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Join the Crochet Olympics

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Good ideal Vims,some of them join more then one event.


My thread is spose to be here tommorw but i am getting down to the wire here to and getting very upset and one edge.


I cant wait for this to start but yet afraid my thread wont get here.


The agony of defeat before it even starts :(

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I cant wait for this to start but yet afraid my thread wont get here.


The agony of defeat before it even starts :(

No worries...just consider yourself one of the late starting events!! Example - although the games are starting on the 10th, the first men's ice hockey game is not until the 15th! It might turn into an even bigger challenge to get it finished!
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Okay fellow Olympiads! This is the last day of training before the start of the games! Have you finished your swatching? Ensured that you have enough yarn in the same dye lots? Read through your pattern to verify that you understand it? Have everything together in a convenient location, including those late night Olympic snacks?


:cheerGet your hook (and needles for my fellow dual-athletes) ready to fly! :cheer

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I started a new project because I'm itching to get started on the projects for the Olympics and I don't wanna cheat...something for Valentine's Day...


I have everything at the ready...


I am really, really happy that we have over 100 participants. I wish everyone the best of luck in your endeavors.


Go Team Wearables

Go All Crochet Athletes!

Oh, and to All Knit Athletes as well!

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Okay fellow Olympiads! This is the last day of training before the start of the games! Have you finished your swatching? Ensured that you have enough yarn in the same dye lots? Read through your pattern to verify that you understand it? Have everything together in a convenient location, including those late night Olympic snacks?


:cheerGet your hook (and needles for my fellow dual-athletes) ready to fly! :cheer


Well, I'm almost ready. I read both patterns, and I understand them. I swatched for both my crocheting and knitting projects. I wound my Noro for the sweater that I'm knitting since I had to color match it and the yarn can have lots of knots, and I feel that I'm ready to go. I'll see if I can take a half day off tomorrow. If not, then I'll start as soon as I get home.


I plan to watch the Opening Ceremonies during prime time and I hope to have a daily blog post. I've haven't been crocheting at all or knitting much lately, so I'm looking forward to the challenge.:hook

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Anna I have a question if we (thats a mighty big if) finish our piece can we still join the events and make a doily or something else? I know its highly unlikely for me but was just wondering that if I am supercharged and I do indeed get to finish this then can I start another project?


Vims - absolutely! There's no problem with being a dual-team yarn-lete. :) If you finish up and want to do something else - let me know and I'll make another entry for you. :cheer


Less than 2 days to go......Woo hoo! Go all Yarn-letes! We can do it! ;)

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I'm in!!! I'm in!!! :cheer:clap:cheer:clap In case you can't tell, I am really excited. I will be making the Furry Stripped Bag from the Lion Brand site to match the Chinchilla Stole, also from Lion Brand. Although I will be knitting the stole. But instead of in strips like the pattern calls for, I was gonna try and make it in one piece.


Angela :)

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I waited until today to inform my husband that I will be crocheting like a mad woman until the Olympics are over. He looked something like this :bang which made me look like this :sofunny. It's a good thing he loves me as much as he does. ;)

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Over the last couple days, my training for this is to crochet while my daughter is awake :eek not easy, lol she thinks it's funny to stand in front of me all sweet and innocent and then grab the ball of yan and run off as fast as she can while laughing the whole way LOL it's pretty much impossible to crochet with her around i can only do it when she has her nap or in bed for the night (she's 17 mon.) but i will never get my blanket done unless i work on it while she's awake :clap

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Anna..no problem about the research. I was curious too after you mentioned it. Besides, it filled a little time LOL...waiting is getting worse as our start time gets closer! Ack!


To everyone waiting on yarn or tax refunds I am crossing my fingers you get them today so you don't have to wait! If for some reason you have to starta day or two late because of yarn or money problems, perhaps you could *practice* the first few rows of your pattern with an alternate yarn in your stash, after the starting time passes. Or practice on a patch of pattern that you are worried about getting through? Just a warm up for when you get your project yarn, so you can zoom right in without any further delays.

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Over the last couple days, my training for this is to crochet while my daughter is awake :eek not easy, lol she thinks it's funny to stand in front of me all sweet and innocent and then grab the ball of yan and run off as fast as she can while laughing the whole way LOL it's pretty much impossible to crochet with her around i can only do it when she has her nap or in bed for the night (she's 17 mon.) but i will never get my blanket done unless i work on it while she's awake :clap


You have just described what I go through crocheting with my cat...cute...

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Hi Anna - I just emailed you my info! I'd love to join up and hope it's okay to at this late date. The Olympics begins tomorrow!! :hook


I'll be making the Lush Carpet Bag from the Leisure Arts book, In The Bag #3775. I usually make afghans so a bag will be different for me and finishing anything in a specific time period is quite the challenge!! :D


Thanks for hosting Anna and Jimmie Lu, the site looks great and so do all the buttons! :)

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I dyed some yarn yesterday and I'm watching it dry.:rolleyes Don't want to start anything new.


Is it time, YET!!!!!! IS IT TIME, YET!!!!!!!!!! Guess I'll just go back and watch my yarn dry..

I feel like those kids on the Disney commerical. " I'm to excited to sleep!!!"

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Ya know, something just doesn't seem right about starting anytime besides while watching the opening ceremonies (which aren't on till 8pm here). I won't be starting till then, either...after a dinner of Italian food, of course! :)


I know what you mean, but the opening ceremnies are taped & broadcast 6 hours later for us in EST. Sooo, at 2pm EST they are actually happening.


Of course at 2pm I'll be driving my dd to speech therapy and somehow beginning a challenging pattern is not what I think I'll be during while I wait in a busy elementary school lobby.... I guess it will be socks til I can concentrate later at home.

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...To everyone waiting on yarn or tax refunds I am crossing my fingers you get them today...


YAY!!! The mail lady brought my box from joann.com this morning! I must say I am in :2eekSHOCK over how big the skeins of Sensations Rainbow Boucle are! Now its going to be nearly impossible to stay the course and finish the dreaded baby 'ghan.


:2magicSpeaking of which- by some miracle, I have rows 8-12 on the border and it will be done. I worked til 4a Tues. night/Wed am, got up and went back at it around 9 Wed morning, then worked til 3a on it this morning. I was dozing off so I put it down intending to get up early today and finish-- well, I got up and went back to bed with a promise of a wake up call that I didn't get. LOL I'm confident that I can finish now, it might not be done before his birth, but it will be done before he comes home. My hand/wrist is feeling better, I believe I better get back on the job before I don't.


My hubby is so funny... he asked why I was doing a marathon before the olympics.


Ok, so I'm not getting the dreaded 'ghan finished sitting here playing with smilies. If all goes well, I will be finished up with this and have it washed and will be able to start something new tomorrow with my fellow crocheteers!


Best of luck to you all!



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I'm windingon my vintage Super Wisk! My skeins are being very badly behaved, tangling all over the place. Finished nearly all of my UFO's, just 1 to go! DB off to work nights at the paper mill, son off to work at the Pizza shop, so it's just the animals, the yarn & TV till the morning!:c9



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I waited until today to inform my husband that I will be crocheting like a mad woman until the Olympics are over. He looked something like this :bang which made me look like this :sofunny. It's a good thing he loves me as much as he does. ;)


That's why I am not telling mine. It wouldn't be different from any other day of mad crocheting.


Angela :manyheart

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Ok, so I'm not getting the dreaded 'ghan finished sitting here playing with smilies. If all goes well, I will be finished up with this and have it washed and will be able to start something new tomorrow with my fellow crocheteers!
Go Cris Go!! You can finish that 'ghan!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer Just think of the fun to come when you are able to start your Olympic Quest!! You can do it!! :cheer :cheer :cheer
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It starts at 11:00 am here. I have Spanish class then for 1.5 hours, then Mass, and Religion class, then I teach Latin. I don't know how much crocheting I can get in. They're not showing the cerimonies till 8:00 pm though, so I will be able to work while I watch some of that.


This is so exciting! I have my project all laid out and I can't help sitting there admiring it, but it kills to not be able to pick up that hook! Augh!


Good luck to you all tomorrow!



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I am sooo psyched! I started on the baby bubbles blanket last night to take my mind off my Olympics project. Unfortunately, I ran out of yarn. :eek So I guess that plan backfired. LoL


Thankfully I'm going to Mom's Night at my daughter's school tonight, so that will take my mind off my itchy crochet fingers...at least until tomorrow morning. 11 a.m. can't come soon enough! :hook

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I have everything organized,

My crochet corner is nice and clean. All ready to go. I too have the 11:00 start time so I need to have most of my chores done today.

House is almost clean. Fixing DH a very nice dinner. Who knows when I will have time to really cook for the next 16 days.

I feel jazzed but good. My training has gone well. I am relaxed and ready for the Challenge.

Just remember to pace your self. Let's not burn out early......:eek


Go Team Go............................................ :jumpyay


I will try to document my progress every evening, Thanks to the DH camera man.

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Tomorrow can not come soon enough! The waiting is just killing me. The worst part will be waiting until the Olympic torch in the stadium is lit. You know it will just take them forever to do it. I have half a mind to find a crocheter in Turin and have them set a skein of yarn on fire and toss it into the torch area. I feel I'm like a little kid whining "Are we there yet?" "Are we there yet?"

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I've been thinking (yeah, yeah, a dangerous thing, I know). I have a high case of ADD when it comes to working on one project - I normally have 5 or 6 going at any point in time. While I am doing the knitted bag and the crocheted doily for the Olympics, I'm worried that I'm going to get "bored". Is anyone else going to have a few little filler projects to work on every now and then to jazz things up? Or am I the only one who has issues working on the same thing?

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I have the same "issues." I was actually relieved when my ball of yarn ended for the blanket. :eek I don't have any filler projects, though I suppose I should find some. I get distracted very easily if I've been working on something exclusively for a while.

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