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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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Well it is almost 9.  Time to get the medicine out and to turn the computer off.  I am not discussing the suck-o games today.  Let's just say the one team lost 40 to 7.  Enough said.


I did enjoy the Turkey dinner and I have enough left over for an open faced turkey sandwich.


I did make some Fall leaves, that will be going out.  When I get them together I will show you all.


Well, good night everyone and have a great evening.  See you in the AM.

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Mini wife is the sage you want in squares light sage? ge. And what green for the dark green. I can find can find paddy and hunter and I have a forest green. Which one ???

I have some grey squares I will try to get out to you soon at least 4-6 I think.


Have fun . At the circus. I remember taking dd and our seats were way up there almost even with the high wires!!i was terrified cause of the height but other than the high wire act the view of the rest of the s how was good lol. My knuckles remained white for days!!!!

Sage... any shade... Iam so easy LOL.... Just  got back from the Rhythm and Roots festival Va/TN..it was nice except we went with ds , DIL and gs#2... Jacob got sick so my son and his wife had to leave butdh and I had a great time...and I got so much crochet done

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Good Morning

out the door early to the mechanic to get two new tires for Bill's truck.It was supposed to rain last night into this morning,I was just outside,not a drop,ground is dry.Gas has gone up 10 cents.have a great day everyone.

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Good Morning.  Slept in today.  Still did not want to get up.


Beautiful day.  All the rain is below us.  Waiting for friend to come and trim bushes and such.


Tweety is outback, to help the kids cross the street.


Have fun today.

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Wow that

'Twas a nice gift. It sure



And a long day for you but glad you njoyed it"



There's Linda she made it it lol. Get your ironing done??

I did't accomplish much today felt a little achy and just blah but doing better now. Just was like everything I tried to do today just went wrong so I gave up and watched some tv and did eat supper so go figure huh.

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So happy Monday eh.


I was saying. I got a lot done yesterday despite not feeling my best so will hope this more energetic state lasts lol


Having some trouble with my mystery project. apparentlyI can't count anymore cause I frogged a couple times as the count didn't. Even out on a couple rows. Sigh I think I will Not work on it and lay it down for a while and d something else for a while.


I spot cleaned the bedrooms with the little shampooer and one day this week when handy is home all day I will have help shampooing the living room. I have no trouble with big shampooer but the hard part is emptying the dirty water and fillin up the new. Lol.


I too washed throw rugs yesterday day and handy draped them over the bak deck's railing it was sunny and breezy and they dried quickly and throughly.


Probably be next week when I will think about the Windows lol


Baked off the last of the remainder cookie dough too this am. House smells like cholate chip cookies. One day this week I will make some oatmeal raisin dough and freeze some of that later too that works well.

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I also swiffer-mopped the baths and the kitchen floors too as I feel I could ot did not want to put my cleans rugs down till I did the floors. Lol. Oh and cleaned out the fridge too and threw out old stuff and washed containers they were In Lol. So I got a lot done yesterday and today I guess. Hey if I didn't do that once a week handy would just let old stuff pile up till nothing would fit in there!!





I just had a chicken mcmuffin as I call it. Cut up chicken and cheese on a biscuit or roll add a bit seasonings and a little ranch or mayo if you are out of ranch which I am Never out of ranch lol And maybe warm it just enough to make the cheese melts. And walla lol

DElish!! I cheated a. It and used some canned chicken lol


Pizza for dinner homemade yum !!! That is going to be supper.


Sorry bout your crappie games too!! And you all all in the heat and humidity as it is not that way here so far anyway looks like more rain perhaps as it is overcast and somewhat darkish out. And Mary jo who or wha t is Tweety!!! I have a friend and her nick name is Tweety !! I wonder how she got to florida! She hates to Fly??? Lol lol

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Mary Jo we just have to hope they do better next week. Our weather isnt syncing with the calendar either. Its more like July weather. I mowed today and it was more like a July mowing where its dusty and a lot of dry debris flying in the air. After that my shower felt really good.


Little Tribble is looking awfully grown up. Gosh it looks like he was having fun


Katy sounds like you got a lot done and its all things I should be doing. Its just hard breaking it up into little manageable jobs----- you start a small cleaning project and the next thing you know it leads to this and you have to do that because you did this. The day is shot and you are sore and exhausted and you get to look forward to doing it all over again way too soon. Yes my book is interesting. I havent gotten too deep into it yet but those perfectly straight color changes on angles intrigue me. I was working on a square with a Christmas tree and my work looked like the pattern picture but I wasnt happy with it so I started researching and found that site and the book. Timing was right because dh asked what I wanted for our anniversary and I didnt have to stop and think about it. I am going to pop a pizza in the oven for supper too.

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I feel like I've done nothing but sleep today. I was at the ER from 2-6 am last night with pain right under my rib cage on the left. Turns out I had a Gallbladder attack. After a bag of fluids, some Zofran and some Morphine, the pain was gone. I tried to ignore it last night from 11-1 or so and after tossing and turning because I couldn't get comfortable and couldn't get the pain to go away (I originally thought it was just heart burn) Rc insisted on taking me to the hospital. I was afraid after reading online that it was my gallbladder and that I would end up having to have it taken out but thankfully the x-rays and ct scans showed no stones, so they sent me home with a prescription of pain meds and nausea meds, which they said I didn't have to get filled if I didn't want to. They also told me I need to clear out because I am pretty backed up... (sorry, TMI) so they told me to get some miralax and lemon lime gatorade. I came home and started laundry because I knew I could NOT go to sleep because Rc had left to go to work, after being with me all night. The boys got up and around for school, and by the time Michael got out of the shower, Rc was back. I think about 8:30 I finally laid down and slept until 2, then I fell back asleep around 6 and slept until right up at 7. I really hope I'm able to sleep tonight. 

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quick fly by Good Morning,out the door early


back before the major road floods,seems its going to rain on and off with heavy downpours till about Friday

well there goes the library run,not schlepping three bags of books for donate,since its not close parking to the main door,will have to wait til a dry day

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Well I guess I wasnt just being wimpy about the heat yesterday. On the news they said the feels like temp was in the 100's. Its going to be hotter today. I have a load of clothes in the washer and TC is fussing for me to chase and play with her.

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Oh poor Jessica hope your feeling better very soon. Just don't do too much today ok.


Yep I too think lil trib

is going to lead the next top boy band!!! Lol.


Poor Bgs too in that heat you had yesterday so un--seasonable with the heat and all the rain!! Today or is it tomorrow is the first day of fall after all Where is our fall weather. Well the tree place was here earlier and fill stump wit dirt. It is level now with the ground and he even planted grass seed!! Said they got lots of calls on why they left it ugly all that time. Lol I guess we have some friends lol. Anyway tiss done and over and no more tree talk lol. How is owlvamp?? And Tampa isn't that always they it is lol I'm glad I am not the only one that KNOWS that completing some chores creates more run off or "trickle down, so to speak,,


I have always said that!! Lol




I will have handy pull off the top shelf of my. Closet my heavier comforter today it's time. Could have used it last. night as it got down to 59 overnight. last night. I got up and threw on another light blankee. Lol.

I have my little room heater on in My craft room on at my feet as we speak.


I don't have e any Instant oatmeal or I'd. Have some. I don't like reg oatmeal unless it's in cookies lol


So my friends stay take a break and relax today no mowing no vacuuming or washing floors for me planned today. Hope you all too have a restful day!!! I'll see ya later ok. Jess I am Working on those grey squares but my shoulder is bothering me and that red heart llight grey seems so much thicker in hand than its other colors are cept for paddy green and I don't have any of that and don't plan on ever buying it again. So now I will add the grey on my. NOt to buy again too. Hurts my wrists sometimes but I will use up the remainder and get yours done soon!! IThinkreaching up for what seemed like hours to first to take Down the shower curtains to wash and then put them back up stirred up. MY shoulder up a bit. I will learn. Someday!!

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Well, afternoon ladies... its rainy and cool here this afternoon... I have literally puttered around all day... cleaned a bit in the bathroom... crocheted... cleaned the kitchen... made a new fall wreath for the door, watched a couple youtube videos... tried to look busy while hubby was working from home ( no luck)


  I do need to get it in gear and get ready for dinner, we meet once a month with a fun group at the BBq place... we all last until about 8:00 then most of us can't drive at night so we scurry home LOL...


 Jessica, I have had that and goodness it is painful! My son just went through it a couple weeks ago.


Young Tribble looks epic!


Katy, I almost had to go back to bed after reading your post...

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Hey Brenda. I researched shoulder bursitis and found some very simple excersizes to do and it seemed to have helped so will do them as they said for a week and see if that helps with the pain in the Long run. Thought you might wanna know. Really did help me with some pain today. Ok here is that link. There's lots of videos and lots of excersizes to help. I just went to you tube and typed in vids on shoulder bursitis excersizes Here is one of them I watched.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wgEsJc97LFY It did help. Ok I'm off for now.

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I think it was you that had shoulder pain wasn't. It??

I hurt most everywhere at some point in a months time. Thats how I know I am not dead yet. Right now shoulder ok knee is twinging. Tomorrow it might be my back or hands. Its always a surprise.

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Oh well poor PIneknot are you ok where you live?? All that rain sure messes things up huh.


Oh ok Bgs I hear that. Ain't a one of us getting any younger are we lol. Well handy is off to his MRI so hope they find out what is causing his pain and it nothing serious.


Tree people are next door now doing their tree and I bet they have learned their lesson and clean it all up nice for them like they should in one day but I'm sure as I was told they have their own order they do things in. Let's hope they just stick to some kind of a routine on it.


The birds were just waiting for ther bread. Today they are not


as impatient though as those turkeys.

IF I were a turkey I would seriously bee looking to find shelter and and nest down for the next month or two. Lol but I think they know they are relatively safe here las they just hear the door open and they all trot on over lol they run so funny!!

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