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Join the Crochet Olympics

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I'm taking my first break... for some reason my kids wanted to eat. :P Anyway, my first scarf is stitching up way faster than I thought. I am usually very, very slow crocheter, but my hook is flying today because I'm so excited. :bounce


Good luck everyone! Have fun and... GO Team Wearables! :cheer:cheer :cheer

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Well, I am definetly pacing myself. I frogged already! Actually only one row though. :lol


After my last post I realized my new hook is more of a J or even a K--- instead of an I. I need to trim it down more & do a new swatch before using it. So I frogged my first row & started using my SB hook. Taking no chances! But I left my chain so I can say I started with the new hook lol. When the new one is ready, I'll go back to it. I want to make sure I do this right.


I'm on row 4 of the back portion (131 st) ...since I had to take care of sick ds & make quick dinner & eat.

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The girls let me work for a full hour and a half. I got the first sleeve done but it's too short. :eek I used an H-5 so the sleeve wouldn't be too baggy around my arm, but it didn't work out length-wise, so...I will be adding about 4 more rows after dinner. :hook

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Hey I am at 19 sq! I think I will do one more and then work on my purse for the swap. I figured in order to do 250 sq I needed to do 15 a day so I am ahead!


Oh my goodness Jimmie Lu - 19 sq in one day! I had problems doing one 12 inch square over 2-3 days last week. :) Congrats! You are a crocheter to be reckoned with!

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How are you doing Anna? The Opening Ceremonies are being replayed over here...they were great. It's almost 2:00 a.m. and I should really think about getting some sleep...good work everyone...have a great evening.

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How are you doing Anna? The Opening Ceremonies are being replayed over here...they were great. It's almost 2:00 a.m. and I should really think about getting some sleep...good work everyone...have a great evening.


I'm doing good. I haven't made any progress on my top though. Picked up the boy, made him dinner, walked the dog and now I'm wading through the new sign-ups. I am watching the replay of the Opening Ceremonies though. I expect to actually get to crocheting in about another hour. :hook

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After fooling around with gauge, I finally got started on the Lush Carpet Bag that I'm making for the Olympics. A big challenge on this project is working with 2 strands of Homespun! Ugh! The bag is coming along nicely, however and it's fun to make. :)

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After suffering a major setback earlier in the day, I'm now ready to go!


I'd planned to "compete" using the Ilene sweater pattern from Cool Crochet, done in solid black. Due to a delay in the fundage department, I had to wait til last second to go yarn shopping - only to find no one had the quantity I needed in the same [or same-looking!] dyelots! Ugh.


I considered making it in the multi-colors that the pattern originally calls for, but I don't think I'd finish it time, and I think it's a little too *busy* for something I'd actually wear. I considered doing either of my second choice sweaters, but the yarn for them is even harder to find. So, instead of giving up, I've just changed my approach...


I've decided to commit to Team Afghan/Squares, and challenge myself with my first graphghan!! Although I'm bummed I won't be making a wearable, as I'd orginally hoped, I am stoked to finally try some graph-work. I'll be making a cloud-print blanket to match my room... I've never worked with graphs before, and that, combined with the size of the project, and the fact it's all sc, should be a big challenge for me over the next couple weeks.


I bought my yarn, Bernat Super Value, just a few minutes ago and now I have to wind it up before I can get started. I've already gotten a graph ready with knitpro, and I'm happy I don't have to swatch, so hopefully my next post will be full of progress!!


So, how's everyone else doing??

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I'm a little behind schedule - only about 5 of the 20 new entries done. Mom called (to see how the Crochet Olympics is going), the dog wanted to be played with and then go outside, and the stepson commandeered the laptop for about 20 min to search for PS2 cheat codes.


But, I'm back on track now. LOL. :)

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I'd committed to not starting until I was actually watching the Opening Ceremonies, so here I am with a 7-hour delay. :P


Nice! Slovakia is walking into the stadium to the tunes of the Village People. :2rock


I've gotten 8 rows of my sweater done in the last hour and a half. I re-thought the project and ordered some more yarn *just in case* so I'm committing to a scarf/hat set during this time, too; I can work on that if I run out of yarn and have to wait for it to get here. Problem solved. :)


Go team wearables!! :wgrin

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It has been fun reading about everyone's excitement regarding this. I'm glad I'm not alone. My family thinks I'm weird for sure!


Mayberry Girl.....join us, please. Just pick something you think you'd like to try and go for it. Surely you've got some yarn stashed somewhere hehehe.:hook





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Ok ,I just finished adding the 22 new entries from today. Now I can break out the yarn and really start on the sweater. :)


I have to say all the artistry in the Opening Ceremonies is really cool. Very nicely done!

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I must admit I don't give a rip about the ceremony :devil. I just care about the fact that is broadcast here at 8pm pst and it is now 8pm pst and I can start on my little girls HK backpack...WOOT!!:cheer:cheer




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I'm on pace to finish on time, but I'm still disappointed in my progress. :(


It's a 90 row graph, 60 stitches to each row. I've done 13 rows today. Yeah, I know 13 rows doesn't seem that much, but this is an extensive graph with numerous color changes per row. One row (which I haven't done yet) has something like 23 color changes.


Anyway, I figured that ten rows a day will get me done with the graph portion by next Saturday...that would give me a week to enlarge the graph into afghan size. But, I wanted a cushion to allow for such things as family crisises. Unfortunately, we had one of those family crisises tonight which cost me valuable time. I'm on track, but I know there will be days that I'll get very little done. I just hope this is the last major crisis until after the Olympics.


Yeah, right.

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Wow..lady bebop,you are moving right along,keep us updated with photos.


natalie058-you have more guts then i do,i was going to try a graphagran and chickened out,so what the graph??


jingles96-i got a late start to becouse my dear hubby came in right at 8 oclock and i had to fix dinner.


Well i started then froged it becouse the holes looked to big to me so i went to a size O hook and it looks much better,will just have to add more to the chain.Will post photos later on.


Hows everyone doing now??

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Wow - this start was a lot slower than I anticipated. Between the domestic goddess stuff (ha! yeah right!), and the entering of new entries, I got a late start - around 9pm. Then I was going along doing my 3 rows of sc before starting the pattern and right as I finished it, I decided that it was too wide. The top is supposed to be loose, but this would have been a little too loose. Especially since I'm doing the WW thing (~9lbs - tomorrow is weighin #6!) and just expect to lose more (I WILL). So I frogged and went down a few chains to the number for the next smaller size. I just finished row 3 again. I've taken photos, I'll post them on my blog tomorrow. Ug am I tired right now.


Night all! I hope everybody had a fairly successful start to their Olympic endeavors. :)


Oh, btw - the Italian guy who read the pledge for all the athletes? HOT. Super cute. :blush

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Well day one is over for me, I posted my progress on the Flicker site. I am going have to do some serious crocheting to get this done. Though I am very pleased with my start.

http://flickr.com/groups/knittingolympics/ Glad to hear how everyone is doing. I am cheering for each and everyone to make their personal goals.

Go Team Go.........

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