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Do you ever leave mistakes?

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I've always been crazy anal about my crochet projects. I'e frogged half a baby blanket because I found a skipped stitch that wasn't very noticeable.


I'm working ont he Seraphina shawl right now and am almost done. I've left at least 1/2 dozen mistakes in this thing and I don't care! It's so weird. Maybe because I'm making for myself, maybe because I don't think it's be noticeable? I don't know, but I'm fine with it, which amazes me.


My only problem is I don't know when to stop!! I feel like it's long enough, but I'm leaning towards finishing the skein out even though it's got quite a bit left....

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I almost always leave at least one mistake in everything I make. I make sure it is not noticeable.


My Grandma told me that anytime you make something by hand to leave at least one mistake in it. I can't remember why, just that she said to do that. And I always did (and still do) what she told me to do.

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I have been known to leave a mistake in my work. I used to be more anal about it and I still am but I have realized it's not the end of the world to have a mistake in my work. Most people will not notice it anyway!!

I have also heard that about leaving a mistake in your work too.

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I have often left minor mistakes that aren't noticeable, don't interfere with a design pattern, or in an item just for me (far and few between :lol).

As for knowing when to stop, I am just the opposite. I don't care how much is left on a skein, when it is done, IT IS DONE!!! I am usually anxious to get on to the next project, and my mind is on that. Plus if the leftovers from first project are a yarn that I really like, I am working on a plan for an item that can use that yarn as a square, stripe, trim or something.

It may be you are frugal with your yarn, and know you won't use the leftovers on anything else, so you don't want to waste it. Or maybe you just don't like making balls, :lol. Either way, or maybe some other reason, as long as you enjoy it, then go for it. Crochet is very loving and forgiving.:yes

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I am getting much better about leaving the mistakes that I make. If it doesn't affect the overall pattern, I just roll with it. This is good practice for getting over my bad habit of perfectionism.


I even have one baby blanket that I have been working on forever that I dropped a stitch at the end of a row, then added it back in several rows later. There is now a "dent" in the side of the blanket that I am leaving with the intention of doing hdc in that area for the border instead of sc. That has taken a LOT of self control, but I refuse to frog this afghan or it will NEVER get done.



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It all depends on how noticable it is. Sometimes, if it's a pattern that will repeat, be the same on the other end, etc. I'll repeat the "mistake" on the other end to balance it out and make it look like I did it on purpose. Usually, I find crocheting mistakes are way less noticable than knitting mistakes. Luckily, a lot of people aren't as familiar with how a crocheted item should look vs. a knitted one. You can always pretend it's a "design feature."

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I also leave a mistake(skipped stitch) while crocheting, usually add it back in as soon as possible. If it isn't too far back, I will froggit. But if it is more than 2 rows, I don't worry about it, makes it unique. All of my items are one of a kind special projects...but might all look alike. I make afghans for donations and they will still keep ya nice and warm

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:lol Do I leave mistakes?! Of course I do! I just left on that was two rows back. Not to bad to frog, but I just didn't feel like frogging it. :blush It' probably noticeable too. But I don't think the person it's going to will notice. :devil So it's OK, right?
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I'm anal also about mistakes. I have frogged an almost done blanket b/c I saw a mistake. It depends on if its noticeable to others if I will frog, how far down the project the mistake is and if I can frog and get back to my original spot fast. It bugs me to know that something is wrong even if others can't see it.

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It depends If I am making something for someone I try not to leave to many mistakes but then what is a mistake? my projects are like people if they are different then they are unique and that make the world beautiful.. if I know someone will notice it I frog and frog .. but if it is for my family or a true friend then I leave it because like me it will have flaws but the flaws are what makes it that much more special...

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I usually frog my mistakes but the blanket I'm making now I found the mistake while doing the trim & I'm not going to undo half of the blanket. I just don't have time to anyway. If I'm stressing about leaving a mistake I just think of the Amish & how they put a mistake square in their quilts :)

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I always leave at least one mistake in every item I make. Reasoning - Only God is perfect. Anything made by man is, by it's very nature, flawed and who am I to challenge the natural order of things? Of course, I correct anything that will affect the overall look or usefulness.

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:cheerIf a mistake means the pattern is out, I will undo but if I can correct it, without undoing, I will.

When I am doing a Ripple, I have been known to add a stitch or decrease a stitch when necessary, as long as it is done in the right place.

The problem with undoing a large amount of crochet, for a mistake which is not visible to most people, you run the risk of making the very same mistake or a different one, as you re-create the piece you undid.

I always say, "If you want it perfect, get it made in a factory by a Robot."

Have fun.



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I too an anal about my mistakes. Mostly I just don't notice. :D Thank goodness amis are so forgiving! I just finished a Superman graphghan I was more than half way done when I realized that I did not have enough stitches on one side. So for the next few rows I had to add stitches. There was NO WAY I was frogging that thing! It is noticable, but my DH prob will not notice. Actually its the 1st thing I have done that does not bother me.

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I have been told that a mistake, intentional or otherwise, was considered to be good luck by our Native Americans. I always have at least one (not intentional) in my things, and it seems that I am the only one who notices them! To us, it appears to be gigantic, but to the receiver, they see the over-all finished item.

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I leave them if I can... making a sweater for my DD that is coming up 2 sc narrower than it's supposed to be, but what the heck!


I have an Aran sweater I bought in Ireland years ago that I have found one mistake in, and I love it more for that!

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I'm sure I've left mistakes in, not realizing I did. But mistakes usually bother me because the ones I find throw the whole thing off. I just last night ripped out about 10 rows on an afghan I had started because I realized it was off. I have been told many times that I am a perfectionist, but that's odd because nothing I do comes out perfect! And sometimes I have made stuff and finished it, only to decide it wasn't what I expected, and then tore it apart to use for something else. Hasn't happened often, thank goodness. Yes, I'm sort of frugal with my yarn.

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I only fix mistakes that require fixing. some mistakes throw off the entire process but you find those quickly and easily.


for minor mistakes, I don't frog if it can't be seen while hanging on the side of a barn.


some mistakes that I discover when I am finished and that do show... I consider those to be the perfect location for a flower or something similar.

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I will usually correct a mistake if is in the same row/round I am working on. If it is more than one row/round back and doesn't interfere with a stitch pattern I won't frog. However if the pattern gets wonky I will frog all the way back. Most of my work will have a mistake or two. I am the only one that notices. (I think..)



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I too am very anal about mistakes almost all the time, but this baby blanket I'm working on has been frogged soooooooooo many time and I just noticed a mistake about 20 rows down and it is staying there. Jake is only 2 weeks old and I don't think he will notice.

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I don't go back and fix it unless it's really noticeable. If it's not really something anybody is gonna spot right away, then I leave it there. I'm much more nit-picky about my work than anybody else because I made it. So I do try to keep that in consideration.

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