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Summer Surprise Bag

Tampa Doll

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Something very strange happened last night.


I woke up :morcoffee this morning, with a size 7 steel hook in one hand and a G/7 hook in the other.


I had yarn and thread in my hair and on my arms.


What the heck happened I asked the DH?:think


Neither of us could figure it out,:shrug so I untangled myself and got dressed.


When I went into the kitchen to make coffee, this is what was on the table.


What a surprise, I must have been sleep walking (Sleep Crocheting?) last night and finished this bag.:rofl


So we quickly packed it up and put it in the mail.:mailbox


It is now winging its way to its new home.

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lol oh my that is too funny.

I have woke and made my way down stairs and found a completed project too.Maybe some day I will come down stairs and find a crochetville bag too...Now that would be something!!!!

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very cool Mary Jo. you have a great sense of humor. lucky you didn't stab yourself with that thread hook.. ouchies!

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haha, that's a great story - what were you dreaming about last night while you were sleeping? maybe it had something to do with crocheting this bag? good job on another fantastic crochetville bag!

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ok what i really want to know and can;t figure out is is this a true story or no? because it can go either way. and i have a 7 year old daughter the walks and talks in her sleep and has no recolleciton of what happened the night before. and if this a true story it would make me feel so much better about what she does!



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Mary Jo, we keep telling you, you are amazing... see? You can make them in your sleep now!! :lol Another great bag!! Someone will be very happy!



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So.... what did you eat right before you went to bed? Or watch on TV.. I'm going to have to try and replicate it:lol:P Is there another girlie type out there????? The bag is awesome!

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Another pretty bag - they are all beautiful. Can't wait to see who gets it.


Hmmm, maybe if I go to bed and take hook, yarn and pattern with me, when I wake up, one of my projects will be finished. Naaa, more likely it will be on the floor in a pile!

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Hmmm, maybe I should try "sleep crocheting", never know what you'll get. Beautiful bag.... AND THE WINNER IS ????????????????????

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O M G!! Too Funny! You should write a mystery book about sleepwalking while crocheting!!


HINT.......and include us all in it of course!!


LOVE THAT BAG!! :cheer:clap:yay:yes:jumpyay:woo:rofl :rofl

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