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Granny Squares for those that need them cal 2018

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Hey You what is this thang pocket letters? Is it a scrap booking card making project?


Do any of you watch Reign? Its what I would call a period or historical soap opera based on the life of Mary Queen of Scotts. Dh loves history and has been impressed with it.


Kind of miserable today as dh decided to share his head cold with me. Its really making my eyes water so its hard to see to do much of anything that I really have to focus on.

 Well, yes... these pocket letter thangs are like scrapbooking... you do designs in those old baseball card holders... very fun to have a theme.. lots of papers, ribbons, washi tape, stickers...

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I missed 4 days of messages! Everytime I went to log on, I got sidetracked by something else! Sorry for not checking in sooner...



Oh my ImmaFreek! Baby Jade is getting so big!



Owlvamp, sorry about your headache. The computer light can do this sometimes, never pleasant. Hope it's better today. I am sorry about your friend. If any of it has been done on purpose doesn't seem like much of a friend to me. If it's happened more than once seems to be on purpose not an accident. I have had some friends who haven't been true friends and it really hurts.



pineknott, that is really unpleasant! Not being able to pee after drinking that much. Then they go and start pressing around on the bladder! It is terrible. Hope it all went well.


Oh I love Strawberry shortcake. When I was little my curtains and bedspread was Strawberry shortcake. Wish I had kept them. I also had nightclothing with Strawberry Shortcake. I miss all that.


Snowbear, I love plastic canvas things! The picture and the flyswatter are so cute. I have a LOT of patterns running around here somewhere of plastic canvas Barbie furniture I want to make. This stuff is awesome!



bgs, I think I have seen a couple episodes of reign. I liked the ones I watched. I forget about shows I've started and never seem to get back to them.


On Saturday we took Little Tribble to the tractor pulls. He absolutely loves loud things. The louder the better! Won't even wear his ear covers. But he did so well. They lasted 4 hours and he was ready to go about 2 hours in, but didn't complain too much. A couple of years ago we really didn't take him anywhere with us as he is a horrible passenger in the car - hates going anywhere and then would complain the entire time that he wanted to go home. I have never seen a child who if given the choice will choose to stay home instead of going and doing fun things. I really hope he comes out of that because I wonder if it is a social anxiety thing. I have horrible social anxiety and it's probably a good thing I have a job and a husband who enjoys going places as I probably wouldn't leave the house until I ran out of food or had to go to a doctor. It's good to face my anxiety head on. It's one of the main reasons I have been at the same job for 18 years. I have a terrible anxiety about even thinking about changing jobs. We want to eventually move to Florida, so I hope I can overcome this incredible fear.


Yesterday Mr Tribble dyed my hair for me. I have it the color that it was the year I met him. It is so much better than my regular light brown. I've just been lazy and left it its original color for the last few years. It is now Bright burgundy red. It was between this color or black and I love it this color and never had it black before so we did red.


We got the yard mowed but I didn't get out to clean the dogs pen. It has GOT to be done, I just seem to run out of daylight. I usually run slightly on day shift on my days off work but just couldn't seem to get my butt in gear this weekend. Couldn't sleep till after 5am and didn't get up before 3pm. I am never ready to do anything before 5pm and when you do this, you run out of daylight really quickly. Wish I could see to work in the dark! I still have a rosebush to plant that looks a little worse for wear and I need to weed the flower bed!

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It's not an accident she has done this numerous times in the past. It's like I am a book left on a shelf until she needs something. I'm done.. That's why I stay a hermit..


I would love to see pictures of these pocket letter to give myself an idea. I have lots of scrapbook paper, stickers, diecuts.

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Good Morning Everyone. I do hope everyone is in good health and sprits.


Up at 6:30 this morning, checking on the water softener.  Watering the plugs in the yard this morning.


We have 2 repairmen coming in today.  First the water softener guy is coming. for the past 3 or 4 days it has been running for about 3 to 4 hours.  Not good.


Next is the sprinkler guy, who has to replace one head and will be checking out the rest.


I am beginning to think condo people have the right idea.


So up early and ready to see what the day has in store.

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Good Morning everyone

Tribble,her follow up was good,no masses,hormone levels good for her age

Owlvamp,sorry you are so hurt by her inconsideration for others,my sis in law in NY is like that,we don't hear from her for yrs,until she needs something right there and then.

Tampa Doll,hope they come on the early side of the day,so you can get other things done,I dislike when they give you a 6 hr window and then maybe don't show that day at all

Katy,I really like their store brand,one variegated called Twilight,made a lot of nice hats and scarves

well lets make it the best day ever

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Hi all.

Well by now most of you know about Orlando and our hearts do go out for the victims and their families. Just wanted to get that said.


NOw not even week has gone by and Orlando has another tradgedy with a little 2 yr old attacked and taken by an alligator there on the Disney grounds.


I am more than saddened with both of these recent and horrible tragedies and am sending prayers for that young family from my state seemingly on a carefree one of a kind family fun vacation

and to all those victims and families at the Pulse and will be sending out some healing prayers for all of them , and all of us as well.



I Guess we will get through this too in time but so much pain for everyone especially in the sunshine state to deal with all at once.


ANd so to those of you in FLorida and all states of this great country suffering and saddened in any way with all that has


happened I will be sending prayers to the great beyond for us all to heal from these latest tragedies.

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LInda, so happy to hear Rene follow up went well


I hope both your service appts go well. I hate waiting for service apts.

hi ya TRibble you are always such a whirlwind of light and energy. IM sorry you suffer from anxiety.

HI Brenda!

OWlvamp she doesn't sound like too good a friend to begin as she doesn't reall quite

get that friendship is supposed

To work BOTH ways as a Give and Take not just a take! Good riddance I say and go ahead and mourne the loss of a friend its

Worth that at least but waste no more time nor energy than that my opinion


And so if nothing else tday ladies like I told handyman yesterday

To stay in balance In life find the time each day to count your blessings and your and successes and your victories no matter how small or insignificant you think they be

NEver should one permit the losses, the defeats, and the failures we all face daily I.n


Life to out number them.

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Hello everyone.


It was a busy day. I did grocery shopping and cleaning and laundry and paid bills and and and ........... I was trying to get everything done before I head to my daughter's for the weekend because I will be bringing my grandchildren home with me for a few days. Of course I had to do big grocery shopping to stock up all the foods the kids like, I try not to keep too many snacks in the house because I eat them. Now I am very tired and plan to relax and play with my yarn. Have a great evening everyone.

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HdHello all sounds like you got a lot done Carol. Where did you get that energy in this heat??


It is very too hot here for human habitation almost! Hard to breathe too the air is just almost like a thick cloud over our heads


I have to wait till early morning for the temps to come down to the high 60,s. Sheeah. Looking online at portable ac units not window units but the new portables that would be inside and only the vent goes outside like a dyer vent almost. Thinking about getting two of those as our central air unit always gives us troubleI in The times we most need it. It just can't keep up on very hot and humid days

We figure by wi winter we might have enough set aside for at least one lol Gofundit. ring a bell?? Haha


Oh some good. News today I think daughter and son In Law have found me a good desktop within my budget so I expect confirmation on that soon!!

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I asked if he could just find the tower you know the computer without the keyboard and monitor or etc

cause I have all the other stuff I need including and I can not stress enough. My wide screen monitor and my mom regular adult sized backlit.not pressure sensitive keyboard!! ❤ Oh and did I. MENTION WINDOWS!!!


ONe more row to finish this baby ghan and then I will show finished project. This is finally ok to donate it I finally like it!!! Thanks for all your help guys!!

Oh shot teakaycee a post today and mentioned the thread here I hope she visits us and joins with us. I'm glad she is back!!


We microwaved some left over pizza for din din and ate the rest of the fruit salad I made the other day.

It Tasted Very refreshing and not a labor intensive meal!I will tackle clean up when the sun is down lol.


I am sitting here In The coolest of loungers I have lol. MAx is not liking summer much either. Ug at least he can still look out the window at those huge turkey birds He doesn't run from the window anymore at least. There is at least probably less than 10 this year. It is illegal to hunt them here or near the lake ever.

Ok well off to turn on the ceiling fan in the craft room and see what I can accomplish on that Demon ripple lol. Llater stay safe. If not I think I,ll color!!

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It's not an accident she has done this numerous times in the past. It's like I am a book left on a shelf until she needs something. I'm done.. That's why I stay a hermit..


I would love to see pictures of these pocket letter to give myself an idea. I have lots of scrapbook paper, stickers, diecuts.


I don't understand people, really kind of why I don't have any friends myself. I lost a few when I got married because I wouldn't go out and just hang about after I had a family to take care of. They didn't want to hang out with hubby and I. I'm of the mind if we can't hang out altogether, we're not going to hang out. I like spending time with my husband not  spending time away from him. I'm sorry that you have had to experience that. My friends are my husband and you all online.


Good Morning everyone

Tribble,her follow up was good,no masses,hormone levels good for her age

Owlvamp,sorry you are so hurt by her inconsideration for others,my sis in law in NY is like that,we don't hear from her for yrs,until she needs something right there and then.

Tampa Doll,hope they come on the early side of the day,so you can get other things done,I dislike when they give you a 6 hr window and then maybe don't show that day at all

Katy,I really like their store brand,one variegated called Twilight,made a lot of nice hats and scarves

well lets make it the best day ever


Glad to hear all went well, pineknott!



It was very hot today here also. I worked till 7:30 this morning and had to be back to work at 7 tonight, so I didn't experience but like 5 minutes of the heat. I slept most of the day after I went to bed at 10:30 this morning. I hope tomorrow we have a slight breeze blowing for Little Tribbles baseball game.


Have a great night all.

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Yes,Tribble. I like plastic canvas stuff. I always wanted to make the doll furniture. Never could get the patterns. So, I never made them. Hope you get too.

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Good Morning.


I'm enjoying my coffee before I head out to my youngest daughter's house for a little while and then on to my oldest daughter's house for the weekend. I'll be in Disney tomorrow at one of the water parks, I'm curious to see what the the general atmosphere will be like with everything that has happened in Orlando this week. Hope everyone has a great day.

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Good Morning,


I would check to make sure the water parks are open.  They closed them yesterday.  I have stayed at Disney many times and one place I stayed was on that lake, in one of the hotels.  I had made a comment one time that being in Florida, I was surprised that there were no gators.  They said for 45 years, they have been able to keep them out, or catch them. 


Well, I am off to get dressed.  3 month dr. appointment this morning.


Oh the repairs went well yesterday.  All is fixed now.

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Good Morning

we received word this morning that one of the NY cousins,had a brain tumor,had surgery that didn't go good,and now he is hospice

his name is Vinny and he is 59 yrs old.His sisters argued with the wife that she shouldn't tell anyone about this,the wife reached out to Bill's sister in NY,is how we found out.but why did they feel no one should know,that just baffles me?

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Morning all.

Well after an long night of little sleep I'm up and have on my get this day started costume!!

Ha e to go out for. Bit today before it gets really uncomfortably hot out so get my stuff done early huh.

Hope all is well I your cornor of the woods!!


Oh. I have a confession too, I did not put the fianl row on that ripple yet and will do that probably when I get back. I colored instead lol

I'll be back when I get my errands done and can relax so till then take care oh and so try to keep cool!!

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Good Morning

we received word this morning that one of the NY cousins,had a brain tumor,had surgery that didn't go good,and now he is hospice

his name is Vinny and he is 59 yrs old.His sisters argued with the wife that she shouldn't tell anyone about this,the wife reached out to Bill's sister in NY,is how we found out.but why did they feel no one should know,that just baffles me?

he passed away yesterday afternoon


found out more why they didn't want anyone told,they didn't want it to get back to him,they didn't tell him he had only  short time to live,how very sad,he was a wonderful jolly person,whose eyes twinkled when he smiled

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So sorry Linda for your loss :hug  :hug .  It baffles me why some people want to keep things to themselves, instead of reaching out to friends and family.


Back from the Dr., my last visit, as she is leaving the practice.  Got home and found out my inhalant that I use for Asthma is no long available.  Ok what else can go wrong.


The sun is bright, it is hot and humid and I got no crocheting done at all yet.


Well, I hope everyone has a good day.

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