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Who has found a crochet buddy here?

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When I joined early this year I didn't find any crocheters in my area listed here so I kept checking periodically but after several months was beginning to think either there were very few to no other crocheters here or none others used the internet. However, in October a very friendly lady who lives in a town 22 mi. away contacted me shortly after she joined. We're not even in the same age group but I'm very glad that she "found" me. We began exchanging e-mails and talking on the phone and a nice friendship has developed. In fact she invited me and my children for Thanksgiving dinner, and my daughter and I had a very nice time with her, her husband, grandson and dog. I met with her last week and we looked at each other's (borrowed) books, she showed me her impressive stash, UFOs and WIPs, and she help me frog a Silverlash/thread stole gone sour while we talked about our families and lives.


Since neither of us have any friends to speak of we're getting together again for Christmas dinner and we're also planning to get together to just crochet together another time as I promised to help her finish some of her UFOs. Oh, and we have jokingly made an agreement that whoever "goes" first will inherit the other's stash but will have to finish the UFOs.

What shocked me was to hear that she had contacted someone else (who lives closer to her) before me suggesting they go together someday to a certain LYS and the other lady just replied "No, thanks" and that was that; I would've thought that people who join a forum about a common interest would be open to making friends:think.


I think I've found another possible crochet buddy so now I don't feel so alone with my "yarn obsession" :lol so I'm curious about how many of you have found friends through the 'ville and how you respond or would when/if someone contacts you.


Thanks for your replies!

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I ended up with a 'Ville buddy too! :manyheart

I will often notice where a poster says they live (up in the right corner above each post) and I kept seeing one person who it said lived in WA state, and I kept thinking I'd love to get to know them in person because they seemed like such a wonderful person.


I was at Michaels one day and had two little hand baskets full of clearance yarn when this woman came into the yarn aisle. She asked me what I was going to make with all the yarn and I said I wasn't really sure, but I'm a yarn hoarder when I find it on clearance... or something akin to that.


So she just sort of looks at me a bit oddly and I think she asked if I went to any sort of message boards for my hobby. Right then I looked at her and said, "you go to Crochetville, don't you?" We ended up exchanging board names and recognized each other. I was SO happy to have gotten to meet one of the 'local' ladies that I'd so wanted to meet. :manyheart:c9


Since then I've gotten to meet up with Vicki a few times and I'm so happy to have made a friend like her. I count myself very lucky as she's always been so wonderful to everyone I've seen her come into contact with even though she's in bad pain on a regular basis. Plus she's been a real angel to me. Even when others let me down she's been there for me. :manyheart:manyheart:manyheart

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oh sweetie i was soo happy that day we found each other and now instead of just knowing the name of another viller we have become very good friends and not just that but we think of each others as sisters in crafts, i sure hope we can get together next week before christmas i so want you to have your goodies i have for you lol lets pray for rain that ought to do it hehehehehe

i am the one who has been blessed in finding such a wonderful friend, even though i am a bit(alright a lot older than you) i feel so special when we are together, im gonna be sad if you guys do sell your house and you have to move, course it don;t mean we can't still get together right? remember sweetie think rain think rain just chant that rain rain rain :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol hugs and sister love:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart




I ended up with a 'Ville buddy too! :manyheart

I will often notice where a poster says they live (up in the right corner above each post) and I kept seeing one person who it said lived in WA state, and I kept thinking I'd love to get to know them in person because they seemed like such a wonderful person.


I was at Michaels one day and had two little hand baskets full of clearance yarn when this woman came into the yarn aisle. She asked me what I was going to make with all the yarn and I said I wasn't really sure, but I'm a yarn hoarder when I find it on clearance... or something akin to that.


So she just sort of looks at me a bit oddly and I think she asked if I went to any sort of message boards for my hobby. Right then I looked at her and said, "you go to Crochetville, don't you?" We ended up exchanging board names and recognized each other. I was SO happy to have gotten to meet one of the 'local' ladies that I'd so wanted to meet. :manyheart:c9


Since then I've gotten to meet up with Vicki a few times and I'm so happy to have made a friend like her. I count myself very lucky as she's always been so wonderful to everyone I've seen her come into contact with even though she's in bad pain on a regular basis. Plus she's been a real angel to me. Even when others let me down she's been there for me. :manyheart:manyheart:manyheart

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Oooh I would love a crochet buddy :yes

You're so lucky to have met someone to share your interest. I have friends but I just bore them when I start talking about my latest project. I almost got my friend to have a go last week. She managed a few rows of sc but hasnt mentioned it since so obviously its not for her...sigh

So anyone in the Uk who would like a crochet buddy, even if we never meet up in person I'm available!!! :D We could just exchange emails, and moan about the weather ;)

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Oh, what fun!


No, I haven't found anyone here close enough to me. I even did a search on yahoo and see that there is a group that get's together at a church not far from me and I tried to join the group, but haven't heard back from anyone yet. I guess maybe the yahoogroup itself isn't too active. I was really bummed.


Good for you ladies that have found a buddy. I'm envious.

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I am luckly enought to have 2 ville buddies. Codymikki and I met for lunch and she met with crochettreasures and now we all meet for lunch once a month. It is so much, lunch with two new friends and then shopping for yarn together! We are planning a northeast get together in the spring/summer. Stay tuned for details!! My other crochet buddie from here, crochetgirl 2, lives in Oregon but I would love to meet her. We have emailed for over a year now.

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How lucky you are. I'd love to find a crochet buddy. Maybe If I keep trying the right person will come along. It's not that my family and friends do't listen they just don't get the whole crochet thing.

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Yeah I would love to meet a crochet buddy,too just nobody close enough to me. Mostly I'm at Joann's and I go to the skein gang and crochet with that group

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A few years back, I met a couple crochet buddies thru another on line forum. We managed to get together once a month at the local bread store (yes a bread store, but they have tables set up so you can sit back and relax). We did this for a couple months, then life got in the way. One moved out of state and the other ended up with more job responsibilities. I was so sad.

Then, thru RAV I was able to meet up with some local knitters who meet up every other Sat at the same local bread store!!! One of my new knitting friends actually owns this store.

I have not been able to meet up with anyone thru the 'ville. I have tried a couple times posting to see if anyone was in my area, but no responses. So, if anyone lives on Florida's Space Coast, give me a yell. Knitting friends are great, but crocheting friends would be even better!

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The first person your friend contacted may just be very shy and afraid of meeting people. I actually went to a crochet guild meeting and found myself unable to speak at all. It was so embarrassing I never could make myself return, even though there were undoubtedly some very nice women (and even potential friends in that group). I think I just wasn't expecting it to be so large.

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I found someone who I had actually met in "real life" as a vendor at our local craft/flea market. I was working for our dog rescue and she was right next door crocheting away. Business was slow and she lent me a hook and some yarn! I ran into someone I recognised from another message board that is non-craft related. I'd love to meet someone local to stitch and shop with!

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Yes I have met a ville buddy on here, MainelyCrafting.. First we chatted online and through emails. We sent pics of each other too. Then we talked on the phone and before we knew it we met in person. We have become very close. We have alot in common besides our love for crocheting and knitting.


I enjoy making and meeting new friends. I met my husband on the internet too. It was months of chatting and talking on the phone before we actually met. I can remember that day as if it happened yesterday. lol.. I had thoughts going through my mind too about if it was the right thing to do, I don't really know him, etc. But I said go with your heart. We met in a public place and before long became very good friends. After almost four years we got married and it was the best thing each of us did.

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Keep checking the Seeking Local Crocheters forum and maybe someone in your area will shout out. Several of us got together over the summer up in the Phoenix area when Aunt Bubbles was visiting AZ, and it was a lot of fun (although all we did was eat and laugh, no crocheting, sadly). You might also try MeetUp and see if there are any local crocheters, or if there are any local Stitch and B---- groups near you--don't be afraid to go as a crocheter--hold that hook up high and be proud of your art.


Also, some charities have monthly meetings. My Project Linus chapter has a monthly organizational meeting, but there are some church groups and retirement groups and one residential trailer home association that meet monthly for members to crochet/knit/quilt together. That might be another way to meet local crocheters and do a good deed at the same time.


Otherwise, remember, Crochetville is like a virtual coffee klatch and we love to hear about your projects, see photos, and all that good stuff, even if we can't do so in person.



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That is so awesome to have found a crochet buddy! I have not met anyone yet, although there is a group who meet at the local barnes and noble near me every wednesday, I am just really to shy to show up into a group when I dont know anyone at all. Maybe one day!

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I too live in a small town in South Dakota. Recently after joining the Bookmark Swap I found another SD crocheter, Sprat605, but we live 2hours away:( We have the cruddy winter weather in common as well as crochet!. But we have never really met eventhough her posts show she is a very nice lady.:)

Recently at my daughters, blizzard conditions 3rd b-day party, a very good friend of mine showed interest in my yarn stash and WIPS. She ended up taking home a few old Crochet Today Mags, a hook and yarn. She did know the basic of crocheting from her grandma teaching her as a girl, but wanted to know how to follow a printed pattern. She caught on quickly! I need to let you in on the funny part of this senario. She is the same friend that used to tease me about crocheting saying it was for "OLD Ladies"! :eek

After seeing the NEW trends and creations she must have decided she was wrong!:yes The next day she texted me saying she had finished the small purse she liked so much and wanted to know when we could make a yarn run! And that she thinks she is addicted.:lol:yay So I may have a crochet buddy after all and the best part she lives 3 houses away!!!

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I have written to and exchanged emails with several nice folks from here. Nothing in person though. I am very out spoken and confident on line in the ville, but in person I am terrified.

I am handicapped and old (not a pretty person to behold), so I tend to hide away from events with large groups of people. I ache to join in on some of the events and things, but just don't have the courage.

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I searched for ladies around my area, and I did find about 4...but 3 of them were an hour away. I contacted the one in my town, and she was REALLY interested in getting together and starting our own crochet group here (cause it's hard to get to the next hour-away town with kids and weather)...I told her I'd give her a PM when I got here (we just moved) but she's not been online since that conversation. We were planning for after the holidays though...I think...so hopefully we'll still get together!

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I have written to and exchanged emails with several nice folks from here. Nothing in person though. I am very out spoken and confident on line in the ville, but in person I am terrified.

I am handicapped and old (not a pretty person to behold), so I tend to hide away from events with large groups of people. I ache to join in on some of the events and things, but just don't have the courage.


I would love to be your friend! Looks are not everything or anything to do with friendship! :hugSome of the most interesting a dearest people I know are older. I would consider myself honored to have a friend who was wiser.:manyheart Hold your head up high, as we say in our local advocacy group! Every person is unique and have so much to offer others.

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