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2009 Stashbusting CAL


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I'm over and through. I was reveling in the fact that I had gotten 3 skeins of yarn and 1 ball done and had a +7, but then my mom showed up today, (she was supposed to be at her weekly hair and nail appointment) with two 105 quart totes full of 147 skeins of yarn. :eek Now how in the world am I gonna crochet ALL that yarn to get in the positive again? :think:think So that officially makes my score

-294 +7 = -287 WTD and YTD -399

Figure I'll just continue on in the negative until I hit the positive again somewhere in this cycle.

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I'm over and through. I was reveling in the fact that I had gotten 3 skeins of yarn and 1 ball done and had a +7, but then my mom showed up today, (she was supposed to be at her weekly hair and nail appointment) with two 105 quart totes full of 147 skeins of yarn. :eek Now how in the world am I gonna crochet ALL that yarn to get in the positive again? :think:think So that officially makes my score

-294 +7 = -287 WTD and YTD -399

Figure I'll just continue on in the negative until I hit the positive again somewhere in this cycle.


Hehe, I think we know who got the shoot the moon for this week. Again.... very jealous of your mother. You are very lucky to have such a great Mom. I have been crocheting like mad this week, with the donation of yarn to the lady from church my totals for this week are ......Drum roll please

WTD +28 YTD -55

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Hehe, I think we know who got the shoot the moon for this week. Again.... very jealous of your mother. You are very lucky to have such a great Mom. I have been crocheting like mad this week, with the donation of yarn to the lady from church my totals for this week are ......Drum roll please

WTD +28 YTD -55

Nice job.. nice score. :cheer:clap

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Well, last week I made a point of saying that I hadn't bought any yarn since the new year and was pretty proud of myself. Then the A.C. Moore ad came out in Sunday's paper and all kinds of yarn was on sale, plus, there was a 20% off coupon on the entire purchase! I couldn't control myself and my "enabling" DH made it all possible! He took me right up there and I bought 13 skeins of yarn and promised myself I'd crochet all week to make it up.


Yeah right! I did manage to crochet down five skeins and wind them into balls and I did finish another two balls. That's really good for me 'cause I barely ever get close to that. But it's no where near making it up!


That's okay though because I LOVE yarn -- oh the feel of it, the look of it!


Anywhoo, here are the numbers:


For week ending April 4, 2009:


WTD -19 / YTD -50

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That's okay, Hubby has been bothering me to either repair or make another blanket for our king size bed. Anyway, I can't get the yarn that I made the blanket with anymore.:angry So I was looking at yarn on :ebay and they have this really nice merino and silk yarn. So I placed bids on about 2000 yards :eek or 20 hanks...... How many points on a hank of yarn, same as a skein???:think Anyway, if I win the bids I will add that to the score for when I get it in. How is it that you can't crochet in one week more yarn than you can buy.:hook

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Not feeling very well today. Going back to bed.


WTD=0 YTD=-46




I edited it because I used up two balls of yarn today so I finish with a Zero for the week.

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not very good this week I bought 6 skeins of yarn. I wandered into a store looking for something else and they had wool that I use for purses on clearance. I am also working on a project for publication and had to uy the yarn for that oh well.

WTD -6 YTD -4

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I bought a small skein of white Thurs (- 2) :( but used 1/2 of it making another stuffed bunny and rolled it down (+ 1) :clap. Used a ball making 2 flowers for my hat from the Mystery CAL (+ 1) :clap. So no change in my score since Thurs. I've made 20 bunny pins and hope to have another dozen or so for Mon.

WTD: + 6 YTD: + 50

Ellie 13

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ok I managed to use up another skein of cotton so +2 have to update this used up another skein of cotton +2 but bought 2 skeins so -4 there




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Put 7 balls on my scrap ripple this morning, woo! +7 Knocked a little of the negative down but now I'm out of scrap balls.

I treated myself with yarn last night since tomorrow is my birthday - the big 30! :goodorbad

So I will probably be negative for a while, I plan on treating myself again soon. :rofl


Score for the week: WTD: -1 YTD: +26

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I've been trying all morning to get rid of at least one more ball of yarn to get me to zero for the week but it's just not happening. :lol


If I do manage to finish one off I'll update but I better go ahead and post my score so I don't forget.


WTD -1

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Well, I confess I backslided (or is it "backslid"?). I got a gift certificate from a friend to her LYS. I had a grand old time in there -- come to find out, another friend of mine who is a knitter frequents the shop. Most of the yarn was out of my price range, even with the gift certificate, but I found some nice Cascade 220 (which is sort of like Patons Classic Merino Wool, but softer). I had to pony up some extra $$$, as the gift certificate was only $20, but I got enough to make a sweater (6 skeins).


I also visited my own LYS, where I learned that they are having a Project Linus charity drive -- they want people to knit 12" squares by June 30. For consistency, they want everyone to use Plymouth Encore Worsted, so (of course) I just HAD to buy 2 skeins, just in case I messed up the gauge. :lol


SO...to make a long story short (too late!), I gained 8 skeins, but shed 3, so my total for the week is:


WTD = -10

YTD = +85


The shame...:blush

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I used up a ball of cotton makng a dishcloth and re-wound a ball of yarn as it had got too tangled, so that's another 3 for me, wont get any more done so off to total this weeks score.

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I was so pleased that I was able to stay around that zero mark ... and :blush


well my MM order came in today with 8 skeins of yarn and I bought another 8 skeins at Walmart. so my love little plus 4 for this week is pretty much dwarfed by the minus 32 I racked up in additions. so...


This week -28 ...

this year -36




I'm guessing there may be some green cheese in my future.



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