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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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I will join I will get rid of plenty of yarn making blankets ...but I need to buy more yarn to make the blankets... I have an addiction I can't shake Do the Have a group for yarn addicts.....


Hello I am Coolhockeymom and I am a yarnacholic:devil

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youre not a dork lee ann...if any one is it's me, i sit and crochet at the computer with the ville up so i can keep tabs on how everyone is doing...maybe that's why i dont have much used up...

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i find myself running to the computer every time i use up a skein or ball of yarn to up my score...am i the only dork who feels the need to do this? lol

I dont think its dorky at all because I am finding myself saying... ohh how can I make X with only that amount of yarn lol

I sooo needed this stash clearing!

Its like changeing the bed sheets, you know you need to but are sometimes to lazy. KWIM

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I'm so glad that I found this thread today! I bought $50 worth at Walmart the other day, used 2 skeins and had to buy 2 more in white for the blanket I'm working on right now!


My sweetie went to sporting goods and said "Meet me here when you get your white" Uh-huh - sure - no problem - right :lol 10 minutes later he comes back to the yarn dept and I'm just checking out the yarn holding my pathetic 2 skeins of white:blush


Awesome yarn news tho - Mainstays has an awesome purple that's really close to the RH lavender I just bought so I can return it (7 ouncers) and buy the pounders (2 for 1) and save $$$$$.


I'll start at 0 and I should be finished with 3 skeins by tomarrow. 2 strand, N hook 8 point reverse rainbow ripple



I'd love to see more pics!!!!! How come everybody waits until a project is finished before they post their pics?

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I'd love to see more pics!!!!! How come everybody waits until a project is finished before they post their pics?



great blanket and that is so true about only posting when finished :lol hmm where is my camera:think

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Well I finished another half skein today but had to buy 2 skeins of cotton for the mystery CAL starting on the 1st lol at least I'm still barely in the positives.

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After I got home from work, I decided to start crocheting again. A scarf I had started making out of Bernat Softee Chunky had caught my eye, but I didn't really like the pattern. I threw out what I had started (there wasn't enough yarn to reuse anyway...it was in a weird striped pattern) and decided to make another scarf, but with a different pattern this time. I've already completed more than half of it, and turned 2 skeins into balls!

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Tracy- in your siggy, you say "yes I've already started" for Christmas, I've started Christmas too, I want to make lapghans/afghans for a bunch of people this year, so just know you aren't alone on the christmas in January wagon. I've also begun my snowflakes for next year.



Rose Red- I don't wait until I'm done to post pics, but I'm in diffferent CAL's so my in-progress shots are generally posted in other threads, and then I come here to re-do my score. I have pics on my blog of various things I'm working on. I need to update it later today with the black and white round ripple I'm doing, I really need to get it done before my friend has her baby.:lol


ANd I LOVE LOVE LOVE that reverse rainbow blanket, very neat idea!! Very nicely done thus far as well!


My progess, not much crocheting done today, or rather most of this week really, kids have been sick, and I'm feeling run down, my hands won't coordinate with my eyes to make the stitches right it seems. I've only made an apron, 2 hat and scarf sets (those used an N hook), and done 15 3" squares on my 9-patch lapghan. Didn't do a lick of thread this week... still Thursday and Friday I guess, I'd really just like to do the last 12 rnds of this ripple, we'll see how much I do.

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Last night, I finished the matching scarf (and the remainder of 2 skeins) to up my score by 2. :yay


Rose Red- your reverse rainbow ripple is beautiful!

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Woo Hoo! I used up 1 skein of Paton's classic merino on a hat last night...and another whole skein plus the leftover ball of another unknown wool for a purse!!! The hat and purse are to be felted and donated to the auction hall that I work at. We are contributing the proceeds of items auctioned off to the Children's hospital of Central New York. I have 2 other afghans in progress and a scarf that I am knitting....so soon I'll have more score!!! This is great incentive! And so far, I have not bought any more yarn!

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Good golly, guess what I did last night? I killed my plastic I hook I was using to make my PL blanket! I'd just grabbed one of the plastic ones I have for travel these days to use, and was crocheting along just fine for 3 nights with it, when last night, it snapped in half! See this for the sad remains: http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a383/DesertCrocheter/Ihookmurder.jpg


Does this affect my stash-busting score?? :lol Patty

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Thanx so much!


I'm going to try adding and extra set of points to the ghan so the spaces between them aren't so huge. I wanted to do it in yellow BUT I'd probably have to buy at least 1 if not 2 more. Instead, Im going to try it with the orange. I only have 10 pounds of it laying around. UGH The only store that has it is 50 miles away and I was hoping to make a couple Gatorghans to sell but that never happened. So - back to stash-bustin'!

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Tracy- in your siggy, you say "yes I've already started" for Christmas, I've started Christmas too, I want to make lapghans/afghans for a bunch of people this year, so just know you aren't alone on the christmas in January wagon. I've also begun my snowflakes for next year.


We have a fairly large Christmas celebration with my mom's side of the family, and if you make one for one person, you have to make them for everyone. Especially between my mom and her 6 siblings. Right now I think i'm up to 11 I have to make, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were more.

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Well I went and bought that skien of yarn I needed today .... but I did use up 1 ball on yo yo's last night after I posted so thats only -1 .... it could have been worse but dh didn't let me look in the yarn department :lol

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