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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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busypeople!! im not getting into the spirit much this year dont know why just still feeling blah about it all. Did get a box fro. my older sis in Idaho with some cute things in it but ut was a quick and temporary spirit high hat now is long gone lol. so for the most part arond here anyway its biz as usual i guess. at least the sun is out. those flurries didnt amount to anything so still waiting for the first snow to light my winter luck candle.


Mary Jo looking forward to the tote delivery and your Christmas dec. pics !! if i am not doing it i canat least live through your decorations lol lol.

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Such cute baby pictures.


Love what Little Tribble told Santa to bring him. Santa can bring me the same things.


Mary Jo love Ami Ville Christmas. Looks like a great place to live.


Katy you still have time to find your spirit. That flu you had just sucked the life out of you and you still just arent quite up to snuff.


I am still tired from last week so I am glad my Christmas things are already out. I have been playing my Christmas music, watching Christmas shows and working on getting Christmas packages together. My stomach has been bothering me probably because my sinuses are acting up. dh got the snow fence up. dh was off yesterday so we ran lots of errands. Now we can pretty much stay clear of the stores on the weekends. We have our final bonsai meeting for the year tomorrow. Sun afternoon the bee association is having their last meeting for the year and having appetizers and desserts. The sun is out and with no wind 40's isnt feeling too bad.

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Good afternoon,

Was busy this morning binge listening to a CD that someone requested behind me,only 4 more tracks and I can return it on our way to checking out a new stove,gee if it isn't car or truck related,its major appliance melt down,need to catch a break,we don't have much of the Ho Ho Ho spirit either,have been listening to Christmas music,reading Christmas stories

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tis an elusive thing this Christmas Spirit.


I dont need a stove but the dryer is old and have been thinking about replacing that after Christmas Pineknott so i know what you mean.



seems to me that the expence of this "vaping " fad is far more costly than cigs cost and if you are atill getting the nicotine?? in a bottle. my thought would be why not spend the money on nic patches that at least may help you in quitting all together?? I used them to quit with many years ago and have remained a long time non smoker so that is just my two cents worth is all no offense to anyone intended. i understand the addiction but a nasty and harmful habit, smoking


I quit about a year before i got pregnant with dd and she is 31. never looked back. i remember how free and healthy i felt afte r its !one of the smartest things i ever did!! and sometimes those are are few and far between lol


ok pushing soap box back under my. chair now. lol


We are having scalloped taters and ham tonight as we baked a ham the other day and we have lots left. after the scalloped and ham if there is still . some left will come either I will make ham salad or ham and bean soup or we'll use it with breakfasts with eggs or lunch with sandwiches lol it will go a long way i think. i have some in the freezer waiting lol.


i did edge that pretty ghan i made in solid grannys and it is in my donation pile for one of two places. either the. nursing home here locally or the hospice locally. so it is off my table and out of my list of to do's lol. im starting a large granny square baby ghan but it is

in i. the ealy stage yet only about 10 inches square but it is started ayway. i just had to crochet and let my fingers guide me ill figure out a home for it as i go along lol.


To orrow may turn out to be a post office run we'll see how that goes lol. our Dec b day girls i will need to work on a bit next week before i can mail them off.


who besides Mary Jo knits too?? i can knit i have knit i just prefer not to. lol. i am slow at knitting and that frustrates me so i just dont knit any more. i prefe crochet i guess.


pretty nice day today was a good day for the errands we did. sun is shining and no wind lol. Got. a few things done goday i guess but not nearly all you gals do!! Good to see your post Brenda and glad you are rested up a bit now. sit back and enjoy your self. have fun at the last meeting!!




well. nothing else new i guess so im out for now see ya later all. ❌⭕❌⭕

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Afternoon all.

Little man keeps me from getting a lot done during the day.

It is what it is.

I love being with him and playing with him.

Right now he loves dinosaurs and the movie Kung Fu Panda 3. So we have to play and Kung fu. He is so funny and talking up a storm.

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So sorry to hear about your non spirit.


Hey maybe this will cheer you up.  Check out Amity Ville.


Amity Ville Chirstmas



I love amity ville, Mary Jo. One day maybe I'll have as many crocheted things as you!!!




Such cute baby pictures.

Love what Little Tribble told Santa to bring him. Santa can bring me the same things.


Yep I would love a gold bar and real rubies as well!!!




who besides Mary Jo knits too?? i can knit i have knit i just prefer not to. lol. i am slow at knitting and that frustrates me so i just dont knit any more. i prefe crochet i guess.


I tried knitting. I kept dropping stitches, and I couldn't figure out how to pick the stitch back up, so I would have to rip it all out and start over. I don't like doing that very well, so decided it wasn't for me. I'll stick with crochet.


Not done a lot today , napped cause have to work tonight. Had little tribble do his homework and read a chapter of the book he's reading but that's all. Will warm up beef bourguignon for supper. I made it in the crock pot on Wednesday. Turned out amazing. I love trying new meals.


Have a good night all, gonna go get in the shower and get ready for work...

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Great pictures! The kiddies are growing so quickly! Time always seems to slip by...

Tampadoll- As long as the tote gets to where it needs to go, then we will just have to wait a little longer to find out who the lucky recipient is.

I am not liking these shorter days at all. It seems like I don't get enough done around the house before bedtime.


I need to start thinking about Christmas cookies but have no desire to bake. I used to make at least three tins full of cookies. I think this year, I am only doing Gingerbread ones this year.

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Evening all! DH ended up not being able to go to his sister's for the weekend :( So here I am! Not going to do much this weekend tho. Didn't plan anything and really don't intend to :lol


Katy, for me, vaping is actually cheaper than smoking was. Getting the new rig cost a bit more, but it doesn't leak like my other 2 did :lol This one is also much harder for me to drop! I still get the nicotine, but I'm weaning myself down. I'm hoping to quit this too, but cigarettes was hard for me to knock. I tried putting them down and walking away, but oh boy! I almost stared strangling people :rofl (not that I'm a people person anyway, but I was way, way worse) So when I hit a pack and a half a day, I decided to switch then. And I honestly can say, I feel better already!


Ok, done defending my pov :lol


But yeah, this Christmas stuff, I'm really not feeling it much either. I still have to get the tree and decorations out and get it done. Maybe Sunday? Or possibly Monday, really. It's easier to get things done when DS is at school and I only have 1 kid to trip over :lol But that's ok, get it done I will!


Anywho, I'm going to go. My tablet is telling me it's mad at me again...keyboard keeps disappearing on me. I'll see you all tomorrow! :hug s and goodnight!

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Daphne.... we did for the boys when they were younger, nothing like gold spray paint and rocks LOL... ruby might be tougher.. :lol


Might have to try that. He'd get a kick out of it I'm sure!!

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Good Morning.


What we all need is a good stiff Egg Nog. 


I was lucky, I was able to put the cigarettes down and walk away.  I do get nuts when they start on people smoking cigarettes, but it is ok to smoke other stuff.  Enough said.


I learned to knit first when I was about 8.  I could not get the hang of crocheting or sewing.  My Mom could do all three.  My oldest sister could crochet and sew.  The youngest did not care to do any.  Knitting is faster for me.


As for decorating, It will be a few days before I finish. 


Try and have a great day today.  Hugs all around. :hug  :ghug  :hug 

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oh ammyville is darling they are all so cute and i love the beaded Christmas front and center. just perfect!, thank you for sharing your delightful arrangement with us all we love it!,,❌⭕️❌⭕️❤️♥️


i alao love they wY you tied it all together with blue here a blue there very eye pleasing. !!! i still love my jack i. the box,Bumble and that tree now the best and how cute everyone is dressed to keep warmie too!!

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well brunch was ham and scrambled eggs and was vecy good lol.


handy went and gor me a new humidifier as the old one hisses away and i cant sleep with it on lol. this is a nice one and ru 18 8hours on one small tNk cUzw filling the other was a problem for me to but it puts out a nice adjustable stream of moisture!! i love it lol and it is silent. its a Holmes. i trust that name ! it reminds me of a ta kettle its so compact lol.


i just wake up sometimes with dry mouth so this fits right on my night table!! the other one is a floor sitter lol. i will box the old one up see if the kid wants ii perhaps.

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Where have you moved the talk about the Granny Squares to?  This seems to have turned into a chat room!  I'm not complaining--just wondering.....

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Afternoon everyone! In ever could figure out knitting. Embroidery, I can do a little bit, and crochet, but regular knitting, no...I keep trying and can't do it, so I cut my yarn and toss it :lol I can, however, use a knitting board. Go figure...


Anywho, just doing some more pick up work around the house again. And laundry...and trying to keep my sanity (does Walmart still not have that?) Really my daily thing: lol


I hope you all have a great day and I'll see you all later tonight! :hug s to all!

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thanks for the question AVonLady.


In the past year or so our numbers have been declining rapidly and there are very few of us to make squares for anymore.

We will continue the birthday square theme through Jan which is all those of us that can send each month squares to the members that have a b-day in that month in order to help them hopefully complete their project.it has never. been a requirement that one must send in order to receive some squares but to help someone out as lets face it making all those squares seems daunting enough but then putting them together too makes the idea almost unachievable to some!


In the coming new year we will decide how to conti ue ths thread to keep it fresh and i interesting for not only our current members but our hopefully many new members as we carry on into the future.


With no new members signing up ( it is free no strings attathed ) we are a determined group and will try to continue to achieve our goals and will decide in the new year where to go as we would like to keep this thead active and productive into the future

we are a smaller group now. and have become a chatty bunch who genuinely care about each and are interested ineach others lives i guess that is where our chatty conversations take on a familiarty in tone and content


We are not confined or boundried to talking only granny squares lol far from it. its a grounp of generous and giving people coming together for a good cause to hep others.

If you or anyone have any ideas suggestions or if any light bulbs suddenly appeaar overhead please feel free to pm your thoughts to me. thanks again.

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Well, so far I've gotten part of my never ending battle with the cleaning done. You can actually tell this time too! :D So proud if me :lol Got dinner done too, and even that's mostly cleaned up too! I think I'm going to finish cleaning up that and play in my yarn instead of clean more...I need a break from picking up tables and floors that almost never stay picked up :lol


But anywho, going to go for now and hope that I actually can get some yarning done, of it Typhoid Mary...Er, Jazzie doesn't try to carry my loom or yarn off again. Oh! I finally found an OTC remedy that actually seems to be helping her, with the exception of her fever, but we have stuff for that too. It's a homeopathic remedy we found at Walmart for daytime and nighttime usage. She's even sleeping better with it, for ages 2 to 12!!! Got so excited when it worked better than what we were using! It doesn't do much for her actual voice, but it's definitely helping with the rest if it! :)


Well, off I go, see you all either later or in the morning! :hug s for all!

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Candles would gather dust here waiting for it to snow,our area can go years with no snow,I think we've only seen + 3-4 inches 2x's since we have been in this area 30 yrs.thats the one thing I miss about NY,really frozen lakes to skate on and lots of snow

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