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DH is upset with me

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My DH found out that i have created an ebay account to find crochet patterns:eek I spent the whole day at work browsing and bidding in between patients and then got home and browsed some more. by the time he got home I had bid on 50 yes 50 patterns ranging from hardover books to single pattern leaflets. needless to say he is not speaking to me as I was supposed to be bidding on piccolos for the girl's birthdays:blush oh well at least i have peace and quiet to create now. anyone els have moments when spouse gives the cold shoulder about crochet shopping? hoe do you manage to get him/her talking again?


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My hubby and I don't argue too much. He buys stuff for his car, I buy yarn! As long as our bills are paid....Chin up, he can't stay mad forever. And honestly, crochet addiction IS a sickness!:hook

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my dh doesn't get mad about me looking for patterns he gets mad that I crochet all the time. It helps me unwind and besides if he got up from the stupid computer to come sit on the couch with me I wouldn't crochet, but he waits till I am right in the middle of something sites there for 2 minutes gets up mad and goes back to the computer.

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my man doen't get made for buying supplies. I use my own money for it so as long as the bills get paid and the yarn doesn't end up in his closet he doesn't say anything about it and I don't complain when he buy a new computer toy.

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I'm so sorry about what happened. That's happened to me too, although dh does get over it right away, he's got more invested in his "tools" than I will ever have in yarn.


I hope everything will be set to rights soon!

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I tend to go overboard like that - if I buy, I buy a LOT. I stopped having the emails sent to me from ebay and am doing a lot better with not overbuying. Not because DH is mad, but because I realized I can't possibly use all of this and it is wasteful to add to it.

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:eek Opps, you got caught...sorry. My husband is an enabler also, he thank God, has never complained about me buying yarn, or patterns. He HAS complained about me leaving my stuff all over however. So, he got me a BIG file cabinet..lol..

Good Luck!!:hug

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My husband never gets mad about how much I buy....just that WIPs are all over the house! He can't complain....he spends a fortune on his hobbies!


Hopefully your hubby will get over it soon!

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DH dares not say anything to me about my yarn, patterns, or hooks I buy on ebay, lest he be reminded of his unintentional obligation :loser:irk on a Best Offer deal for a $2,000 car that he didn't even like. :grumpy:thair:2nono And he had to drive to Kentucky to get it.


The bottom line is I buy what I want, when I want it with no sideways glances from him, because he ain't got no room to talk!:box:tryme

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I agree you should just say sorry and not do that again. Sometimes we need something like this to wake us up and get us focussed again.


How happy would you be with lots of yarn and patterns and no hubby...hmmnn makes yah think eh?

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My hubby tries to be supportive...but when he see's all the WIP's sitting in our closet that haven't been touched in who knows how long...well, let's just say it doesn't make him very happy, and my chances of getting more yarn go far away.

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my dh doesn't get mad about me looking for patterns he gets mad that I crochet all the time. It helps me unwind and besides if he got up from the stupid computer to come sit on the couch with me I wouldn't crochet, but he waits till I am right in the middle of something sites there for 2 minutes gets up mad and goes back to the computer.

are you married to my husband because that sure sounds like him!!

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Oy, DH's . . . Mine seemed supportive of my hobby. I got into crochet seriously 8-9 months ago, and he seemed to think it was great. He spends a lot of time on the computer, so it meant I didn't bother him about that (which I didn't anyway).


Last week we have an argument. He uses what we were arguing about as a springboard to tell me all that is wrong with me and/or our marriage. One thing he mentions is all the time I spend crocheting. I reminded him that he had money to buy a motorcycle and that not once had he EVER asked me to put my hook down and sit with him, talk, make out, etc. That, combined with some hurtful things he said, makes me not care much anymore what he does or what he thinks of what I do. It was one of those arguments where he said things I won't soon forget. It ripped things, I think, in an irreparable way.


So, I used to say he was my biggest fan regarding my hobbies. Now I feel like I don't know how he really feels until he decides to blow up.


Didn't mean to digress this much, but I have no one to vent to in my "real" life. Men!


Hope your situation goes well and y'all make up!

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Yes, my other half spends a lot of time on the computer at home too. **** that World of Warcraft. Grr! So, I crochet. I don't even buy much yarn. Well, not anymore. My mom buys me yarn, and ppl give me yarn in payment for making them stuff. I got my stash together over the weekend. Well, 1/2 of it. So far i've got 3 plastic totes full, and I can fill at least one or two more.


i've got a lot of loose patterns too, i've got to get a filing box for, and some file folders.


He doesn't have any hobbies besides the game. But sometimes he'll miss me, and sit right beside me, while I'm crocheting. that's kinda cute. and while he's playing his game, once in awhile i'll stop and get up and tease him, kiss him and stuff.......lol :-) it's fun.

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I haven't done that...I studiously avoid ebay simply because I know I have the potential to do that every time I go there LOL!! But my mother did the same thing when she got into Italian Charms....she thought they were all so pretty and had a weekend alone (Dad was helping his mother sort out his father's estate) and went surfing on ebay and didn't keep track of the things she bid on...until she got the notifications that she won like 60 auctions within a day and a half!! When she started to tell me about this I just asked her "Momma, how much??" and she wouldn't answer me until she told me the whole story....turns out she spent nearly $80 on Italian Charms!!! :eek So, she started picking up the mail every night when she got home so that she could sneak the packages into the house without Dad seeing them...and then she told him she won a couple of bids on them...and had consolidated the charms by then, so she was able to show him everything that she bought, all together, and make it seem like she only won 2 or 3 bids instead of 60 LOL!!! He was more focused on WHAT she bought rather than HOW MUCH she spent, so Mom really dogded a bullet there :lol...


I have a gamer hubby too...City of Heros/Villians..he sits at the PC and games and talks to himself, I sit on the couch, watch TV & crochet and talk to the characters on the screen...but for us, as long as we're in the same room, we're still vibing at each other so it's not like we're ignoring each other....and when I ask him not to game, we'll have a movie night or something...and I'll keep my hands off the hooks too LOL!!!


As for getting DH talking to you again....if you point out things that he does that costs money, it'll just turn this into a bigger argument...best policy when you goof up and then get caught is honesty...wait til the man has had his dinner and the girls are asleep (or at least in bed) and you have some time just the two of you...then walk up to him, put your arms around his neck (face to face) and tell him that you're sorry he's upset with you, that you WILL do what you were supposed to do immediately, and that you love him....be straightforward and sincere...you just might surprise him into forgiveness LOL!!! Then make sure that you look for those piccolos!! And not more patterns til after the piccolos arrive LOL!!!


cgd..honey, I'm so sorry to hear about that argument....I hope you're okay...:hug



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As for getting DH talking to you again....if you point out things that he does that costs money, it'll just turn this into a bigger argument...best policy when you goof up and then get caught is honesty...wait til the man has had his dinner and the girls are asleep (or at least in bed) and you have some time just the two of you...then walk up to him, put your arms around his neck (face to face) and tell him that you're sorry he's upset with you, that you WILL do what you were supposed to do immediately, and that you love him....be straightforward and sincere...you just might surprise him into forgiveness LOL!!!


I think Jessie said it best. I second that opinion :)


My guy support my crocheting, 'cause he knows that's what keeps me sane (and occupied since he's always busy). Of course, we both work full time and live off our own money, I usually only have one project going, and I still do most of the cooking/cleaning...so I can't imagine a world where he would dare care!

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My DH does get grumpy, His most common question is "How many balls of yarn does one person need?" at least he calls it yarn now I spose. My DH doesn't have any hobbies and is not a car person so he really notices all of my WIPS all over the house, as i don't just crochet I also knit and cross stitch it gets on his goat a bit, he has now given me a craft budget, so i can spend that amount without comment each month, as it is a tiny amount ( maybe enough for 2 good or 3-4 mediocreballs of yarn) I do sneak yarn into the presents budget, lol....well I do make things for other people :hook

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My husband doesn't bother me about the amount of yarn or pattern books I buy. We included in our budget 'fun money' for each of us. So, I just use my fun money to buy yarn and patterns and he uses his to buy yo-yo stuff. Yo-yoing is his hobby (he does tricks and stuff) and he owns about 30 yo-yos now and he's always adding to the collection and buying new strings and other yo-yo related items. So, he's a little obsessed with his hobby as well. LOL


The only thing my husband complains about is the fact that I haven't finished his afghan yet. I've been working on it diligently for the past couple of days though....so, I'm hoping I'll have it finished soon.

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I love my DH dearly, but LOVE that he is a truckdriver and gone most of the week.I do miss him a great deal, but never have to worry about him seeing what I buy or how much..LOL

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I love my DH dearly, but LOVE that he is a truckdriver and gone most of the week.I do miss him a great deal, but never have to worry about him seeing what I buy or how much..LOL

Mine is a plumber so I don't see him much either! He works long hours and falls asleep in the recliner when he gets home! He is very proud of the things I make and respects my crochet addiction! :hook

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My husband doesn't say yay or nay to anything I want or do. He knows very well how stubborn I am and if I want it, then I'm going to get it. :yes


We both work outside the home, we both earn healthy paychecks, we split the bills, we buy what we want when we want. Only exception is expensive items (like over $100). Then we talk it over and go from there.


What I do hear from him at least once a week is: "Those poor sheep." (doesn't matter to him that I do not use wool) :lol

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My hubby has been known to complain every now and then, and for some reason, he see's ebay purchases as worse than if I go to a store to buy supplies. Don't know why.


Normally, if we have the cash spare he's fine with it, and I never buy yarn or supplies if we're low on cash. Nor does he spend on his hobbies when we're low on money.


My argument when he does get annoyed is simply the fact that his hobbies are more expensive than mine. Right now he wants to order a new exhaust system for the car he just bought. This exhaust has to be imported from America, at a cost of $1800, then fitted by someone out here. That's a huge amount of yarn im my books, so the next time he complains, I'll whip that one out!

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