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Would you use the yarn or get rid of it???

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In August I went back to Colorado to be with my Mom & Dad. My Mom was scheduled for surgery & I went back to spend two weeks with them to help out.


I purchased some beautiful yarn to make my Mom a scarf. She loved the yarn.


I arrived Sunday morning and my Mom's surgery was Monday at 1:00 pm. I tried starting the scarf several times while in the waiting room with my Dad & sister but just couldn't get doing on it.


Shortly after 4PM we were told my Mom did not make it. She passed away after having a major heart attack during surgery.


Now my question? Right now I just cannot work with the yarn, it hurts too much. Would you: A) hold on to it and make something later, B) Get rid of it so it doesn't bring up bad memories, or C) Maybe hold on to it and make myself a scarf "just for me" later?



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I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. It must be a terrible shock to everyone.. I know I felt it just reading your post.


After a traumatic event, it's usually best to defer decisions. Unless this was very expensive yarn and you need the money.. I would lean towards putting the yarn away for a while and see how you feel later. If you still can't look at it without pain, then return it, sell it or pass it on.


But, since your Mom loved the yarn, you might come to a place in time where wearing a scarf (or other item) made of it will bring you pleasant memories ...


Again, my sympathies on your loss.

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I'm sorry for your loss. I think if it were me I would go with C. I would save it until I could work with it and I would make something for myself to always have as a remembrance. Even if you never wear it it will always be a nice reminder of your mom and how she liked the yarn. It's up to you to decide what's best for you but that's what I would do.

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Ohhhh, sweetie, I'm SO sorry!! I have been in your place and I know what you're feeling. Don't get rid of the yarn. Keep a hold of it until you've had some time to heal, because you may look at things differently and find that you want something made from the yarn to remember your Mom by. You're in my thoughts and prayers. :hug

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I am soooo sorry for your loss :hug. I agree with everyone else, do not throw away the yarn. You need time to grieve and heal. Once you have done that, you may want to have something made from the yarn that your mother like so much.


There will come a time when you will get past the bad memories and focus on the good that your Mom loved the yarn and you will want something from it to remember her by.


My deepest sympathy for your loss, you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

God Bless you,


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I'm sure you are still in shock, please accept my sympathy on your loss. Like everyone else, I agree you should just put the yarn up until one day you feel like working it up. It will become a special loving hug from your mother when it's time.

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Very sorry to hear about your loss. :hug I agree that you should keep it and make something later, after you have had the time to grieve and get to the point that you can make "remembrance" type things.

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So sorry to hear about your loss. IT is never easy to lose a loved one.

Your best bet for right now, is to put the yarn away, as it is painfull to see it. At a later date, take the yarn and make yourself something with it. Since your Mom picked out the yarn, it will be like a gift from her and something you could hand down, as something your Mom gave you.

Take heart friend, the pain does ease, and when you remember your Mom, it will be with love, laughter and fond memories.:hug

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I'm sorry for your loss.


I think it's a very personal decision and what may feel right to one, may be impossible for another.


I know that right now that yarn may seem to link to a sad time, but there may come a time down the road that you wished you had something that reminded you of your mother.


Maybe just put it away for now, and see how you feel later? Once you are through the roughest stages of the grieving process, maybe a scarf or some small item that you can have around the house will be a reminder of your last moments with your mother, and a chance to feel closer to her.


If you are undecided, I thinking making no decision at all is best, but that is only my thought on the matter.

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:hug So sorry to hear about your mom...I agree with the others...just put it up for now, and see how you feel later. Right now you're dealing with too much to try and gauge how you'll feel later. Take it a day at a time and know that you're in our thoughts :hug
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Maybe you could save it and use it later to make something for someone close to her. I remember, after my mother died, she had one friend who had stuck with her through thick and thin -- I would have gladly made something for her, as she was so good to my mother.

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I agree with the others, put it up for now and try to make something out of it later.

I am so sorry for your loss. I know some of what you're going through. I lost my mother at the end of July. I brought some of her things home with me. Some of it I just can't look at yet. Some of her things I have around the house and take comfort in. Every thing takes time and it's best not to rush into any decisions until you're in a better place.



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Ia m so sorry for your loss... :hug


I agree with keeping the yarn and making something when you can later work with it... making an heirloom would be perfect... something to be able to hand down from generation to generation in the name of your mother.



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I'd keep it. I've had yarn that just wouldn't work for anything I tried. Yarn with no emotional meaning to me. I put it away and one day a pattern presented itself for the yarn. So, I'm sure you will use it one day. I inherited some squares from my grandma that were just so odd I couldn't figure it out. 18 months later it finally came to me what to do with them. A few months more went by before I found the right yarn to join them.

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Im sorry for your loss Tiniree. My heart goes out to you and your family. If it were me I would wait awhile and try to make something later as a memory keeper. It will be hard at first so wait awhile you may have a change of heart after you have had a chance to grieve your loss.

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I would put the yarn aside and later on you might want to make something from it that would remind you of your mother. When my mother died in 2003 my dad gave me a box with her favorite jewelry in it. I wasn't really interested in it at the time and put it away. So, a few years later when I was thinking about my mom, I got out the jewelry and found a few pairs of earrings that I really like and now I wear them and they remind me of her and I feel like she is with me. I'd save the yarn....since she liked it...and you might like it too one day. :hug

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I am so sorry for your loss!! I agree with everyone, keep the yarn and make yourself something out of it at a later time. It's going to be 10 yrs. this December that I lost my dad. He went into the hospital with a headache on a Monday and on Wednesday we had to take him off the breathing machine. It still feels like it just happened!! God bless you and your family and I'll say a prayer for you--Cris

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I am so sorry for your loss; I have to agree with every one else. It is too soon to make decisions right now. When my Mom died 4 years ago, I had planned to make shadow boxes of some of her things for each of my brothers and my sister; every time I tried to pull the things out, I started crying. After 4 years, I have finally decided that I might be able to start working with them after Christmas. Give yourself all the time you might need to decide what to do with the yarn; it will keep.

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I'm sorry about your mother. That's a terrible thing. I have had made my niece a baby blanket but then she lost the baby. I held on to the blanket for a while, but then got rid of it. I don't know what to suggest for you though. I'm just sorry for your loss.

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I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. :hug


I also agree with just putting it away for now. You don't need to make any decisions right now. Take care of yourself right now. The yarn can wait.



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My deepest sympathies at the loss of your mother :hug. I agree with the others that I would put the yarn away for now. It is not the time to make a decision on it. You may be able to work with the yarn down the road some day and make something just for you that will bring sweet memories of your mom. I made some quick decisions when my mom passed a year and a half ago that I regret. Please don't make the same mistake. :hug

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