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Baby Blanket Too Big?

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I made a baby blanket recently for the grandbaby of friends of ours. I don't know the parents but received a very nice thank you note from them. What struck me was that in the note they said the blanket was too big for their son, but they looked forward to him using it when he's older. The size was about 30" x 38". I frequently make blankets car seat size or stroller size, but thought I'd make his a little larger due to the pattern and using up some yarn. The little fella was not a preemie and was over 8 lbs at birth so I thought the size was okay.


Is 30" x 38" too big for a baby blanket? Should I make them smaller in the future? (Sticking with the car seat/stroller size blankie) Am I thinking about this too much?

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I make mine bigger so the child can use as they get older too. IDKY someone would say a baby blanket was "to big" unless they are using it only in a carseat or something like that..... wierd.... I also have been making mine in the brighter colors,rather than pastels, so the child will be more inclinded to use it when they get older too.


Try not to dwell on it, it was a gift for the child, not the parents. At least they did say they would use it eventually....

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:think I don't claim to know anything about babies, but I don't see how that could be too big! All the baby 'ghans I've made for gifts over the years have been 30" to 36" square, and I've never been told they were too big.


But hey, they sent you a nice thank you note and told you they'd use it when he's older/bigger, so I wouldn't sweat it at all.

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This might be a really stupid question, but how on earth can a blanket be too big??? It's not like the kid is goingto wear it! And 30 X 38 is NOT a large blanket by ANY stretch of the imagination! Isn't it better to have it be able to cover him while he's sleeping than to have it not be large enough. If it had been clothing, that would be a bit different. I think it was a silly thing for them to even comment on, but I guess some people are just really picky about stuff. I'm so glad that I'm not like that, I can't imagine what it must be like to have to have everything in one's life just so.

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I don't think it's anything to get upset about, nor worry about its size. It is recommended not to cover sleeping babies with blankets unless you are in the room with them. Swaddling blankets are a bit smaller, but then they are of little use after that little person is over 3-4 months. I certainly don't think the young parents were saying anything to offend you. Our gran'kids and great gran'kids slept in blanket sleepers with no blanket in the crib at all.


AND, above all; they did send you a thank you note! I've sent out 4 different packages lately with not even an 'I don't like it!' Nothing ... but that's a different story.

But no, don't fret ... it was and will be appreciated.

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When my son was born I actually did get a blanket that was too large and heavy for him. It was something like 36" x 45" in ww and was rather heavy. He was a preemie at less than 4.5 lbs. so he just waited to use it. BUT, I never said a thing to the person that made it! How could she know he would be so small? She made it way before he was born. The good part was that when he did get to use it, it turned out to be his favorite and he didn't let go of it for years! :hook

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I wouldn't worry about it..Sounds like first time parents..I made my mistakes too..They'll use it real soon...My kids (6) were 8 months to a year and I was still swaddling them...And ALAS I had to use a bigger blanket...I made one for my 5th dd and she STILL uses it to cover with...Keep making them the size your doing and as dh says ducks back it..(let it roll off) :hug :hug

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it was wonderful of them to send you a thank-you note but a bit odd to comment on that in the note, I make baby blankets a little larger so they can be used for years

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I'm sure they'll realize what a great gift you gave them. My first ABC blanket I made was way too big in my opinion. I used 4 ply instead of 3 and a much bigger hook than what was called for. The thing was more the size of a lapghan for an adult. I gave it too a coworker and his wife this winter so she could use it if she wanted to. I also gave it with the caveat that if they thought it was too big, I'd make them another, smaller one.


Well, my fears turned out to be unfounded. She said it was a great size. It was big enough to use as a floor blanket to lay the baby on and as it gets older he'll probably start playing with the puff stitches then will be able to use it a long time.


I don't think you have anything to worry about. Besides, you know you made a good thing and probably enjoyed making it. They'll figure it out. Maybe they'll eventually learn some tact, too (I'm still working on that myself...).

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Then mine would've been way too huge! I make my baby blankets 3x4 feet (more of a toddler ghan).


Be happy that you at least got a thank you for it. A lot of people now a days don't even bother doing that.

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I think maybe I'm thinking too much about it. When I read the card, I had feelings of self-doubt pop up. Really, I am just delighted that they sent a thank you - RoseRed is right - thank you's seem far and few between these days.

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I have heard that most new mothers like the bigger baby blankets, especially because of breast feeding. That way the mother doesn't have to have a sep. cover-up. And also that the child can use the blanket for a much longer time as a toddler and preschool while watching tv and taking naps.


I thought it was rather rude for her comment on such a thing.

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thanks for starting this post...i am making a blanket for a co workers grandson and am trying to decide what size it should be...now i think i will try and make it 36x48. if i dont run out of patience first. i dont make many blankets.. they take too long for me.

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Maybe they don't realize how fast babies grow? I always make baby blankets a little larger so that they can be used as a toddler blanket too.

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I to make my baby ghans "larger" than say normal size but who is to say whats normal ya know mine come out around 36x36 +/- a couple inches babies grow so fast anyway before you know it they are to big for the blanket thats why I choose to make them a bit bigger so they can grow into the blanket so to say don't sweat it. :)

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I've always made my baby afghans bigger than for a newborn and always in bright colors (I really don't like pastels). I've always said when a gift is opened in front of me that I tend to make them bigger so the baby can grow into it and everyone has always agreed with me. Maybe they were just being polite but they seemed serious. Glad they were thoughtful to send a thank you, a lot of people don't anymore.


And my friend asked me to make her daughter a baby afghan when I asked her what she would like for a christening gift (gave her other stuff too since she insisted on buying the yarn herself) and didn't want it a small size for that reason alone. She wanted her to grow into it and have it for a longer time. And this little one was a preemie too. So we went for specific colors of yarn in a soft yarn (not baby yarn) but Caron Simply Soft and with the leftover yarn, I made three little mini blankets so she could drag them around, which she does. The big blanket is draped over her rocking chair in her bedroom.


LI Roe

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I always make my baby blankets large enough that they can use them in the toddler stage as well, and I've had several moms tell me that their child carried the blanket around/slept with it long after they grew too big for it. So I wouldn't worry about making the blanket too big.

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I wouldn't worry, It will get used and probably sooner and more often than his parents imagine!


Definitely. They're new parents and don't realize how fast that baby is going to grow! Not only that, but they haven't found all the uses for blankets yet! LOL! No, they're just young and inexperienced - I wouldn't stop making the larger ones. I've made some that were bigger than that. My 2 yo niece loves one that I made her when she was born. She wouldn't get much use out of a little bitty one now.


I like to make them bigger for just that reason. When a good friend had a baby a few years ago, I didn't make a traditional baby blanket. I made a throw-size blanket in the colors of her nursery. My friend used it in the rocking chair when she had to rock the baby to sleep, and now it lays over the foot of her big girl bed. A little baby blanket would have been used for dolls or tucked away in a drawer by now.

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