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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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NOW, don't forget to figure out when your LOCAL time is for EST. I think 8PM EST is a better time for me. Post THIS WEEKS' scores only. Then you can change your sig to read YTD: (keep your old score there) and THIS WEEK: and start new there... That way new people will have a chance of receiving one of the following titles (to be flaunted proudly on your SIG for a WEEK!)


GOLD MEDAL Stashbuster

SILVER MEDAL Stashbuster

BRONZE MEDAL Stashbuster




I don't get this. i was just going to keep a running total. I need words of one syllable obviously.


How does this work?


I started the game at 0, bought some yarn, used two skeins (haven't changed the sig yet for the 2nd one) and would end the week at -8

What goes where? (I hate stupid people and it is so annoying when I am the stupid person :lol )

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Darski, you ALWAYS make me laugh. You are so darned funny....


OK... I was thinking that if we all start getting REALLY high scores, then a newbie might come along and not want to join in. PLUS, if someone had a bumper week, the rest of us would not stand a chance in following weeks of EVER catching up. So, I thought we'd start off fresh at "0" every week, just to keep us all moving.


But then, I thought "WAIT - I want to keep track of my score OVERALL".... So, the only way I could think of making BOTH things happen was to keep a "weekly" score, as well as keep a total score from the day you started. So, once the week is up (since this is the first week), your "total" score would be the previous weeks' score, but your new weekly score would go back to "0". Then we would just keep adding to those.... So, your weekly score right now is (a-hem) "-8". At the end of the week, you would post "-8" as your score for the past week. Your "TOTAL" score would be "-8" and your NEW weekly score would go back to "0"..


Then, if you magically STOPPED buying yarn, and used up more than a tiny part of a huge skein of yarn (:rofl) and gained a score of, say 10, then your WEEKLY score would be "10" and your "TOTAL" score would be "2". Does this make sense?


I'm off to bed now. Have to be nice and refreshed in order to get back to my Blue Star tomorrow... :D

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I like the idea of medals! sort of a virtual olympics :) and totals for the week and YTD are awesome as well...maybe you should have a title of "ultimate stashbuster" for those that completely use their stash and absolutely have to go buy more. just a thought...:)

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hey hey now, that's what my plans are hehe, most of my stash is inherited and i want to start fresh :) so that's my goal is to get down far enough that i can easily incorporate new yarn into my bins without overflow :) goodtimes...besides you did say in the first post that gettting your stash down got you the prize of going out for more :) hehe why not add a title to it?

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lmbo thats what i told dh when he asked my obession about this lol. He was thinking "yay no more yarn lying around"





See, my fiance saw right through my little plan......"What, you use up all your yarn so you have to go buy more?" Darn it.....BUSTED :shrug

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I'm still at 0! I'm currently working on a graphed afghan: with a 1 lb-er of one colour, and two skeins for the silhouette colour.

I'm hoping to start some kitty blankets for 'Kitten-Aide', a woman who takes in cats and finds homes for them. They're always looking for things for fundraising yard sales, and for the cats/kittens too. With a $3,000 vet bill, and climbing, every bit helps.

I told my dh about this, I'm not sure, but I think he is happy about it.

Only trouble is....I have a project in mind, and need more yarn to do it. Unless I do it in 'fantasy' colours...



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Crochetsal: kitty blankets are so fun, I've made two this week for my little guys. It's especially fun because they don't mind about wonky stitches or weird colors. (I get to use up that funky variegated!) I just finished off the very first ball of "practice" yarn I bought more than a year ago when I was first learning. I don't think I'll feel too bad if my kitty chews it up. :)

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I survived a wander through the yarn store today without buying anything!:yay


I kept thinking of this game and how I didn't want to decrease my score just yet. Now... tomorrow could be another story.

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Woo Hoo!!!:cheer:clap:cheer I used up 5 more balls (small balls) on my stripey afghan!! Yea me!! I'm going to have to go yarn shopping soon though, so there will be a drastic plummet in my score here in the coming days......:eek

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Lindsay, that bag is BEAUTIFUL!


And the rest of you are doing GREAT with your scores... and you're resisting temptation in the LYS, too! :cheer


Things will be slow for me, as I'm working on full-skein projects now, might have to throw a few hats or IV covers in there, just to push the score up! LOL!

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This monstrous round ripple is busy eating away at my stash. The bigger it the more yarn it eats YAY!!!


Since yesterday I finished the yellow rounds, killed off a skein of white and 1/2 of the 2 I'm working on. I'm not going to post the orange here because I'll finish those two today.


I'm starting to wonder how many POUNDS of red it's going to take to finish this afghan. So much for sloppy math. This is going to be a 7 or 8 FOOT wonder project and I have to finish the rainbow rounds UGH!


My fingers are going to fall off soon.

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Well, you WOULD know it! I won the Ebay auction! I haven't done that in AGES (won, that is). I put my bid super low, so I usually get outbid. But not this time! I figured it out - that yarn is like 12 points! But I got 6 pounders and some odds and ends (whites, which I needed for my charity stuff) for only $8. That's a steal.


I have one more auction that ends tonight, we'll see if I get that one, too. Basement price, but I bet I'll win now that it'll cost me points! :lol

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