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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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well,all things considered from the news,the city seat ( where the courthouse and other city buildings are) got alot more flooding than our area did,ours is not flooded,but the military food store is in Portsmouth in a low lying area,Bill was glad he took the truck,the other thing is people just don't slow down any,causing alot of un-nesacerry(sp?) accidents

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Ah well. Back home for the day they did the MRI and it diagnosed to insert a long technical Name fora muscle spasm in his muscle that is I between both sides of the joint and its pinching nerves as well so off to the Walgreens for muscle relaxers and has to get reab a ccouple weeks to Get that muscle back where it belongs i instead where it is. Hopefully in a couple weeks or with that rehab he will be seeing some improvement!!


So that is good news at least. Only trouble is the rehab is located about 27 Miles there and another27 back and that is unacceptable unless

We went to s. DAkota three times a weeLL so I will call tomorrow to tell them that is not do-able and can he go somewhere closer. WE have three in our immediate location at last!!!



and this after noon we went to the grocery store and picked ip a few things and now both tuckered out lol.


Got the bananas and the fruit cocktail but forgot to get jello for the salad we like but ha ve to just have the Voortmans cookies for desert!!




Well all caught up here I k ow what you mean too Linda we always say here stay off the roads the first snow people just don't know how to drive in it !!


Over and out till later.

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Hello Everyone!


I thought I should pop in and let you all know that I'm still here. The air conditioner in my classroom is still not working so we are hanging out with the class next door. I haven't been doing much crocheting but I hae been planning halloween costumes for the grandkids and I will start sewing them this weekend I hope. That's about it for me, I promise I'll check in again soon.

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I am still having a little bit of pain in my right side, however now it's only when I step or walk, or as I found out yesterday eat the wrong thing, such as French Toast. I have a friend who had to have her gallbladder out when she was pregnant with her youngest daughter and she told me to stay away from fried and fatty foods, especially dairy and eggs. Well, big mess up on my part there, as I had no idea! I'm hoping this low fat diet that they called & told me to do will not only help with these flair ups, but will also help me lose weight. Lord knows I need that! I started my It Works Regimen yesterday, and wrapped today, so hopefully I start seeing some results soon. 


I got an order yesterday for some photography props for newborns from a photographer in Texas. She wanted 3 Hat/Diaper Cover sets - One was Candy Corn, One a Pumpkin and the last is Jack Skellington. As soon as I get the Pumpkin diaper cover done, I will post a picture of them in the appropriate forum area! I've done all the hats + 2 diaper covers just today! 


Have any of you tried the planned pooling that seems to have become so incredibly popular this week, using RHSS yarn? I haven't yet but wow, I love how some of those scarves turn out! I have some ILTY and I think I might try some dish clothes. I need some new ones anyways! 


Okay I've got to get up & start dinner so it'll be ready when Rc and the nephew get home. Oh, speaking of Rc, he was playing basketball with the 3 boys lastn night and he and Connor were going after the ball. In place of possibly knocking Connor down & hurting him pretty bad (they play on the road in front of the house so asphalt) he jumped and landed wrong. Dislocated his elbow and I'm assuming hyper extended a muscle. The bone for his elbow was at the bend of his elbow. Of course, he's not going to go to the hospital, so he got his dad to pop it back into place. It absolutely grossed me out & would have had me at the hospital, but I guess that's a man for ya. HA!


I'll check in once more before bed!

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Hey everyone. My Mother made it through her surgery. She done good. She has to stay in ICU. Until Friday. Because of he pace maker battery is about gone. Then there is her age. The DRS. wants to monitor her.  Her sugar level is real high. But that is to be expected. I am going back today to see Mother this morning at 8:30 am. It is now 4:13 am. I couldn't sleep. Could you all still keep her in your prayers.  I will let you know later how Mother is doing.

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Never heard of the planned pooling. What is it and where can we find it.?


Sister is home and still in pain but better. Hubby hasn't found a job yet and he's been looking so hard.


Here is a post that Mikey from The Crochet Crowd did on it. 



From everything I have read, it depends on how long the color changes are in your variagated yarn. 


It looks awesome. There's an entire facebook group dedicated to people trying to help people figure it out, I've just not gotten a good chance to sit down and try it due to so many orders for other stuff! Finished my Halloween set for an order, now I'm working on a Razorback (Woo Pig Sooie!) Hat & Diaper cover for a close friend from childhood's baby boy she's expecting in December! 

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Hey everyone. My Mother made it through her surgery. She done good. She has to stay in ICU. Until Friday. Because of he pace maker battery is about gone. Then there is her age. The DRS. wants to monitor her.  Her sugar level is real high. But that is to be expected. I am going back today to see Mother this morning at 8:30 am. It is now 4:13 am. I couldn't sleep. Could you all still keep her in your prayers.  I will let you know later how Mother is doing.


You've got some prayers from Missouri for your Mother, Snowbear!! Glad to hear she made it through her surgery. 

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Greetings everyone.  Last few days have been pretty busy.


Hope you are feeling better Jessicali. 


Snowbear glad to hear your Mom did so well.  Are they going to replace her pacemaker battery?


I have been a little busy they past few days.  I spent at least a day shredding old bills and such.  I have a bag or 2 of shredding.  I am also making some things for a friend, that I hope will make her feel a little better.


Hey Brenda, at least your team did better than mine.  40 to 7?  I mean give me a break, well at least one of my teams did good.


I now have the colors for the new tote and I am about ready to make it.


So that is what is going on here.


Oh yeah, we are looking at over 90 degrees for the next week or so with very high humidity.  The AC is working overtime.

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Ah good. Wes fro owlvamp and SNowbear regarding sil and mom. I. Glad they are both doing a bit better.

Hi Linda are you keeping you head above water?? Thanks for that link jessicali's too much troubling though for mr lol it looks ok bit sounds a bit too tedious that pooling thing.


How I s pthe elbow today ??


Hang in there Sandra it's gotta get better soon!!



Hello Mary Jo and Brenda! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Shoulder of mine still acting up a bit so have pulled all plans to crochet much today lol. SLept better though as it did t bother me last night much. So on the mend me hopes.

I'll be back a bit later have a great day!!

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I have been having some pain up my left arm into my neck to head. I have no idea what is up that other than maybe not sleeping good or wrong ...Can't go to the doctors for no insurance right now. :(


I am still praying for better. I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel and ... I'm really trying to stay positive through all the melt downs. No luck on jobs yet. Still applying and going out........

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Snowbear glad to hear your mom came through it ok. Will keep you all in my prayers


Katy glad Handys test came out ok and it wasnt terrible news. Hope you get him set up for therapy closer to home. Most of the time when we get in the car we are looking at 100 mile round trip and that gets tiresome. Thankfully we have PO, gas, and finally another grocery store in the town 8 miles away. Boy its still hot here. I havent been able to move my flower pots back in front of the house yet because the flowers cook when its this hot.


Mary Jo my team beat themselves. I could not believe that high snap and then all the penalties. Looks like Sun's game will be played in the rain here if the forecast holds true. So far staying hot here too but might cool off next week.


Jessica glad you are doing better. The diaper sets are adorable. Did the squares I sent make it?


Sandra hoping things start looking up for you really soon.

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Hi all. Sorry to hear no improvements Sandra but on the good side th universe has a way of working things out for all of us just sometimes takes longer cause there is always that long line lol but keep your place and don't give any cuts and you will get finally to the head of that line ok!! Many times we wait longer as there are mitigating circumstances that need emergency and immediate help and attention with no good outcomes on the face of it so the Universe has to spend a bit more time and attention and that holds up the line a bit. So waiting actually might be considered good as yor turn and your troubles must have a good outcome as you are still in line. !!


Still waiting for a call back on that rehab changing to a closer and more convient location for us.


ATe some pinwheels for lunch I got at the deli yesterday and they didn't have any indication they had any hotness but uh. bot wow. . The hot!, I'm ok though I figure probably in a few days my mouth wont t burn as much anymore and I'll be able to quit chewing ice Cubes. Lol. I make them usually myself and do the turkey and cheese combo but

ham and cheese is good too.


Easy recipe below.




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Thanks Katie for the beautiful card you sent for Mother and me. Mother will love it. I will show it to her tomorrow. OK. Thanks, everybody for prayers. And prayers to come. Yes, they will eventually change her battery. Or they will put a new pacemaker in. Mother may get to come home tomorrow. If everything goes good.  :cheer I will stay with her at her apartment until she is better.  Made her some crochet roses for a present to take at hospital for a gift for her. I put them in a little vase.  Maybe I will get a picture of the roses and put them on here to show everyone what they look like. Thanks everyone for your prayers to come. I appreciate each an everyone of you all.  :ghug  :ty  And I know Mother Thanks you all as well.

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Oh hat card made it at just the right time then good I hope it makes her happy!! Cont good thoughts and prayers for a quick and positive recovery.



Oh Bgs was going to ask you something and now I've forgotten I will ask when and if I remember. Lol I gotta go loo, at Jessica's diaper sets!!

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Well, goodness.... I sure hope everyone starts on the uptick hear, although I am glad to hear some of you all seem to be doing better.


It has been so rainy here ... got a call from my son that DIL is home for day 2 of protests in Charlotte..... makes me sad that so many of us see this.


 Just found out through a long series of bad events that my nephew will be coming to spend Christmas with us . My brother has pretty much cut the old children out of his life in favor of the new children, and Dylans mama had kicked him out of the house because my brother stopped paying child support... I am his only relative and his coach called to say they had found he had been living in the locker room for the last few weeks ( he plays football) the coach has taken him in and they really do love him so he is fine there, but they are flying him here to NC ( from Wylie TX) so he can be with family..   Long story  short... I started making him an afghan to take back with him so he will know we are here..always... the same thing happened to his brother  a couple years ago  and he lived with my mom before she had to go to assisted living and he went into the army...


Long day tomorrow, I am teaching a basket weaving class from 9-12 then visiting a friend of ours who is having some health problems, and then a dr appt at 4... Up early to visit ds#4 and DIL for the weekend.... but lots of crochet time!



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Morning all. How is your day going. Or is it too eArly to say lol


Got a couple things first of all moved where the therapy is goi g to be to a much closer place here. Ear us so canceled old appt and made new appt to prove to handy see you do t k ow till you try. He said it couldn't be done lol. Then made a appt for the doc in six weeks to see how the theapy is going. Thirdly made a ppt for handy to replace some outlets in a neighbors kitchen and handy took my car in for her check up and oil change that I called for last week and got that ppt. so phone on an off this morning.


Good to see you holly how are you and yours doing? Anything interesting going on with your life lately.??


And PIneknot doing all those book deliveries Might wanna think about issuing a pink not library card and have just come to you!! ELiminate the middle man!! Jk jk you do good work lady!!


Trib hope your issues clear up quickly!!


Well hello to the rest of you as well didn't think of that question yet Bgs lol. Probably gone into that hides hole and gone forever now lol!


Also I ordered a couple thins online. I have been looking for some sleep shirts and finally found some I liked so got a couple of those and some socks for handy lol. They were on my list last month too but couldn't find what he likes then check jcpenney and they had them so that is done. I. On a roll today minus the time wasted waiting for call backs from those medical places lol.

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