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Look What I Got for my Birthday

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Hi All,

Well today is my birthday and my husband took me shopping for my present(s). This is what I got


Plus I won an auction on e-bay from a ville member and I got that in the mail today


And......... I got to order 7 balls of thread from Joannes and a a set of Susan Bates hooks - all the steelite sizes. Rose Red converted me a die hard Boye hook user to Bates hooks. I just love them, they are so much faster than the boyes :manyheart. Thanks Rose Red :hug

And if all of this isn't enough my hubby is getting me my very favorite dinner tonight - chili dogs and french fries from my favorite hot dog shop.


My family has been very good to me today. It has been a super wonderful birthday. I was so Happy I just had to share with all of you.




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Wow! That is some terrific husband you have there. Mine won't let me near a yarn store, let alone take me to one.:)


Yours is definately a keeper!


Happy Birthday!



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Happy Birthday :2rock


WOW, lucky you....I am jealous, but then I would be Shooting the Moon in the stash busting game if I had a hubby like that. wait, I did that all on my own without it being my birthday.:rofl

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Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone. :c9

Stashbusting :lol:rofl, not me, no way, no how. I would flunk so badly it would be a world record.


I am a very lucky girl, my hubby is a super sweetie and I love him tons, even if he didn't buy me all that yarn, but I won't let him know that ;):P, let him think he needs to keep buying me yarn.


Now I just need the time to find some patterns for it and make the stuff. I have lots and lots of doily patterns but not many for yarn. Uh Oh, Mother's day is coming up............:D, do I smell more presents?


Thank you all again,



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The Lehigh Valley is about 50 miles North of Philadelphia. We are actually very close to the New Jersey Border. No, my favorite Hot Dog shop is a little tiny place called Pott's Hot Dogs. Hubby bought me 5 last night. He must have thought since it was birthday I could eat 3 times what I normally do. :-).


so I have lunch today and a snack for later.


Have you come to the US yet and are you still here if you have? If I remember right, you will in western PA. You will only be about 3-4 hours from me. Alot closer than Poland that's for sure.




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