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2013 Stashbusting CAL


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Mona/greyhoundgrandma - I know what you mean about "Sale Yarn" getting to you.  Some years back when my mobility was better and my husband and I would travel a little mostly to Louisville, Bowling Green, Franklin, Ky, Murfreesboro, TN, Miami, FL, or just around Nashville,  I was always on the look out for "Sale Yarn."  I just couldn't resist it.  Nowdays my yarn shopping is done online.  So now it has to be on sale and free shipping or a nominal amount for shipping.  Although here lately I have gotten a little better about not ordering every time its on sale and free./nominal charge for shipping.  For instance July 4 Joann.com had 4 cents shipping and no minimum purchase.  RHSS was on sale for $2.09 a skein.  I was drooling over some of the blue shades (my favorite color no matter what shade) but managed to talk myself out of ordering.  I have quite a few of the various shades of blue already.  Some I have 2 skeins of and some I have 3 skeins.  There were a few shades of blue I wanted to increase my stash of.  But I needed to take an inventory to see what shades I had 2 and what shades I had 3 so I would know how much to order.  I talked myself out of it.  You see my YTD score currently is -4.  At the end of 2011 it was -45 and at the end of 2012 it was -55.  I so want it to be either 0 or a + something at the end of 2013.  I also know I have an overabundance of yarn stashed in a couple places in this house and I want to merge it altogether and know how much I do have.


My score for the week ending July 6, 2013 is my usual.  I am making some chemo caps using two shades of country blue - a dark one and a light one.  I am on my fourth cap and still cannot wind either skein down into a ball.  I am using Caron Simply Soft in 6 oz. skeins. Arrrrghh!


WTD: 0  

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I did a lot of :crocheting this week. I had 3 shades of blue, so I made rectangles (6" X 10") instead of squares. The light blue skein turned out to be 8 oz., so I had enough for 12 motifs with 2 - 3 yds. left, so I'm calling it used (+2). The dark blue was 7 oz., so i finished it (+2), but only got 11 motifs. I checked every ball I had until I found some and made the miotif with about 6" to spare :whew (+1). I used up the ball of medium blue too (+1), but didn't have enough to edge all 24 motifs. I showed my friend a scrap to see if she had any, no luck. She took it to Walmart and found some (-2) :( , but it was tiny bit off and noticable when next to the others. So I had to frog the edging of 17 motifs and do them again with the new :yarn .  All the motifs are done :yay . I'm using the new blue instead of white to :crocheting them together and for the border.

WTD: + 4   YTD: + 86

Ellie 13

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Well, it has been a very busy week.  Hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day! 


My score this week: 


WTD:  +4   YTD:  +77


I really didn't think I would get as much crocheted as I did.  It has been just pouring the rain.  The fireworks was cancelled due to heavy rainfall and flooding.  I'm hoping to find out when they will have them, my kids were hoping to see them.


Have a great weekend.


edited to change WTD font size and color.

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Well I bought two but used up 3. Hoping to finish another tonight on the sweater I'm working on. But I going to post it now just in case I don't and will be done with it.


WTD:+2 6th July 2013

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I'm updating my score. Expected afternoon company didn't get here  and I was feeling a little under the weather with sinus/allergy stuff, so I crocheted and finished another skein and ended up cutting my negative for the week in half.

WTD -6

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I did a bit of shopping this week walmart had simply soft for 2.50 and red heart with love for $3.00 ,  I also found some new colors in red heart sashay and starbella.


8 skeins =  -16


but I also gift 7 skeins to a friend who is a new crocheter.  


7 skeins = +14


I have also been doing a bit of stitching this week  and used up 3 skeins on my shawl and 1 skein on ruffle scarfs. +8


so all total


WTD:+6  YTD:-22

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Stash Totals for the Week Ending July 6, 2013

Gold Medal Winner = Just-in   +8
Silver Medal Winner = mva5493   +6
Bronze Medal Winner = Three-way tie:  Ellie 13   +4, homesteadingwife   +4, Shining_Star   +4
Addictedtopatterns   +2
FrLopLady   +2
Staying the Course!
Bailey4   0
BigPinkPolkaDot   0
Crabby Rat   0
pineknott   0
prettywoman030981   0
tnkycrochetnut   0
Oops, I did it again!!!
cshort   -1
SHOOT THE MOON!!!  greyhoundgrandma   -6
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Forgot to post this morning...kind of got rushed out the door by my kids right after I got up! I'll save mine for next week.

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No crocheting so far this week. I came down with the sinus/allergy/coughing my head off stuff that's going around here. Gave up and went to the doctor today and got some antibiotics. Hope they'll kick in really quickly!


The big news is that our first grandchild arrived last night!!!! 7# 14 oz little strawberry blonde girl with good lungs! Can't wait to head out to see her in a couple of weeks.

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Yay!  new grandbaby!


Hubby slipped on his motorcycle and broke his foot on June 29th.  Finally having surgery on Thursday.  Had to have a repeat EKG as they didn't like the first one.  Not happy about that.  Haven't gotten results from 2nd one yet.


Haven't used up any more yarn, thankfully haven't bought more yet either lol

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