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2008 Stashbusting CAL Game (winners posted #1835)


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Finally was able to use up some yarn over the past few days. A couple full skeins and a couple little balls. Will post the totals on Saturday...just in case I use up some more.

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:yay:yay Congrats, TeeDee!!!!!:yay:yay I'd love to see a picture!! :D


Well, I finished up two more balls on my scrapghan, so I'm up to +6 for the week. Thank goodness for this CAL, or I don't think I'd ever have the motivation to finish that many grannies!! LOL


I'm also going through my stash to get rid of all those skeins/balls that I will never use. I need to get my numbers up because I know I'll never make it through the year without buying any yarn at all! Plus, I've had this yarn for years and never touched it, so I think I'll be okay without it.


And I've lost a ball... I was using it last weekend on the scrapghan and now it's grown legs and walked off. I have searched high and low and it's nowhere to be found! We have a very small place, so there's only so many places that darned thing can go. I even had DH hunting and he can't find it either. :angry So does that could as a +1?? :lol


Okay back to cleaning out the stash. Here I come, Freecycle!!

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Congrats TeeDee!


All the projects I'm working on, are not using up alot of yarn. My crochet project is another ripple changing colors every row so the skeins last a long time. My other 2 projects are knit, a pair of socks and the startings of a bag/purse. Neither of them are close to using up anything.

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Finished up a skein last night and 2 more skeins this morning, so my ytd is finally in the positive again! At least until tomorrow when my friend is bringing me a skein from her stash so I can finish stocking #2. But stockings #1, 3 and 4 are done ... yay, me LOL! I'll post pics in the misc show-n-tell soon.

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You are not going to believe this! I went into Michaels last night because I needed 1 more skein of yarn to finish an afghan and I only bought the ONE skein!!!!:D I looked at more yarn, but I didn't buy any! I could believe I came out with one 1, just the one I needed!!!! That's a -2, but I'm just so proud of myself!

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Good Morning


First, Congratulations on the baby. What a wonderful ‘excuse’ to make things.


Jana what’s a yoyo? I’ve seen people refer to it but I don’t know what they are.


Yesterday was the ‘gram’ day. You know the mammogram, sonogram…stuff. On the way home I went into Michael’s and looked at the yarn. I didn’t buy any and for me that’s a first. Wheeee


When I got home, I decided to organize the stash. With well over 75 balls and skeins of differing sizes, I decided to create a pathway from the door to the chair where the stash lives. I made 6 alls from floppy used up skeins, and I cleaned up all the bits and pieces. I now have a drawer FULL of balls, and am looking for something to do that’s different than the usual multi shell afghan.


Have a wonderful day

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Didn't get any hooking done last week (well....not enough in my opinion!), but this week I've been hooking away. :hook


Finished 2 reg skeins of blue, 1 reg skein of blk, a blk pounder, and I'm halfway thru another skein of blue! Yea!!!


Sooo....9 points for me!!!:cheer

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Good Morning


First, Congratulations on the baby. What a wonderful ‘excuse’ to make things.


Jana what’s a yoyo? I’ve seen people refer to it but I don’t know what they are.


Yesterday was the ‘gram’ day. You know the mammogram, sonogram…stuff. On the way home I went into Michael’s and looked at the yarn. I didn’t buy any and for me that’s a first. Wheeee


When I got home, I decided to organize the stash. With well over 75 balls and skeins of differing sizes, I decided to create a pathway from the door to the chair where the stash lives. I made 6 alls from floppy used up skeins, and I cleaned up all the bits and pieces. I now have a drawer FULL of balls, and am looking for something to do that’s different than the usual multi shell afghan.


Wow! That is one big ball collection you have going on! You can find out more about the Yo-Yo's HERE. I definitely have it on my list of things to start working on with all the little odds and ends that I have laying around.


If you are looking to use up scraps, scarves and hats are a great way to do it. Check out the charity section for several different groups that have requested winter items or rectangles to use for blankets. The great part is you can use basically any pattern or no pattern at all!


Good luck!

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Well I went to HL again still trying to get that 1 skein of black ILTY and still don't have it! :( but..... I did come home with 12 skeins of other colors of ILTY :blush so -24 added to my +5 for -19 this week so far. I am close to finishing my skein of black and then I'm going to make some squares and hopefully finish off some balls to get some points back.

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You are not going to believe this! I went into Michaels last night because I needed 1 more skein of yarn to finish an afghan and I only bought the ONE skein!!!!:D I looked at more yarn, but I didn't buy any! I could believe I came out with one 1, just the one I needed!!!! That's a -2, but I'm just so proud of myself!


I actually did that too, except that they didn't have the yarn I needed, so instead of buying 3 skeins of what I needed, I bought one ball I didn't (although at some point I will for sure need it). Oh well. :)

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Firstly :manyheart congratulations teedee. That is so neat. I love baby boys (that's what I got) :manyheart


Now about this CAL... I have not gotten a lot of crochet done this week anyway but as others have said, I tend to have large projects using large skeins of yarn so I rarely ever finish a skein in a week.


I am just wondering if that is OK here? I need the CAL to keep me focussed on not buying more yarn but I know that, in this CAL, I will always be that annoying little ball of yarn at the very end that you just can't finish. :rofl


I don't want people to think that I am not doing what I can but 'what I can' is pretty slow.

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Now about this CAL... I have not gotten a lot of crochet done this week anyway but as others have said, I tend to have large projects using large skeins of yarn so I rarely ever finish a skein in a week.


I am just wondering if that is OK here? I need the CAL to keep me focussed on not buying more yarn but I know that, in this CAL, I will always be that annoying little ball of yarn at the very end that you just can't finish. :rofl


I don't want people to think that I am not doing what I can but 'what I can' is pretty slow.


I'm interested in knowing this answer too. I am not the fastest crocheter in the world, I start a new job in two days, and I don't know if I will be adding a score each week. I really wanted to join this CAL so I would have motivation to use up what I have before going out to buy more. There is NO way I will ever be the highest scoring, which is fine with me, my goal is to just stay in the POSITIVE!

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I'm interested in knowing this answer too. I am not the fastest crocheter in the world, I start a new job in two days, and I don't know if I will be adding a score each week. I really wanted to join this CAL so I would have motivation to use up what I have before going out to buy more. There is NO way I will ever be the highest scoring, which is fine with me, my goal is to just stay in the POSITIVE!


I won't ever be the highest scoring either. I thought my stash was bad, but like I said before, if I used all my yarn today I wouldn't have the highest score. I think it's just nice to work towards using it up anyway. My goal isn't to be the highest scorer; it's just to be in the positive scores. :)

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I told my hubby about the CAL and he was enthused although he said "I thought you werent doing anymore cal or swap till spring" which wasn't what I said. Then he said, "shouldn't you get extra points because you use pounders?"


Because of that, and my little free time, is why I decided not to post weekly scores. Most weeks would be zero!


Something else I told him was how I had been watching last years scores in the signature and I was amazed that nght had used up 500+ skeins because I thought - meant you had used up skeins and + meant you had bought more. LOL :rofl now I know better!!!


Question. Do you get +2 for a skein that you started last year but finished this year, or just +1 for a partial?

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Firstly :manyheart congratulations teedee. That is so neat. I love baby boys (that's what I got) :manyheart


Now about this CAL... I have not gotten a lot of crochet done this week anyway but as others have said, I tend to have large projects using large skeins of yarn so I rarely ever finish a skein in a week.


I am just wondering if that is OK here? I need the CAL to keep me focussed on not buying more yarn but I know that, in this CAL, I will always be that annoying little ball of yarn at the very end that you just can't finish. :rofl


I don't want people to think that I am not doing what I can but 'what I can' is pretty slow.


I am definitely NOT the fastest crocheter in the world, plus I have a toddler and a full time job so I don't really get as much time to crochet as I would like. I fully expect that I won't be posting a score each week, or it I do that there won't be anything in it most weeks. But, we are in this for the long haul and I fully intend to stick with it.


My goal is simply to be as close to zero for the year as possible by the time we are done. I don't have a very big stash so I don't know how I could really be very far into the positives. Plus, I know I have a few LARGE projects planned that I will need to buy really scary amounts of yarn for (like 30 oz of camo yarn). Anything I buy I am going to have to use and THAT is what I am taking from this CAL. "Choose....but choose wisely."



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I guess I was asking because.. when I check in to see what is happening here, I see post after post of our crew saying that they finished one skein or two skeins or whatever. I think this is amazing and wonderful but it occurred to me that people might think I was slacking since I never post a finish :sigh


I too am dedicated to getting control of my stash and of not adding to it unless absolutely necessary.

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I won't ever be the highest scoring either. I thought my stash was bad, but like I said before, if I used all my yarn today I wouldn't have the highest score. I think it's just nice to work towards using it up anyway. My goal isn't to be the highest scorer; it's just to be in the positive scores. :)



Compared to others here I have a very small stash {yarn = 6 drawers, 20" x 7" x 12"; thread = 1 large storage tub}, but my husband acts like I have stockpiled more than my fair share, he would love for it to be gone! But like you said, even if I used it all up today, I would never even be close to some of these top scores!

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I guess I was asking because.. when I check in to see what is happening here, I see post after post of our crew saying that they finished one skein or two skeins or whatever. I think this is amazing and wonderful but it occurred to me that people might think I was slacking since I never post a finish :sigh


I too am dedicated to getting control of my stash and of not adding to it unless absolutely necessary.



I'm right there with you... I'm using this CAL as a personal goal, not a competition.

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