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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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Nothing like having a grandbaby on your lap! 


  Feeling much better today, need to do a house tidy and then off to Walmart to pick up the prescriptions.. need to send off the check for my mom's memory care facility.


 Plan on doing a bunch of crochet today, hopefully , unless I get side tracked.


I'll check in later and let you know how that goes...


Have a fine day... All day long!

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Yesterday morning we went to Powell Garden for a bit to see what they had going on for their Harvest Feastival. dh likes looking at the old tractors. I spent the afternoon at the genealogy library chilling out. We stopped at Red Robin on the way home for dh's birthday burger. I couldnt stay awake to watch the football game rather massacre last night. I have a card in the mailbox for Ann. Working on laundry trying to decide what projects (housework wise) to work on today. I am kind of tired so am leaning towards the daily have to stuff.

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I have had one hell of morning. Couple of my fur babies are sick. Throwing up, then peed and pooped on the floor. Got it all cleaned it up and then more throw up. Cleaned it all up and yep more throw up. Laundry is going I have a migraine from futher than hell. Not feeling the best myself right now and will probably try to lay down and hope nothing more happens. Need to fold laundry but it will be there later. Talk to you all later.

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OH owl vamp. Poor you and poor doggies!! Are you taking hem in as dehydration is a dangerous thing and they have lost much fluid


At least call the vet it's not worth taking that chance. Sounds like those two ate something they shouldn't have. Are they eating or drinking since they threw up so much?. Are they up and acting somewhat normal or listless and lackadaisical? * I'm not a vet but these are some questions my own vet has asked me. And you and your headache and doing all that clean up is not a good thing either. Please keep us updated ok and get some rest I'm sure it wouldn't hurt your condition but maybe help it.


BGs glad you had a good time at the gardens. What are you both researching with such gusto. I ran into a stopping point on my maternal Grammys side when I found out the records I was looking for had been destroyed in a fire.possinly in the bombing during the war. End that search as they back then had no files or microphish or really any other forms of Back up I was told from a second cousin that actually went to London on her honey moon to look hat up for me. No dice though. Over and stopped right there I guess.


MIni and Rosie nice to see you both again too. Carol you have the most important plans of all for today!! Spending time with your grand baby!!!


HI ya Pinekott. I know you posted lol you seldom miss a day!!snowbear how are things with you woman! looking to tomorrow to mail your exta squares Jessica and how are you doing today.


Oh and Carol your bday squares will be posted then too!!! Happy birthday Month to you!!! Remember you all Carol would like 8 inch in Christmas colors!! And she is our only Oct bday gal.


I think i. Am caught up now if I miss anyone so sorry. Hugs to all everyone can use a hug !!!❌⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️ try to smile toady maybe an extra one too to give one Away to someone that needs it I

I will !touch down later with you all till then keep your heads up and walk tall!! We are women and we will push on, as we always have!!

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I have had one hell of morning. Couple of my fur babies are sick. Throwing up, then peed and pooped on the floor. Got it all cleaned it up and then more throw up. Cleaned it all up and yep more throw up. Laundry is going I have a migraine from futher than hell. Not feeling the best myself right now and will probably try to lay down and hope nothing more happens. Need to fold laundry but it will be there later. Talk to you all later.

 sandra, I almost got int he car and drove over there to rescue you!  Poor thing... guess its chicken and rice for the doggies tonight... did they get into something do you think?


  I sure hope you feel better and bless your heart us having to worry about this nasty hurricane doesn't help does it? 


Maybe in a couple weeks we can find a nice fall day to meet up and do some basketweaving....that will take your mind off things!  HUGS~ :hug

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Poor Rosie and yes it gets worse lol. 30 and up I started not sleeping so well. Before that I could sleep till noon and beyond when not working. The signs of age are always so gradual you seldom notice them cept not sleeping and pain lol it's true and they both get worse!!



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Poor Rosie and yes it gets worse lol. 30 and up I started not sleeping so well. Before that I could sleep till noon and beyond when not working. The signs of age are always so gradual you seldom notice them cept not sleeping and pain lol it's true and they both get worse!!


It really did creep up on me when I wasn't looking! Aches and pains, stiffness, and not sleeping well. Oh, and let's not even talk about hot flashes! I routinely combust a few times an hour!

Tonight I'm on call, so I won't sleep well again from "pager anxiety" it's lucky I only have 2 nights this week!


Well, I'm off to fix dinner for the kids, then an executive board meeting which is boring as all get out (maybe I can sleep in there!) After that I really need to do laundry, why is it so difficult to get the clothes from the washer to the dryer? Ugh!


Have a great evening!

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Yes, called the vet. No they didn't get into anything their not suppose to. If you seen my back yard you would understand. I keep it well maintained and when they are in the yard we are with them. I keep it picked up 3 or more times a day. They never go outside without us. So not sure what is up with them. yes, there eating and drinking. The color is still good. I watch them like a hawk right now. No, headache isn't better and my shoulder is giving me fits again today.


Lea that sounds awesome. Hopefully I can run away for a little bit. Have you heard about the craft fair there having up in your area Nov. 5th I believe. Trying to get a table for that. Hoping to get lots made for it.

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Yes, called the vet. No they didn't get into anything their not suppose to. If you seen my back yard you would understand. I keep it well maintained and when they are in the yard we are with them. I keep it picked up 3 or more times a day. They never go outside without us. So not sure what is up with them. yes, there eating and drinking. The color is still good. I watch them like a hawk right now. No, headache isn't better and my shoulder is giving me fits again today.


Lea that sounds awesome. Hopefully I can run away for a little bit. Have you heard about the craft fair there having up in your area Nov. 5th I believe. Trying to get a table for that. Hoping to get lots made for it.

I didn't know there was a craft fair coming up in my area! I'll have to come bring you lunch and chat... when is it?

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Oh Sandra I am so sorry. Do you have any idea what is wrong with your furbabies. I hope its not serious. I hope your migraine doesnt last long. Wish they could figure out how to prevent them.


Katy dh has been researching his family for a long time and every time he says hw is done he finds something else to check out. He says he will start on mine next. You can access the library version of Ancestry from their computers so we have never subscribed to it ourselves. Its a nice place. I like to sit at a table in the lounge area and look out the window, crochet,use their WiFi and sip on a diet coke. Its relaxing and therapeutic.

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Good Morning

not much going on,slept good through the night.I have the DVD Me before You for the weekend,I refused to read the book first,cause I didn't want to be diappointed,hope it was worth the wait,started out at # 40

have a great day everyone

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Good Morning.


Nothing much going on here.  We are also watching the hurricane, even though it is on the East Coast.  If it gets close enough, we will be some wind and rain.  No offense, but it this sucker came into the Gulf, with the warm water, it would rally explode.


Trying to get over the devastating weekend of Football.  All of one of my teams lost and that is because they did not play this week.


Oh Linda, so sorry about the fur babies.  It is really hard to know what is wrong, as they do not talk.  I hope you are feeling better soon.


Big :ghug hugs to everyone.  Try and have a good day.

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Hi everyone!


It is week 3 of me fighting the battle of the hives!!!-haha. I have no idea what triggered them but am thinking a pesky mosquito bite may have been the trigger. I actually thought they were bug bites until we went away last weekend to celebrate dd's Bday and I was breaking out even more in the hotel room. My stress level has been very high these days and we have a guest staying with us for 5 days over this weekend, on top of everything, but still.....


Anyway, no new hives as of yesterday and today and today I am home to focus on housework. Herbal tea has been helping me dramatically.


The good news is that at the Big E - the crocheted Rooster that I tested for LOH won first under toys and best under crochet division.

I loved the butter sculpture done this year .

Below you can see some photos that I took-



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Good morning! I'm super sore this morning.. One of my incisions split open yesterday, never bled or anything, and I was quick and put bandaids on it, but it's hurting. It feels as if I have a baby hand or foot right under my breasts at that incision. No, I'm not pregnant.. But that's the best way to explain what I'm feeling lol.


As soon as Rc and Rosalie wake up, I need to see if he will take me to Walmart to get some purple yarn because I had an order for a Purple and Black spider web round ripple from my cousin, so I shall start on that. She asked if I could have it done by Halloween, so I'm wondering if it's going to be something to do with her princesses Halloween Costume?! 


I'm not particularly liking this having to rely on people to take me places and stuff. Hopefully after my follow up appointment Thursday the doctor gives me the okay to drive, because I'm going batty not being able to just go get in the car & go places, though I'd say it has saved some money lol. No random stops by Starbucks, or Sonic for Raspberry Sweet Tea. 


I'll check back in later! 

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Congrats on the blue ribbon.... and a butter sculpture.... who knew!  I just get excited when mine looks like a flower LOL


Jessica sure hope you get the Okay to drive!


MJ... we are in the (cone) here in NC for the path.... but at this point only 20% 


I need to fill a couple more jugs, check the propane... and  stock upon animal food...............and yarn.......and sweet tea....

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#1 congrats on the ribbon. Wow on that butter sculpture. Thanks for sharing those photos. Hope your hives go away soon. The stress is bad enough without having itchy welts to go with it. I broke out with them once many years ago and have no clue what caused them unless it was stress.


Mary Jo they showed shots of the storm on Inside Edition last night of the storm passing over the stadium during the game in Tampa on Sun. It sure looked wicked. It was a downer day here too---- for dh the last Royals game of the season was a loss and for me the the Chiefs were massacred.

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This is the third time trying to post and reply to you all so in brief.


Sorry about that Jess get better fast

Carol and Jess have a puffy headed their way


Sorry to hear about you teams mj and keep your eyes on ithat hurricane. Do you have a survival kit?? I have to look up what goes in it ibut I would have one!!


Owlvamp I know your yard is neat as a pin and sometimes they just get sick but when it is two of them I thought maybe they had eaten something the same not that you have garbage in the yard. Lol. I know you take very good care of all of them!!do you have female dogs as well as males or are they all males. And do they all get along well?? We have always had two dogs at a time and they were not related but I just always expected them to get along with each other and the cats and they always did never a prob. And vice versa.


I think cause they never felt I dunno attention deficit lol they always got spoiled lol.


Mini hunkering in for the possibility of the storm. Good for you lea!!


Snow bear holly trib Lacey Rosie Katie and and everyone else out there!! HELLO.

Linda enjoy the movie! Crochet fa nice job on the blue ribbon!! Love it and the butter sculpture too.


Who ever has the hives benedryl is the best both topical Cream and the pills lol.

Hello to you all too. Take care everyone. I'll come in later and do a better post. Three times over wore me out lol.????????????❌⭕️❌⭕️

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We are not to worried about the storm as it is on the East Coast.  The worse we can get is lots of rain and wind.  I am more worried about my friends on the east coast.


Oh please, we never did get to see the last of the game, as it was delayed about an hour or more.  They did not start till after 8.  By then 60 minutes was on.  Did not matter this is the second week this happened and the second week we lost.  Very disappointing week end for the teams.


Congrats on the ribbon and so sorry about the hives.  Some days it does not pay to get out of bed.


Off to my corner.

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Hello Everyone.


Nothing like having a grandbaby on your lap! 


  Feeling much better today, need to do a house tidy and then off to Walmart to pick up the prescriptions.. need to send off the check for my mom's memory care facility.


 Plan on doing a bunch of crochet today, hopefully , unless I get side tracked.


I'll check in later and let you know how that goes...


Have a fine day... All day long!

Glad to hear you are feeling better.


Yesterday morning we went to Powell Garden for a bit to see what they had going on for their Harvest Feastival. dh likes looking at the old tractors. I spent the afternoon at the genealogy library chilling out. We stopped at Red Robin on the way home for dh's birthday burger. I couldnt stay awake to watch the football game rather massacre last night. I have a card in the mailbox for Ann. Working on laundry trying to decide what projects (housework wise) to work on today. I am kind of tired so am leaning towards the daily have to stuff.

Sounds like you had a fun day.


I have had one hell of morning. Couple of my fur babies are sick. Throwing up, then peed and pooped on the floor. Got it all cleaned it up and then more throw up. Cleaned it all up and yep more throw up. Laundry is going I have a migraine from futher than hell. Not feeling the best myself right now and will probably try to lay down and hope nothing more happens. Need to fold laundry but it will be there later. Talk to you all later.

I hope you and the fur babies are feeling better.


OH owl vamp. Poor you and poor doggies!! Are you taking hem in as dehydration is a dangerous thing and they have lost much fluid

At least call the vet it's not worth taking that chance. Sounds like those two ate something they shouldn't have. Are they eating or drinking since they threw up so much?. Are they up and acting somewhat normal or listless and lackadaisical? * I'm not a vet but these are some questions my own vet has asked me. And you and your headache and doing all that clean up is not a good thing either. Please keep us updated ok and get some rest I'm sure it wouldn't hurt your condition but maybe help it.

BGs glad you had a good time at the gardens. What are you both researching with such gusto. I ran into a stopping point on my maternal Grammys side when I found out the records I was looking for had been destroyed in a fire.possinly in the bombing during the war. End that search as they back then had no files or microphish or really any other forms of Back up I was told from a second cousin that actually went to London on her honey moon to look hat up for me. No dice though. Over and stopped right there I guess.

MIni and Rosie nice to see you both again too. Carol you have the most important plans of all for today!! Spending time with your grand baby!!!

HI ya Pinekott. I know you posted lol you seldom miss a day!!snowbear how are things with you woman! looking to tomorrow to mail your exta squares Jessica and how are you doing today.

Oh and Carol your bday squares will be posted then too!!! Happy birthday Month to you!!! Remember you all Carol would like 8 inch in Christmas colors!! And she is our only Oct bday gal.

I think i. Am caught up now if I miss anyone so sorry. Hugs to all everyone can use a hug !!!❌⭕️❌⭕️❌⭕️ try to smile toady maybe an extra one too to give one Away to someone that needs it I
I will !touch down later with you all till then keep your heads up and walk tall!! We are women and we will push on, as we always have!!

Thanks Katie!


It really did creep up on me when I wasn't looking! Aches and pains, stiffness, and not sleeping well. Oh, and let's not even talk about hot flashes! I routinely combust a few times an hour!
Tonight I'm on call, so I won't sleep well again from "pager anxiety" it's lucky I only have 2 nights this week!

Well, I'm off to fix dinner for the kids, then an executive board meeting which is boring as all get out (maybe I can sleep in there!) After that I really need to do laundry, why is it so difficult to get the clothes from the washer to the dryer? Ugh!

Have a great evening!

I hope you get some sleep soon.


Hi everyone!

It is week 3 of me fighting the battle of the hives!!!-haha. I have no idea what triggered them but am thinking a pesky mosquito bite may have been the trigger. I actually thought they were bug bites until we went away last weekend to celebrate dd's Bday and I was breaking out even more in the hotel room. My stress level has been very high these days and we have a guest staying with us for 5 days over this weekend, on top of everything, but still.....

Anyway, no new hives as of yesterday and today and today I am home to focus on housework. Herbal tea has been helping me dramatically.

The good news is that at the Big E - the crocheted Rooster that I tested for LOH won first under toys and best under crochet division.
I loved the butter sculpture done this year .
Below you can see some photos that I took-

I hope the hives clear up soon, they can be soooo miserable.


Good morning! I'm super sore this morning.. One of my incisions split open yesterday, never bled or anything, and I was quick and put bandaids on it, but it's hurting. It feels as if I have a baby hand or foot right under my breasts at that incision. No, I'm not pregnant.. But that's the best way to explain what I'm feeling lol.


As soon as Rc and Rosalie wake up, I need to see if he will take me to Walmart to get some purple yarn because I had an order for a Purple and Black spider web round ripple from my cousin, so I shall start on that. She asked if I could have it done by Halloween, so I'm wondering if it's going to be something to do with her princesses Halloween Costume?! 


I'm not particularly liking this having to rely on people to take me places and stuff. Hopefully after my follow up appointment Thursday the doctor gives me the okay to drive, because I'm going batty not being able to just go get in the car & go places, though I'd say it has saved some money lol. No random stops by Starbucks, or Sonic for Raspberry Sweet Tea. 


I'll check back in later! 

I hope the pain is gone soon and you heal quickly.


I am now in the hurricane watch area and will be off from work on Thursday and Friday. I don't mind being off work for a couple of extra days I just don't like the reason for the days off. :no  I have enough supplies on hand, I just need to wait for my dad to get home so we can decide if we are putting up boards and shutters. I'm really hoping we don't get hit too bad, this storm's track has already been really weird for Florida. I guess that's about it for me. Have a great evening everyone.

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Jessicali, I can't remember where I slept, but I bet it was the recliner. We still had one at that time. I remember how horrible it was to get out of bed when I had my c_section so I am sure it's terrible... Heal quickly!





I have heard that diverticulitis is incredibly painful. I've never had it but hope you are feeling better!





I love Long John Silvers (Mr Tribble always gets the chicken as well) but I adore all seafood. Especially shrimp. I even usually get clam chowder soup when we get soup in a can. My least favorite is Crab legs because I am lazy and just can't sit there that long to crack all that open. LOL


Owlvamp, I hope your fur babies are feeling better! There is a wonderful product called endosorb (have to get from vet) that helps with diarrhea. And see if they will take pedialyte. I would pick up all food till the vomiting stopped. A couple days with no food will be okay just be sure they are drinking even if you have to force some of the pedialye by oral syringe. Oh, I see you said they are drinking - that's great!!



Have a good night all




Hives are horrible, hope you get them all cleared up. Congrats for the win with your rooster! That is awesome. I've always wanted to enter contests but never find out in time or have no clue where to go to find out... LOL




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I spent yesterday at Urgent Care with my oldest. She has some pretty serious abdominal pain. They decided it wasn't appendix by the blood work, and called it an abdominal migraine. We have an appointment on Thursday with the pediatrician and we're going to get to the bottom of this and figure out a way to help the poor girl.

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