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Do you stick to a budget for your crochet supplies?

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Okay, I know we're pinching pennies these days. But, it is spring and the thought of new colors, new threads, new yarn, new hooks, and even some little doodads for making crochet more pleasant, keeps popping into my other thoughts. Hmmmm, should I or shouldn't I????


Do you keep a strict crocheting budget, or do you have splurges now and then?


I think I have to go to Michael's now....

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In the past, I have done splurges. I usually waited until Hobby Lobby had a big sale and then went nuts.


But my hours have been cut, and so I need to just use what I have right now.


It's hard to not look at ads, and shop, but I have to. So Now I am just being a stashbuster. And it feels good.



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CLlinda, I know that one. I've been very crochet-thrifty for a good while now. It feels nice and clean to be a stash-buster for a long season. That's why a treat is a treat! And it just might be today for me.

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For me I usually only go completely crazy once a year. Most of my stash used to be just red heart super saver, then I fell in love with red heart soft, and caron simply soft, I grab pounders when they are cheap....


But last year for example I had a splurge in April, ordered from Smiley's yarns and spent close to $200 in one shot. Then I didn't dare buy more yarn for quite a while! My husband doens't like swimming in the stuff.... but once I wasn't buying it anymore, other people picked up the purchasing for me... Like my Aunt Mary who sends me between 6-12 skeins every few months that she grabs at her dollar store... or my mom who works a wal-mart that was discontinuing their craft section..... you should see the stuff she sent me that was only $1-$1.50.... oh then there are my in-laws who apparently love me... for Christmas they got me a standing rolling tote FULL of various yarns I'd never have justified buying myself, and a beautiful Brazillian Tulipwood Hook, Size J from TOC...


For the most part I only buy yarn and things in small amounts, but every now and then... the yarn buying machine inside me breaks free and goes on a rampage :rofl

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I usually buy yarn when it is on sale just hoping that when I have a project in mind I'll have enough yarn for it. Now, I'm trying to stay away from purchasing more yarn unless I absolutely need it to finish a project. This stash has got to shrink.

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as my avatar says, yarn snob is what i am! :hook

I can't help it!! :eek I must have yarn!! :yes

I splurge whenever I just can't resist, which is way too often! :devil

My Mom's the same way, so we go together and she'll buy me stuff and then she'll give me her leftovers as she only does afghans and won't use her stash.

That's the best, free stuff!! :clap

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My spending on yarns and patterns goes in peaks and valleys. There are some periods when I don't buy anything even if it's on sale. At other times, it seems I'm buying up everything.:)

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I try to, but it depends on what i need. Like, for knitting, i wanted the smoothest needles i could find, which were the Addi Turbos (NOT CHEAP!!!), however, they've paid for themselves because i can work faster with them.

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I mostly have caron simply soft, but I have a few odd skeins of some more expensive yarns. I usually use them to make scarves and hats so I just get them to try it out and then go and buy yarn for a blanket if I decide to make one. Right now I am definitely splurging on yarn for a blanket for my bed.

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What a great question!


I am self employed (read: poor:eek) and so I buy yarn when it's on sale and use it. I never have more than a few skeins onhand though in my fantasies I have thousands of skeins like a store all organized and glimmering in soft lights! :yarn:yarn:yarn:yarnLOL!


Right now I've closed and opened the JoAnn's site because I know I need to make several things and that sale on the pounder yarn IS a good sale. But how to afford it? :think


I could sell a cat, I guess :P.... hmmm, now that's an idea...:devil

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I try not to keep a big stash, as I don't have room for it. I've got a 6 skeins I had bought on clearance, a couple balls of Peaches and Cream, a ball of crochet thread and thats about it. That is plenty for now, but I'm feelin' the yarn-buying itchies! I may have to break down and scratch, especially if I see a good sale :lashes

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I try only to buy the yarn as I need it for a project, but if it is on sale and I am in the store, Help me Lord! I can not walk away. I was very proud of myself today, I walked thru a yarn aisle and didn't even pick up a skein, I must be sick. :hook

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I did intend to go to Michael's today, but, I went and bought groceries first. Think of all the yarn and thread and hooks I could've bought.... :heehee Oh well.... :juggle

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I had a buying splurge a couple months ago with a $100 out of the income tax money. Hubby will let me buy some (usually 5 skeins) at Hobby Lobby if we find Red Heart on sale for $1.37 a skein. Or if they have something good in the .50cent bin (that's where I got the plum "Dream" yarn I made a shawl with). He'll have to buy me some peaches and cream cotton yarn soon, though, so I can start on Christmas presents, but that's for a specific purpose and something he won't have to spend money on later, thereby justifiable.


Hubby is very good about getting me yarn when I need it...he'll even go buy it for me. But we're a very strict budget right now, so I'll have to deal with what I've got. Good thing I've got enough to complete my gray shawl and one I'm making for a friend. Most everything else I make is small, so I should have plenty of yarn to get me through or they'll end up scrap users, lol Oh well, they're just for me for here at home, so no biggie.

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Budget? What's a budget? :think

Guess you know what my answer would be. lol Trying hard this year to only buy yarn if I have a project ready to make and the pattern picked out. As you can see by my stash busting score below, I am not doing too well with that. :eek

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I laughed when I saw the subject of this thread and said outloud, "No way..." But truthfully, yeah I try hard not to drain my bank account of my monthly allowance. I do have splurges, but especially right now, there will be no going crazy at joann.com or annie's attic...especially after last month's splurge...there are medical bills and computer bills that need to be seen to first.


I don't have a budget like, "Okay LeAnna you can only spend x amount of money a month on crocheting..." it just doesn't work like that for me. Mainly because one month or two or ever three months I won't buy any supplies or patterns and another month I'll go nuts...so to speak.

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