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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Good morning!!

I've been up . Hubby got up and I made french toast. Didn't have any bacon or sausage or ham. So just french toast this morning with scramble eggs. What can i say I need to go to the store. Just not up to doing so.

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Hey everybody!  :hug I got an AWESOME square today from bgs, thank you!!!!




Ah, post stitches...is there anything they can't do?  :manyheart  We're all okay here, hot as as get out still, bleck. lol Got ballet camps for the girls next week and the week after we're going to go ahead and get school started so we can take more time off around the holidays. 


Had an interesting weekend, long story but an internet friend made a long bike ride 12000 miles and decided to come by on his way back to the northeast. I've met him once for lunch last Christmas in a town away from me. We are just friends and he is riding to get over a bad choice in relationships that didn't work out. He kept trying to get my address and I wouldn't give it to him. I wouldn't last Christmas and wouldn't now. Well, he texts he is coming to MY town, will be there by noon but check in isn't til 3 unless he can crash on my couch. I am a BIG introvert and this really stressed me. At most, I would have went to another town to have a quick lunch and see him on his way. Did not want him overnight in my town... especially on my couch!! So, told him to skip it. He got mad and left a sarcastic comment on my facebook page but I felt better when he was on his happy way out of OK. Just a very anxious worried time waiting to see if he'd show up against my wishes. I guess I'm not very trusting.. I've had stalkers before and had the cops involved and I don't let many close friends here at my house much less online single male friends from a motorcycle group. :(  Not going to happen.


Just had to comment on this that introvert or no, you absolutely, 100% did the right thing there! And that good choice was only proven more right when he got all butt hurt about it. Friends don't do that and male friends should know better than to act like that when a woman is uncomfortable. I wouldn't have let him over either. 


Also praying for those invoices! I hope they come in soon!!!


Hey all, Wanted to let you know.....


Good News...

I am now a certifed EMT


Bad news...

My step father passed away 7-8-15. we had his funeral friday. Now to get my mom back on track.


Hoping to start crocheting again soon


Congrats on being an EMT and I'm so sorry to hear about your step father.  :hug


I know I'm missing a thousand more things going on with everyone.,  :yes  :no  But just know, I'm thinking about you and hope you're having a great day today!  :ghug

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I finished the little dress today and hemmed a curtain for my daughter. Then I started cutting out a couple of skirts for my granddaughter but my stomach said it was time for a break so I thought I'd check in here while I have a snack.

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hot here as all get out, the heat index is the highest 'ts been this year, i think we are sitting right now, at 7pm at 114 heat index,. sheesh! miserable here, hard to breathe, stayin in today was the only survival option we had, lol


WOrking on another ghan for baby donation, in the granny stripe pattern,   with a varigated, a blue and a rose and a white, will pic it tomorrow in the light, it's softly blocking out the corners now, after I put the trim row on, and one I made too, callling it rainbow  candy striper!! a multicolor shell stripe baby ghan, don't know how i would have kept my mind, well ok, what's left of it, without something to do all day and yesterday, as it was and is still too hot to think about getting anything majorly done, inside or out for that matter. Handydan watered good this am, soaked everything down, to help with the long hot day of sunshine, an Im not sure I did much else, but crochet the day away, lol, besides a few chores here, and there, you know, like you do! Tried to take a \nap earlier,Ihardly ever nap in the day unless im sick, but just felt all in,tired out, and no energy, humidity sucking it out of us, im telling ya,lol Did you all know we are always humid here in Eastern Nebraska, cause we are sitting directly above this huge aquafor and thats where OURhumidity comes from........Course the water table has receeded in the last few years, but apparenlly, there is enough water still under us, to make us uncomforable,huh!! well, all for me for now, ill try to check b ack later on y oun all, make sure none of you have melted. Bgs, saw that house explosion on the tv there i St. Louis, do they know yet, what caused it, handyman saw the pics and immediately guessed, gas explosion??




well shoot,

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pineknott congrats on the 45 years together and wishing you many more


katy I missed the evening news so I hadn't heard about the house explosion in St. Louis.  Maybe it will be on the 10pm news.  We are in the Kansas City viewing area so they may not say any more about it.  I used to always guess gas explosion but anymore its a toss up between gas or meth lab.  Still really hot and humid here too. 

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Hi all, just popping in to let you all know I'm still here :) I'm at work waiting to clock in. I have to make sure the rest of my team shows up tonight since no one is answering their phones. If not, I have to call in someone else.


Dragonlady, I am so sorry for your loss :hug prayers are with you and your family.


Hope everyone else is doing well, and hopefully I will "see" you all tomorrow :)

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hi all, another hot one, but not as bad as yesterdy, they say, so cooler days coming in soon!! Flowers are surviving, thanks in most to handyman's twice a day watering! 

I got my work table all cleared up, vacuumned, and dusted in there and put things away, and basically straightenede up, and it looks and smells so fresh and clean now,all ready to start another project, just don' t know what right now, ha ha, Im sure Ill get inspired here soon, and find somethihng new to do!!!


nothing much else happeneing in the area, yesterday, it was so hot out, it was dead silent too, no birds chirping, probably too hot, no neighbors hanging over fences chatting, no lawn mowers, nobody out and about, no one passing down the street to get thier mail at the bottom of the hill, it it was weird, but understandable of the heat index i guess!!! i went out today, early....wasn't too bad this am, glad I did it early though...


well,hope all is good where you are, and you are keeping relatively cool in the heat wave!!!!!!!!!!! more tomorrow, signing out!!

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Another hot one here too.  My clothes were sopping wet when I came in after working in my dad's yard. Glad I brought clothes to change into.  Looks like next week the overnights are going to drop into the 60's.  

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Good morning all. Hope you're doing well. So sorry for the loss Dragonlady and Happy Anniversary Linda. You ladies working out in the yard are heroes. Don't know how you do it. I cannot take the heat for very long. I think at one point in life, I had heat exhaustion and I get really sick after being out in it very long, even when not doing work or just riding the bike. 


My mom came over the other day and brought me some stuff from my aunt's (she passed away almost 2 years ago. I have a huge box of ribbons and that wire stuff used for wreaths but was most happy about a couple of thread crochet pieces my grandma had made, a big ceramic Santa my mom had made for my grandma when I was 8 or 9 and a big ceramic cat she had made my aunt back then. 


I worked on a sofa doily or doilyghan out of Caron SS over the weekend. My first piece ever with pineapples.... and I loved making it. Now I want to do more. :) I'll post a pic of it later after I block it.


Here is the pic of the squares I received in ocean colors. Cell phone pic not the greatest so colors are actually brighter than it shows. What are your suggestions on color to put it together with? 


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Hello Everyone.


Quiet here today. Went to church this morning and plan to do some sewing this afternoon. 

Stephanie, all of your squares look very pretty.

Linda, Congratulations!

Have a great day!

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bgs, thank you so much for the towel !!!!  I love it and I need to replace my old one.

Also, how did you know I have a blue accent kitchen???


sopo, I want to go to the beach...


Gonna be HOT here today also. It's all about crocheting and/or reading. :manyheart



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Hey everyone, pretty hot today. Humid out. I wanted drop in to say, hello ya'll. Sounds like everyone is staying busy. So am I. Crocheting a lot. And trying to learn to knit. When I am not crocheting. Got to finger busy a crocheting. Chat later! Love Ya'll :hug Arlene

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Quick check in... Been a hectic couple of weeks. Got awesome puffies from Katie and bgs!!!


Sorry for the terrible pictures! I took them on my tablet!



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Hi all! DH and I made it back safe and sound this evening about dinnertime. We got the car all unloaded and went out and picked up dinner and I've been happily sitting on my butt ever since! Florida was busy busy busy because DH comes from a big family and we had all sorts of people to see and lots of time to spend with his niece and nephew. The few nights with my dad was much more relaxing... lunch out and afternoons in the pool at my stepmom's friend's house. Shhh... I think the pool was my favorite part.  ;)


Tomorrow is laundry and the grocery store and putting all this mess away we came back with. I've got a pile for Peanut of course. I got him a stuffed Big Bird from Busch Gardens Tampa and an Elmo CD that's personalized with his name in the songs! I thought it was the neatest thing, but Sister will probably want to murder me over it!  :lol


Before I forget... Here is the link to the blue square I sent to sopo... I highly recommend you download the tutorial too because stitch placement was a little tricky in some rounds. It was definitely a complicated square but so worth it! 


I haven't gotten any July squares done yet, but hopefully in the next week or two. Late again, I think! I'm almost finished with the scoodie for my cousin but I hit a roadblock when the woman deleted her blog and took down all her links from Ravelry. Fortunately I got ahold of her on there and she emailed it to me! Whew! Apparently people were selling her free patterns so she just took everything down. I swear, some bad people just have to ruin things for everybody! 


Well off to bed now, I think, lots of getting things back in order to be done tomorrow! I hope everyone had a good weekend!  :ghug

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Hi All!  Remember me?  It's your long lost Grannyannie! :lol   Sorry that I haven't been around for a while.  Life has been doing it's darndest lately, but we're still pushing back!  I can't stay on long tonight,.  the internet keeps going out so I know I won't have long here.  You are all on my mind/thoughts often.  Hope to get back to making and sending squares soon.  Take care everyone! :hug

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