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May the grateful stand and cheer

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:pilgrim:ttalkHappy Thanksgiving:ttalk:pilgrim

to all of our

American Friends.



I'm posting early so that everyone can get in some crochet wishes for your holiday time.


May the Lord bless you and keep you safe (can't risk the crochet gifts that are travelling with you :wlol ) (this keeps it on topic :wink )

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Thanks so much for the Thanksgiving greeting Darski! :hugI have many things to be thankful for! Not the least of which are all of the wonderful crochet people on this list from all parts of the world!:pilgrim

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Thank you Darski. How very thoughtful of you. I'll probably find some time to crochet on that day (gotta keep this on topic..:lol). I'm thankful that I will be spending Thanksgiving with my parents and my brother & his wife this year.

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Thanks Darski, I'll be able to crochet that day at my sisters for a bit. I'm thankful that this year at Christmas my younger sister is letting us use her vehicle to go back to Binghamton for Christmas so we can spend it with my in-laws. I miss living near them very much, and am glad to have our first christmas back that way in 2 years!!! :yay


And i'm thank-ful for my neice who will be born soon, and that I'll see my mom soon, and all my sisters will be with me this Saturday.

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There are so many wonderful little things that trigger gratitude. Ain't it all amazing


I guess we Canucks get a bonus because we get Thanksgiving in October and then we get to be reminded all over again of the great bounty we have when y'all celebrate.

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:yayDarski ~ you are right on! Two years ago at this time I was dying. :( One year ago at this time I was recuperating and thankful that I was able to get a good holiday meal into me. :) This year I can help make the meal, help clean up after the meal, not have any thoughts that any of it is a burden because now I CAN do it, enjoy myself with my sisters, and we'll all crochet (well, one knits) after dinner. :yay I am very thankful.

Joyce :hook

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I'm thankful for the gift of crochet that Gram gave me amongst other things, and the gift of her tools on Monday. I'm thankful that we've got such a wonderful comunity here. I'm even thankful that we have this holiday to remind us to take time out from our busy lives to enjoy the bounty of life.

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Thanks! And happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!!


I will not be doing what I normally do this year. I usually meet my family. We all go out to a camping sight and every one brings a dish (or two). But this year I will be going to my husbands, grandmother's house. It will not be near as much fun! But at least I have some one to spend it with. I am thankful this year that my husband gets to spend it with us, instead of at work. And I am Thankful that he has a job(long story there).

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Thank you Darski for reminding us all what really matters. Evenwith all the things that have happend to my husband and I this year (loosing jobs, my health, ect) none of that really matters. I am just thankful we have each other. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!!

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Thank you for starting this Darski - I too have much to be thankful for cause I will be spending Thanksgiving with my family at my sister's cabin. I'll definitely get in some crocheting in the evening and on Friday I will be doing my Christmas decorating. I love that day.


Happy Thanksgiving to all and keep it safe!

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:ttalkHappy Thanksgiving:ttalk


"The secret to a happy life"

Be thankful for the things you do have

and not wanting for things you do not have.

All of us have many things for which to be thankful.


This Thanksgiving, be thankful for your family, and friends that love you.

Remember those who Cannot be with their families this year...

And above all rejoice in the good things in your life.


Happy Thanksgiving From Tampa Doll and Tampa Guy!


Thank you for the good wishes Darski.



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Thanks Darski, the same goes to you!:manyheart


I'm truly thankful for my life and the people in it. I have a great job and God has been good to us! I get to be with all my family tomorrow and most likely will spend a good portion of it crocheting while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (tradition) and the Packers beat the Lions!!


Go PACK!:pilgrim

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i'm thankful that even though we have lost our mama, we had many more years with her than the docs thought. while its going to be hard we will make it thru. she will be with us as she is already happy thanksgiving to all who celebrate and remember to tell those you love that you do love them:hug:hug

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