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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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Oh she is precious and I would love to send her a card. Wishing her well on her sugery. if you would want me to send to you or directly to her you'll need to give me that info ok Arlene. She is a sweetie for sure. Thanks ❤️

She looks like a real angel I. Her photo. Beautiful pic



BGs poor thing you will sleep good tonight. You are a busy little worker bee I swear!!


We had some bbq ribs daughter ga e us. Never saw them In Our stores but said she got them at SAMs. All we had to do was heat I. The oven after removing the packaging they were already sauced and seasoned and bake for I think I dunno 35 minutes. They came right off the bone and so tender just delish!! I want more of those in my freezer lol.


I see on a commercial too that KFC is bringing back .chicken Littles too a smallish chicken sandwich. THink slider size lol Nd I have not had one since the 80's lol so that may be a surprise lunch to bring back for us if I go somewhere tomorrow!!


Food channel is now off the air and will return tomorrow Lol


I am tired too tonight take a shower soon and call it a day ha e a good one all. Take care

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Good Morning

Snowbear,what a lovely picture of your mom,such nice sparkling eyes

well its Sunday,so the usual sunday stuff going on here.

Happy grandparents Day,enjoy this special day,whether its your first time or if you have celebrated it many times

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Good Morning.  Love the picture Snowbear.  Keep making those happy memories.


Got the Buc's shirt on getting ready for a full day of sitting in my corner and crocheting, along with watching football.


French Dip sandwiches tonight for dinner with onions and cucumbers in vinegar for dinner.


Have a great day everyone.

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I think we're heading to the Plaza for a little bit today to Pokemon. We've not done much game wise for a while so this is what hubby has planned. Not sure what time he's going to go. Have to drag him & the nephew off the xbox one. 

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Great picture of your mom, snowbear!! I love it.


Immafreak, i can't believe baby Jade is 7 months old already. I have no idea where the year has gone.


Not much on the list today, havn't really been feeling the best. Not sick, just kinda blah. I started day one of a yoga 30 day camp. Wow, I am so stiff since the last time I did yoga. I'm not really sure why I quit, just lazy I suppose. I am hoping this makes me feel better. Been in a slump for a bit now.


Also started recording calories on fitnesspal. I am going to try and keep them at 1200, but am usually hard pressed to do that. We will see.


Have a great day all.

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Snowbear what a great picture of your mom.


Mary Jo hope your teams win. Its not looking so good here.


Jade is growing so fast such a sweet photo.


Pretty day here. I am at the Genealogy library in Independence enjoying a diet coke and working in some ends on squares while dh does some research. We will stop for supper and do a few errands on the way home.

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We ended up NOT going to the Plaza due to all the 9/11 stuff they had going on. It was supposed to be super packed. Instead we stayed home & just watched the Chiefs pull out their biggest come back in franchise history!!

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Hi all


Nothing much going on here so just in to say hi to all


Sorted through my collection of fancy fur. Lot of good colors and mostly full skeins so I might gather them in small groups and sell them ebay or something. Haven't done that yet but will let you know when and if I do that. I really won't use it all so it's not doing me any good. You know. Oh and I also cleaned up one messy shelf in the craft room. lol so that is a plus.


Jessica I will work on some more squares as I found a partial of RHSS light grey and some more baby pink I will work on them the next week or two for you to help get that wip into a fo lolll and get that completed so baby j can use it come the cooler weather!! One of my dd 's nick names was baby J or BJ lol.


Nothing much I guess gonna relax and finishing watching Indiana Jones loltake care all see ya tomorrow!,

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We ended up NOT going to the Plaza due to all the 9/11 stuff they had going on. It was supposed to be super packed. Instead we stayed home & just watched the Chiefs pull out their biggest come back in franchise history!!

That was an incredible last quarter and overtime

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Got all my running done. Had to go to the post office and mail off a box of wraps (for my It Works business) and ran to Hobby Lobby while out to get a styrofoam head, and pretty proud of myself for NOT buying ANY yarn at all! 

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Hi all. OH Linda that is great. I. Thinking it's a babtisism doc or a I dunno marriage thing or something. Tell her than you very much for me. I'm curios as it is dated I. The 1800's and signed I. The state of florida. I know it's on my dads side from a couple of the names. I Maureen whatever she can do will help and thank you as well. I mean Eugenia?? My dads name was Eugene Gotta be a connection lol


I don't watch sports but heard about the game on the news!! Congrats to the team.


Talked to the stump people and this week sometime they will be here with the grinder for the Stump. As she said rather curtly is the peoceedure. To which I replied would have been nice to have stated that from the start ! And I made my oil change appt this am as well got both the date and the time I wanted too!! It's gonna be a golden day today!!


So all three of those things off my mind!! I feel like a new person lol.


Well that was a productive morning so far I was dreading the stump call lol I was prepared in case they argued lol and just glad they didn't lol

I hate phone or any other confrontations but when the need be I can and do hold my own lol ask handy hahaha.


Got my little room heater for the craft room out yesterday lol. I'm feeling ill need it soon. Might have to get a. NEw one as this just doesn't seem enough on those cold winter mornings lol. This is an off brand and I am partial to Holms so will get o e of those soo just In case.


Well back to work for a bit. Later squares

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Sister called last night and she is being admitted to the hospital. She had knee surgery

A few months back and her knee isn't doing good. Last night her blood pressure went way down and we almost lost her .

Today it's up and she is better. Waiting for a surgeon to see her to see if leg is infected and may need surgery on that leg again.

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Hi all


Nothing much going on here so just in to say hi to all


Sorted through my collection of fancy fur. Lot of good colors and mostly full skeins so I might gather them in small groups and sell them ebay or something. Haven't done that yet but will let you know when and if I do that. I really won't use it all so it's not doing me any good. You know. Oh and I also cleaned up one messy shelf in the craft room. lol so that is a plus.


Jessica I will work on some more squares as I found a partial of RHSS light grey and some more baby pink I will work on them the next week or two for you to help get that wip into a fo lolll and get that completed so baby j can use it come the cooler weather!! One of my dd 's nick names was baby J or BJ lol.


Nothing much I guess gonna relax and finishing watching Indiana Jones loltake care all see ya tomorrow!,


Indiana Jones will make things very interesting quickly! I love those movies. Even the last one that most people hated.




Sister called last night and she is being admitted to the hospital. She had knee surgery

A few months back and her knee isn't doing good. Last night her blood pressure went way down and we almost lost her .

Today it's up and she is better. Waiting for a surgeon to see her to see if leg is infected and may need surgery on that leg again.


Sorry to hear this. Hope that she is doing good now.


Not much done here today. Had Lima Beans, cornbread and sour kraut for supper. Needless to say, Little tribble didn't eat the supper that we did! LOL. Oh and spinach with vinegar - yum.


Got up from chair to go to work and did something horrible to my back. Don't have a clue what. Hurts to sit, hurts to stand, hurts to move. Whish I hadn't had to work tonight would have taken one of Mr Tribbles muscle relaxers and went to bed. But here I am sitting at work - in misery! Yuck. I am sure was my own fault, probably moved to fast when I went to stand up.... Always in a hurry it seems.


Have a good night all, will check in tomorrow.

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I like spinach, but it's got to be raw.. I can't handle it steamed. 


Funny story from my youth about spinach. I always drink water with my dinner, and my grandma always served spinach with vinegar. Well, I never ate it, but for some reason one night, the cup of vinegar was sitting in front of me and I thought it was my water and oh my word.. I thought I was going to die. It was SO gross! I was probably 7-8 when this happened lol. 

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ha i don't eat spinach at all, reminds me of the stuff that you scrape off the bottom of the mower when you mow when the grass is wet, uck.... awlays has.. Oh i don't mind it in spinach and artichoke dip, or in a leaf or two in a salad, never cooked, me either, nasty, lol 


poor tribble, that sounds horrible, i hate back pain, makes you hurt all over, get home, get some ty lenol and your muscle relaxer and go to bed....


um yeah, vinegar is not plealsant on its own, lol bet that shocked your taste buds!! i have had it with a little water for a diet i was on, and it wasn't too bad but didn't only have to do that one time a day... soo i toughed it out. DAPHNE i have done that with my badk a couple times, one just by reaching down into a lower cupboard, and something went,  turned out to be a very painful swollen slipped disc in my spine.. was bordering on surgery if it didn't cure itself in a few days, had muscle relaxers, and pain med, and complete bed rest for three days, and evntually, it did get better, but when i went to the hosp that first day, it took me like 2 hours to even get dressed as it hurt so bad to move.. once there, i had a quick shot of somthing for pain, and after that, it might have still hurt some, but i didn't care lol   so dont' wait too long if it is still botherin you, get in ok.. 


 HOw is sis sandra?? and arlene, hows our lsweetie mom doing?? 

well thats i  for me tonight lookintg at a few mild thunder storms overnigt, so the sound or the rain ill be asleep before i can see what is on the tube, lol   take care all,   thanks lea for clearing up that march may thing, i will get you under may and was it 4 inch or 6 inch this time, and any color of squares, right... good, now all i am waiting on is ms. rosie4, come on rosie check your mail, lol  


ok night all have a good one andd see you in the am. 

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Brenda, i mailed that card out to grannyannie, and havent heard a thing yet, just told her we all are  missing her, and hoping she is well, and check in when you feel up to it..told her we are all thinking of her.   I mailed the card about 4 days go i think, or whenever i said i was mailing her one today, i did mail it that day, i am hoping al is well, and we hear something  from her soon..

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