement involved with these, harder to change.

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I prefer the PDF version. I can download and store on a flash drive so I'm not cluttering up the house with books or pamphlets. I can label as I like so I can easily find it later. Also, I get exactly the pattern I want for $3 - 5 instead of paying $20-30 + shipping for a book that only has one or two patterns I actually want.

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I have bought several PDF patterns online and in general I like the convenience. What I don't like is the one from Annies Attic that is password protected. If ever, one has a "senior moment" , I'm not sure how it could be accessed. I won't be buying that type in the future if I know ahead of time. Generally, I like mine the old fashioned way - book in hand to refer to.

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Personally, I would rather have a print copy. Once I have used a pattern, I can resell my used book or magazine and recoup some of my costs. With a PDF, there is no way to get any of my money back and I may only use the pattern once. Plus I like the feel of flipping through a book.


That said I understand why designers use PDF's to sell there patterns because printing costs are astronomical for someone only printing a few hundred copies.

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Look at it this way: PDF's save a lot on paper and pollution. You can download it anywhere in the world, less danger of not having something arrive through the mail after you've paid a small fortune, less clutter, etc.:yarn

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How do you feel about them? I have noticed more and more new patterns are only being put out as a you pay and download the PDF file from email. I don't like it. I see many I would want but refuse to pay a good price in my opinion for a copy of a pattern. I am wondering if it bothers anyone else or is it just me? I know you save on postage but still....

I can understand individual people doing this to sell their patterns but I'm talking about places like Annie's Attic.


I saw a pattern book that I really wanted in the Annie's Attic catalog that was download only but it was around 125 pages! To print it out would probably cost as much as shipping. Also the cost of the patterns that are download (PDF) only do not seem to cost any less than the printed patterns.


Personally, I would rather have a print copy. Once I have used a pattern, I can resell my used book or magazine and recoup some of my costs. With a PDF, there is no way to get any of my money back and I may only use the pattern once. Plus I like the feel of flipping through a book.


I like to flip through a book also. It's kind of hard to look at patterns on the computer when you're in laying down (don't have a lap top). Books are a lot more portable. And I also like to be able to sell the pattern books when I no longer want them.

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I have purchased a pattern that was professionally done on a cd and mailed to me. I really like this approach. Not only do I have a hard copy in case I ruin what I print, but I was able to print out the pages as I was doing the pattern. The pattern is over 17 pages long.


With our new technology, many are switching over to pdf files, but I really liked receiving the pattern on the cd. I wish more places consider offering this as an option to buyers.

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Coming from a crochet designer who sells PDF patterns online, I have found that the majority of customers want their patterns right away. They just don't want to wait. This is how they can get instant gratification. LOL. I sell PDF pattern versus WORD, because it takes more work for someone to copy the pattern for illegal reasons. If someone contacted me and wanted the pattern mailed to them, I would have no problem doing that. There would be an small charge for printing and postage, of course.

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I have purchased a pattern that was professionally done on a cd and mailed to me. I really like this approach. Not only do I have a hard copy in case I ruin what I print, but I was able to print out the pages as I was doing the pattern. The pattern is over 17 pages long.


With our new technology, many are switching over to pdf files, but I really liked receiving the pattern on the cd. I wish more places consider offering this as an option to buyers.

Couldn't you just save to a CD any that you bought? Unless they're protected in some way where you copy.

I've saved to a flash stick, large memory card (accidentally bought but came in useful when I needed it), and my cell phone's micro card. I save patterns at work (better internet service) and put them on a flash stick and then on my netbook at home. You could even save them to flash sticks and not remove them if you wanted, they're pretty inexpensive now and save more then a bunch of CD's. I took mine off the flash stick because I had to reuse it, but they can work as a storage device.

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I have many pdf patterns. It comes in handy when I am in a craft store and need information from a pattern, I can just look on my phone and get it. There are many times I take a favorite pattern from a book and put it on my computer in pdf (yes I do keep my original pattern when I do this). I don't even print them out, but work directly from my laptop, then I can type notes about the pattern and save them with the pattern on my computer. This way I don't have to worry about anything getting lost and I know exactly where to go when I need a pattern. I can access my pattern library from any computer in the house. All my patterns are backed up in case of a computer crash.

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I like PDF patterns too. Several times I have bought a PDF pattern because I wanted to start on it right away. I have too many of those $20 books that I have only made one thing from too. I also agree the password protect is annoying and useless. If someone is going to be a criminal and pass out or resell the pattern then it would be simple to also tell the silly password! But I am thankful for the PDF patterns. -- saves time, postage, space and is convenient.

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I rarely buy patterns, but when I do, I don't mind getting PDF because I have an eReader (Sony Reader Touch) and the PDF files can be uploaded to my Reader, so I don't have to print anything, and the pattern is very portable and easy to read.

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What a great thread this is. The responses made me really think about what my feelings are on the PDF subject.


I guess I am old fashioned enough that primarily I want my patterns in the format of a booklet, magazine or book. I have found that over the years my choice of projects change so it's nice to go back and look through my purchased books etc. and use a pattern for an item I NEVER would have made five years ago. Also, I love sitting down in my favorite easy chair with a cup of tea and just cruise through a pile of magazines or booklets, drooling over patterns and taking notice of the designers' names that go with them. I have purchased a few patterns in a PDF format and was mostly satisfied with the product. But, to me crocheting isn't just about MAKING things. Reading through books, looking at the photos and learning about fiber and techniques is an entertainment that smooths out my day and almost ALWAYS puts me in a mellow mood. I find that being on the computer too long, staring at the monitor and flipping from one thing to another is less than relaxing (for me). I like to really read through patterns and descriptions and info on the designers in a leisurely fashion.


Maybe this is because I grew up in a "book" family and have always been a "book" person.


Sooooo, I guess my opinion is that PDF's definitely have a place in our fast paced society and I surely can see their attraction. But no matter what your preference, it's nice to know that we are keeping crocheting alive and well even into the techno-age.

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But, to me crocheting isn't just about MAKING things. Reading through books, looking at the photos and learning about fiber and techniques is an entertainment


I feel the same way, having a book/magazine in my hand is a special pleasure.

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I love the feel of a book/magazine in my hand. and they're easier to read. BUT one reason I bought my Touch is to put pdf's on them. The idea is to cut down on the books/magazines/printouts I lug around with me.

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As a designer who self publishes I must admit I love the PDF formats. I can send a pattern anywhere in the world in no time flat. It saves me time as I don't have to print up each pattern, run to the post office and worry that the pattern makes it alright. I also don't have to wait until the post office is open. I can send it out as soon as it comes to my attention.

Sometimes it late at night or early morning.

I offer most of my patterns if both formats. I have a few that are hard copy only and some that are PDF only. Though I think over the next year or so I will switch to just PDF versions. My prices reflect when I have to supply the paper, ink and labor. So PDf patterns with me will always be less expensive than hard copy versions.

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I agree, I am ALL about instant gratification. Etsy is usually pretty quick, but if I decide that I have to start a pattern immediately I saw on the net at 2am, I can go to Ravelry and download and begin right away. How awesome is that? I love crochet books, don't get me wrong. However, physical copies of any books in my house get their fair share of beating, like my college books, because 2 year olds don't always listen to the word "no." Believe me, it's not a matter of keeping them out of his reach. :lol I like being able to print out a copy of a pattern and if it gets ripped, etc. no big deal. I wouldn't be inclined to buy an e-book or anything, but just one pattern or a small pattern set, definitely.


I can say that I have had a bad experience with buying patterns online though. E-patternscentral. I despise that site. I have never received so much spam in all of my life.

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I offer printouts as well as PDF:s, but so far nobody has asked for it. I suppose everyone knows that the printout is only me and my printer anyway.

As I mainly sell patterns to the US the shipping cost would be ridicoulous compared to the pattern cost.


I save all my bought PDF-patterns to a special CD.

With PDF I can print extra copies to make notes and scribble on too, without distroying the original.

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I have never bought a pdf pattern on line, but I have no objection to it. I also like looking through books and magazines. I have printed several hundred free patterns. I tend to be an instant gratification person, so the net is my friend.


One problem I do have is under utilizing my computer for saving files of patterns. My printed patterns are pretty well organized in folders so the computer lack of organization is just laziness on my part. You ladies are inspiring me to do better. I also have the Sony Touch Reader but haven't used it for patterns yet.


I'm all for the pdf patterns for purchase.

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Thank you all for the input, good points for both sides. Like I said I can totally see individual sellers going the PDF route and I would also if I sold patterns I designed. I guess what is bugging me is the companies like Annie's Attic that do it. I can't help but think they have to be making a good profit, it's a little different to have a file and send it out to everyone who buys the pattern rather than buying/stocking the actual leaflets/patterns in hard copy. In other words it seems to me they are the middle man and making more of a profit this way. I really don't see where they are charging much less if any for the patterns.


I also prefer to have a leaflet or book to look through and relax as another poster mentioned. I think I spend more time browsing patterns than crocheting them. I know I do! LOL


How about the digital magazine subscriptions, do you all prefer that over a hard copy? I do have to say I like having the actual magazine.

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