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Finally Finished

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K, So I finished the cat blanket for my sister's Christmas. Am going to mail it today, but took pictures for ya'll to enjoy and please tell me what you think. I know that some of the cats didn't come out so great, but I will have to live with as I need to get it finished before Christmas. ;)



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you did a fabulous job on this. you made it just the way we all talked about it looking.



your little mouse and the ball of yarn = totally WoW. :c9

Thank you for sharing the pictures.


Any more brilliant ideas?

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If your sister doesn't like it because "some of the cats didn't come out so great" just tell her to send it back, and then you can send it to me!!! :rofl

Serously, I think it is sooo cute! And I agree with the others, IF there are any mistakes, I just ain't seeing 'em. :yay:clap:cheer

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first i wanted to say that i`m so happy by being a member of your forum i wish you`ll accept me as a sis :)

secondly: i really loved :manyheart it its gourgios :clap afghan i wanted to start one but i didnt i need more yarns and its expencive in my country if its a good one :(

i think that i need a kick to start woking :think

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Oh Ladies,

Thank you so much for your kind words. I am sure that Sis will love it as much as she loves her real cats. Now that it is done, I like it, but I had to change some of the cats to make it look okay. The beige cat in the center on the bottom row was suppose to be jumping up to catch the yarn string, and the orange kitten with the ball of yarn took three trys to get it that good. He was suppose to be smaller though. It was a matter of hook on a whim and see if it looks okay at the end. There was unfortunately no way of duplicating the patterns for each cat/kitten. The three kittens in the basket and the first black cat were the easiest, so when the beige cat was giving me trouble, I crochet pattern similiar to the first black cat applique to finish the blanket out. I found that sewing faces onto a crocheted background does always work the way you want it to. I went to using silk ribbon to do most of the faces. But it seems that in my area it isn't a popular art anymore. I tryed the Rag Shop, AC Moore and Micheals, no one carries it anymore. I got lucky and found a stash I had a few yeras ago. I did silk ribbon emborory for a number of years and it is great to make 3-d roses and flowers on projects. I made the mistake of emailing a picture to my other sister, she clled me on my cell wanting to know when her's would be ready. I told she was going to have to wait til after the holidays.

I hope everyone has a grand Christmas and wonderful New Year. And keep on Hookin'



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Fantastic blanket! I love the ball of yarn carrying through all the squares. Such a cute idea. I'm sure your sister will just love it. Plus with your other sister asking for one too, that's gotta be one of the best compliments you can get! Well done! :cheer

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Well, I mulled it other last night and already started thinking of what style I would do for Bek. I wouldn't want to do the same thimg. Just because we are sisters we are not the same. Bek is very Victorian shappy ciche, where as Lee's is colonial in style. I am very Tuscan, as is my SIL Loretta. So I figured to Bek's in the checkerboard pattern background in pastel colors, and not with just cats. Maybe each square telling a story or carrying the story through the whole blanket. Or maybe have green panels on the bottom then a litte blue in the middle to a slightly darker blue on the top panel. Kindof like a large painting. Then crochet appliques of a scene being played out across the whole blanket. I have till her B'day in September to get it done. I will get my daughter ( she is a great artist ) to draw a scene out for me. Then at least I will have a schedule and it will be more thought out than Lee's blanket was.


What do ya'll think of the idea? I would really love to know.



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