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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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oh bgs, forgot to mention this to you, our zoo, Henry Doorley zoo, was all over you tube , might still be, Il'l look for that link for you, but a huge gorilla, rushed the glass wall in an attempt to go after a little girl and her family. Seems she was just funnin, and beating her chest with her fists, like they do you know,and that gorilla didn't like the challenge, so he rushed the glass, cracked one layer, (it is 3 or 4 layers of glass) and put a crack in it, on the people side, not on his side, sheesh!!!!!!!!!!


I hate the gorillas, always have, and have always thought them to be too aggressive for my taste, lol that's all, Ill look for that link,ill be back.


 i saw it on our local news channel, here is that link.   scarey!!


That is TERRIFYING!!  :eek  :eek  :eek  They're so big and they're all muscle and they're so scary! I bet that poor little girl will never thump her chest at the gorillas again and she's libel to have nightmares for years. 


Hi all :) hope you all are well. Ive been feeling "off" for the last few days. Super tired and hot and hungry.


Lacey, do I remember you saying last month that the smell of a food you normally liked was making you ill? Did you ever take a test? Your symptoms sound suspicious.  :)


We all had a really good trip for lunch with our grandmother today. Peanut mainly just threw his spaghetti on the floor expecting the dog to come and eat it. He'd toss it off the table and then look down waiting for Lola to come.  :lol Our grandmother always comes with something for us... in the summertime it's veggies because she has a really big garden. She hasn't had time for that yet, so today was two 11.5 pound hams, one for Sister and one for me, plus an afghan she made for Peanut and yarn for me. Poor DH, he's not a big ham fan and we're having ham in some form or other all this week so it doesn't go to waste. He'll be good though and will eat without complaining. He knows the rule: If I cook, you don't complain and eat what you're served. He's a smart man!  ;)


We don't have much to get into tomorrow, so just a lazy Sunday working on my charity projects. Haven't finished the most recent hat or the baby ghan yet, but hopefully by tomorrow. On the ghan, the strips go on fairly quickly so minus the ends, I may even have it done tonight. Ends will have to wait until daylight so I can really see what's happening. 


I hope everyone had a good day and I'll be back tomorrow night!  :ghug

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katy I have all kinds of lotions and potions.  I am allergic to talc.  I had to wear gloves working in the lab and in the beginning they all contained powder (talc).  My hands were raw by the end of my shift.  Talc is in a lot of  makeup, deoderants, and even some pills besides being the carrier agent for many powdered garden chemicals.  I am allergic to some laundry detergents especially the dry ones with bleach or oxyclean.  Most band-aids break me out.   Way back when we always used the calamine lotion (pink stuff) on poison ivy.  I was glad when I found the clear caladryl for it as I hated the pink stuff all over everything.  Now I use a clear spray Ivy Dry.  If I know I have been in poison ivy I always go in and wash really well which is the best. This time I really don't know when I was exposed.   I know you are not supposed to but my favorite thing to do when it is itching really bad is to bleach it.  I don't seem to be allergic to regular beach.  I sleep with the socks on my hands because it really helps keep me from spreading it.  


yarn_monkey thanks for the updates on snowbear and sopo.  I hope they feel like coming back soon.  


EEE.... poison ivy! I havn't had it for a long time and I remember it is horribly miserable! I too used bleach to help with the itching except when I had it all over my face and neck!



Awesome hotpads! I love them... I might try these sometime.


I accomplished a lot today. I did finish 2 more hot pads and then cleaned up the yard.

Cleaned off the patio part. Got all the dead leafs and weeds gone swept it all off and it looks awesome.


Tomorrow is prom! So need to get the car cleaned and vaccum out. Probably will wash it too.

Can't forget to pick up her flowers tomorrow. Most likely will check in tomorrow night. We will be doing her hair and nails.

Oh yeah we also will be doing the make up.


Prom! Have fun!!!! I didn't have a prom as I went to a very small private school and we didn't have any dances or proms or anything like that, not even sports. but I am sure its a fun time!


They look great! I'm starting to get the itch to make more hotpads now...  :)



Have a safe trip and enjoy your weekend away!  :hug



Oh my goodness! The lawnmower sounds like a mess! I'm glad you got it unstuck and I hope you won't be too sore tomorrow. And more than that, I hope the poison ivy starts to go away soon! It's an awful thing to itch like that and know you really shouldn't scratch it! 



Eek! Prom! I went to my senior prom and loved getting all done up and made up and dressed up! I had a big white dress because I thought that was the thing to wear white to your senior prom, turned out I was the only one in white, but I loved it nonetheless! I can't wait to hear all about it!  :yes



A bobcat!!  :eek  I think that would scare the pants right off of me! My dad has coyotes at his house and to hear them howl is just so creepy! My grandmother has bears. One time when I was staying with her, my uncle came running in the kitchen saying "come quick come quick there's a bear!" so my grandmother and I ran to the front porch and you could hear the bear across the driveway in the woods, grunting and sounding like it was trying to climb up in the trees. When we could tell it was getting close, back in the house we went and then here comes Mama and a baby running across the driveway and through the side yard! We all just about fell out! 


DH and I didn't do a whole lot today... a trip to Walmart for a couple necessities and a trip to Joann's so we could pick out some fabric for me to make curtain tiebacks for the spare bedrooms. DH's sister and her family are coming in June for a week so we're trying to get curtains up since it gets so bright in those rooms. We didn't bother for my dad when he visited because he's up before the sun every morning anyway. Of course, I picked out the fabric, got it cut, paid and was out the door before I realized I forgot the little plastic rings I need to pull them back to the hooks. Oh well, I'll get them put together and then worry about the hooks. Then DH went to the driving range so I just sat out in the sun and nice weather and read a book. Man, I missed the sun! I'm a happy girl in this weather!!  :sun  :nworthy


Tomorrow, Sister and Peanut will be here about noon and we'll head out to meet our grandmother and uncle for lunch about an hour away. We haven't seen them since Peanut's birthday party and we can't wait. It's always exciting to see what our grandmother will bring us too because she always comes loaded down. I know there's at least a ham or two and BBQ chicken because she found the hams on sale and during the summer the local churches and fire departments always have BBQ chicken for sale early Saturday mornings. I miss that chicken dearly every Saturday. When I was young, my dad used to go out early and buy us all chicken halves and I'd sit in front of the Saturday morning cartoons and have the chicken for breakfast. 


I've got another chemo hat about halfway done. That one will make 6 and I think I've got at least 4 more planned right out the gate. And I got all my strips done for the first baby ghan and 6 of them attached, so 7 more to go! Hopefully that will be done tomorrow night. 


Well I'm off to get some more work done on these projects. I hope everyone has a good day tomorrow and I'll be back tomorrow night!  :ghug


Havn't crocheted any for a couple of days... Friday night Mr Tribble and I went to a concert in Cleveland (about a 4 hour or so drive from where we live) and I am still recovering... So very tired at work tonight but it's worth it - wonderful Concert... Delain, Sabaton and Nightwish were performing. 


We so have to get the yard mowed either Monday or Tuesday. As it is it's gonna be a rough first mow... Shoulda done it two weeks ago but it wouldn't quit raining when I wasn't working! Yikes you should see it... It's really long... LOL


We had a porch built for the front of our house. We just had a concrete step to get into the door and it decided to crumble over the winter so when tax money came in we had a small porch/deck built. Little Tribble was not happy to find out they were finished with it last Monday as he was sure that they were gonna build him a small house onto the deck. In the first place it's not big enough for a playhouse, but 4 year olds don't understand that! LOL He's still complaining about it.

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what? no house for the little tribble, attrocious I say!!!


Lacey, so sorry you still aren't feeling well, you should probably get checked out at a dr.


the gorilla thing was terrifying enough to see that giant ape ram the window, but that poor little girl, im seriously thinking, she will NOT be back to the zoo again, ever!!

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oh bgs, forgot to mention this to you, our zoo, Henry Doorley zoo, was all over you tube , might still be, Il'l look for that link for you, but a huge gorilla, rushed the glass wall in an attempt to go after a little girl and her family. Seems she was just funnin, and beating her chest with her fists, like they do you know,and that gorilla didn't like the challenge, so he rushed the glass, cracked one layer, (it is 3 or 4 layers of glass) and put a crack in it, on the people side, not on his side, sheesh!!!!!!!!!!


I hate the gorillas, always have, and have always thought them to be too aggressive for my taste, lol that's all, Ill look for that link,ill be back.


 i saw it on our local news channel, here is that link.   scarey!!

don't even read Zoo by James Patterson then,I'm just sayin

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You are correct about the smells, but at that point everything came back negative. But now I am starting to wonder. Again. I went to drink some tea today and it smelled like mud covered in honey. Yuck :( And I love tea. :(      I did take a test Friday morning ( or maybe it was yesterday) I really cant remember. And it was just barely barely positive. So Im going to wait a few more days and take another one just to see if it is getting any darker. So no jumping for joy just yet, but as soon as I find out for sure Ill let you all know.  :)

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what tests immafreak, smell tests, i mean what do they think this could be, that is so strange!! an allergy or something I dunno......



Pineknott, I like , well I normally like James Patterson's books,but if this has meanie animals in it, na uh, thanks, lol


I once watched  a show, I think it was called The Edge or something, anyway, with this mean big bear in it, and I was on the edge for sure, of my recliner!! it scared me to death!!  I think it was the guy that played in silence of the lambs,oh anthony hopkins, and Alec Baldwin in it,good movie, but horrible bear, lol


You can read a synopsis of the movie   here...

don't even read Zoo by James Patterson then,I'm just sayin



You are correct about the smells, but at that point everything came back negative. But now I am starting to wonder. Again. I went to drink some tea today and it smelled like mud covered in honey. Yuck :( And I love tea. :(      I did take a test Friday morning ( or maybe it was yesterday) I really cant remember. And it was just barely barely positive. So Im going to wait a few more days and take another one just to see if it is getting any darker. So no jumping for joy just yet, but as soon as I find out for sure Ill let you all know.   :)

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don't even read Zoo by James Patterson then,I'm just sayin


Aw man, now I need to read it!  :sweat  I love James Patterson! I'm working my way through the Alex Cross series now, trying to catch up to the new one he just put out. 


You are correct about the smells, but at that point everything came back negative. But now I am starting to wonder. Again. I went to drink some tea today and it smelled like mud covered in honey. Yuck And I love tea.      I did take a test Friday morning ( or maybe it was yesterday) I really cant remember. And it was just barely barely positive. So Im going to wait a few more days and take another one just to see if it is getting any darker. So no jumping for joy just yet, but as soon as I find out for sure Ill let you all know.  


I think I would just fall out and die if I woke up and hated tea one morning. Maybe the first test was just too soon? Is that a thing? Definitely keep us updated!  :hug


Well I'm dealing with a crochet problem. All of a sudden all my hats are turning out too big! Same yarn, same hook, everything the same as before... now all of a sudden they're way too big!  :reyes This will be the second time I've had to frog this hat. So I'm taking a break on the hats for a day or two before I throw the whole thing out the door! I got the baby ghan all stitched together though and I've started weaving in all the 500 ends. In the meantime, I'm going to pick out my next baby ghan pattern and tomorrow I'm calling the coordinator at the Children's Hospital to figure out where I can drop them off and whatever else I may need to know.


Oh! And I need to do a 36x36 square to take to Mikey at the Tent Sale. The squares will be part of the world record stocking that Yarnspirations is working on and then they'll be taken apart and donated as baby blankets. Plus you get a Crochet Crowd pin and a picture with Mikey!  :)


Okay, off for now to pick out my new baby blanket pattern! Hope everyone had a good weekend!  :D

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Good morning everyone

big storms on the way later in the day

yesterday I saw my first snake of the season,small,harmless looking but a snake nonetheless,I was standing on the top step and he cruises across the next step down

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I'm here I'm here I'm here! lol Hope everyone is doing okay! We're in full recital mode around here with my 6 year old, I'm starting to feel sick again which I'm willing away. lol I almost never get sick and here I am getting sick AGAIN? No way, not going to do it. lol I will do my best to be back and more interesting soon! LOL  :waving

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Hi Linda,


we seldom see snakes here in the yard area as handyman keeps most of the bugs away with sprays, and granulars, take away thier smogassbord of bugs, and they eat , shop, and live elsewhere, lol...

Good morning everyone

big storms on the way later in the day

yesterday I saw my first snake of the season,small,harmless looking but a snake nonetheless,I was standing on the top step and he cruises across the next step down


yarnmonkey, my you are busy, can't imagine why your hats are going big, lol maybe the more you make, the more relaxed your tension is???Hec, i dunno, sometimes that happens to me too, but I was told by my chairty anyway, that if you make a hat, regardless the size, SOMEONE will fit it!! So I don't worry too much about it..


oh, and say hello to mikey, and diva dan if he is there too, from Nebraska!!! have fun! .


and when you call your charity,see if they need some preemie afghans too .. I f so, I may have some at the end of the month for you..   or someone out there, lol

Aw man, now I need to read it!  :sweat  I love James Patterson! I'm working my way through the Alex Cross series now, trying to catch up to the new one he just put out. 



I think I would just fall out and die if I woke up and hated tea one morning. Maybe the first test was just too soon? Is that a thing? Definitely keep us updated!  :hug


Well I'm dealing with a crochet problem. All of a sudden all my hats are turning out too big! Same yarn, same hook, everything the same as before... now all of a sudden they're way too big!  :reyes This will be the second time I've had to frog this hat. So I'm taking a break on the hats for a day or two before I throw the whole thing out the door! I got the baby ghan all stitched together though and I've started weaving in all the 500 ends. In the meantime, I'm going to pick out my next baby ghan pattern and tomorrow I'm calling the coordinator at the Children's Hospital to figure out where I can drop them off and whatever else I may need to know.


Oh! And I need to do a 36x36 square to take to Mikey at the Tent Sale. The squares will be part of the world record stocking that Yarnspirations is working on and then they'll be taken apart and donated as baby blankets. Plus you get a Crochet Crowd pin and a picture with Mikey!  :)


Okay, off for now to pick out my new baby blanket pattern! Hope everyone had a good weekend!  :D


Well there she is, hi Maggi, good to see you back. Sorry you have been feeling icky again, or still, lol, hope a recovery is short and relatively hassle free for you, sounds like fun, recitals, lol oh I do so remember those days!!

I'm here I'm here I'm here! lol Hope everyone is doing okay! We're in full recital mode around here with my 6 year old, I'm starting to feel sick again which I'm willing away. lol I almost never get sick and here I am getting sick AGAIN? No way, not going to do it. lol I will do my best to be back and more interesting soon! LOL  :waving

everyone else, Im still plugging along on hats,like i say, i don't worry too much about size, just generally following the size chart here, but like i say too, if you make a hat, regardless for whatever purpose and whatever size, SOMEONE will fit it!!

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yarn_monkey I feel your pain over the hats.  It's so frustrating when you have to keep pulling them apart and remaking them.  Sometimes there is enough difference in the same brand of yarn to make a big difference in the size of things when you do everything else the same. 


katy we saw the gorilla incident on the news.  Glad the glass held and that the gorilla did not get out.  Sometimes we have watched the gorillas at the KC zoo through the window but the last few times our best view was from an outdoor deck area.  You are actually pretty close to them there but not as close as a few inches of glass


pineknott I saw my first snake of the season last week.  It was a big black snake.  Dh had warned me that he had been seeing them around.  


It rained off and on all weekend so we didn't get any more yard work done at my dad's house.  Cloudy, windy, and cool out today.  It was too wet to work outside much.  Poison ivy is much better.  I was kind of afraid I spread it close to my eye but that's better too.  Coyotes are common here.  Sometimes there are bear and bobcat sightings.  

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hi all, well we don't have bears in  nebraska, thank goodness, and I hope it stays that way forever, lol


poison ivy getting better, that is great bgs,hope you don't get into any more this season at least!!


In general, i dislike zoos, for the simple fact that the animals are not in thier natural habitat, but zoos are getting somewhat better about that, for me, Im wondering why we have to have such animals like gorrillas, and such in the zoos, let them stay where they call home, and leave it at that, lol


tomorrow is trash day, better get all the little waste baskets dumped into a bag soon, lol usually I forget that, as they recently changed up from thursday pick up to tuesday pick up..


I have not thought of anything for the brunch bunch, and that is this week as well, so will go just for the company i guess, lol.


I may make may baskets, and fill with goodies, but if I do, i will deliver them to their doors, like when we were kids, ring the bell,and dash off and hide, course now, I don't dash too well, lol but you get it, right.lol


all for now, see you all later on perhaps, have a great evening!!

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katy I always love seeing or hearing about the little goodies you make for your brunch bunch.  For many years they have been redoing the zoo here so that many of the animals have fairly large natural areas.  I had to really study one of the depictions for the new tiger exhibit as it looked as if a little girl was actually in the exhibit with a tiger peering down on her from above.  The girl was actually on the other side of the exhibit but it sure made you stop and look.  The zoo here really tries to educate people about the animals and their natural habitats (like which animals are endangered and how man is destroying their natural habitat.)  One of the local tv stations does a weekly show at the zoo.  It's been interesting to watch the vet doing physicals on various animals.  They get better healthcare than most people.  Zoos have been around for so long that now most of the animals were born in zoos and were never in the wild. 

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we are not in an area that one would consider country,but a half mile from the house every yr there are bear sightings,one yr it was dicey on the interstate,cause the males were in search luv,and kept crossing the interstates at an alarming rate.In the development I've seen foxes two streets away.

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Hi Linda,


we seldom see snakes here in the yard area as handyman keeps most of the bugs away with sprays, and granulars, take away thier smogassbord of bugs, and they eat , shop, and live elsewhere, lol...


yarnmonkey, my you are busy, can't imagine why your hats are going big, lol maybe the more you make, the more relaxed your tension is???Hec, i dunno, sometimes that happens to me too, but I was told by my chairty anyway, that if you make a hat, regardless the size, SOMEONE will fit it!! So I don't worry too much about it..


oh, and say hello to mikey, and diva dan if he is there too, from Nebraska!!! have fun! .


and when you call your charity,see if they need some preemie afghans too .. I f so, I may have some at the end of the month for you..   or someone out there, lol


Well there she is, hi Maggi, good to see you back. Sorry you have been feeling icky again, or still, lol, hope a recovery is short and relatively hassle free for you, sounds like fun, recitals, lol oh I do so remember those days!!

everyone else, Im still plugging along on hats,like i say, i don't worry too much about size, just generally following the size chart here, but like i say too, if you make a hat, regardless for whatever purpose and whatever size, SOMEONE will fit it!!


It's probably a mix of getting comfortable with the pattern and watching TV while trying to make them. I mean it's even too big for DH and he's got a pretty big noggin, plus he's in need of a haircut. Maybe I can decrease a spot or two without it being too obvious. We'll just have to see. Completely forgot to call the children's hospital today, so I'll do that tomorrow and let you know what they say. I'd imagine that even if they don't take preemie size, they know somewhere that would. 


yarn_monkey I feel your pain over the hats.  It's so frustrating when you have to keep pulling them apart and remaking them.  Sometimes there is enough difference in the same brand of yarn to make a big difference in the size of things when you do everything else the same. 


katy we saw the gorilla incident on the news.  Glad the glass held and that the gorilla did not get out.  Sometimes we have watched the gorillas at the KC zoo through the window but the last few times our best view was from an outdoor deck area.  You are actually pretty close to them there but not as close as a few inches of glass


pineknott I saw my first snake of the season last week.  It was a big black snake.  Dh had warned me that he had been seeing them around.  


It rained off and on all weekend so we didn't get any more yard work done at my dad's house.  Cloudy, windy, and cool out today.  It was too wet to work outside much.  Poison ivy is much better.  I was kind of afraid I spread it close to my eye but that's better too.  Coyotes are common here.  Sometimes there are bear and bobcat sightings.  


It was supposed to storm and rain here today but I think we saw a total of 2 sprinkles and a bunch of lightning. They were supposed to be bad storms, so I'm okay with them fizzling out before they got here! 


DH went golfing with some friends today, so i took the opportunity to go to AC Moore and Michaels. Never a good decision to leave me on my own!!  :D  I got 4 skeins of yarn, all to coordinate with some yarn I already have, so I can use them to make more baby afghans. I've already gotten halfway through a c2c, and I'm just hoping I don't run out of one of my colors. It's a skein that my grandmother gave me on Saturday and it's apparently been discontinued because I don't see it on the Red Heart website anymore. It's the color Light Coral... anyway, I'm using that and "Melonberry" so I figure if I can at least make it to the halfway point, I'll find another coordinating solid and just do the other half that color with the variegated. That's the plan anyway! This one is for the World's Biggest Stocking that will get divided back up for baby blankets and donated.


Still haven't gotten all those ends done on the other baby blanket. I just hate them so much! :( I'll work on them little by little and eventually get them done. 


Well, back to the c2c... I'm trying to get at least to the halfway point tonight. We'll see if that actually works out! :) Nothing special planned for tomorrow I don't think, but that's always subject to change. 


Hope everyone had a good Monday!  

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Good evening ladies! There really isn't much going on here ..


I just finished making 6 star placemats. Need to finish two more and will have daughters mother day gift partly done and sisters birthday gift. Trying to knock somethings off the list but it seems to fill faster than me accomplishing it.

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oh henry dorley is good about that too, but still i say, it is sad, that a creature born to be wild, isn't really, as it ws born in captivity, they don't know freedom, some probably know nothing else, but don't you think they whisper bout the stories they have heard from older animals... ;) .....lol.... cages, is the reason I don't or never have had a bird for a pet...just me, just sayin....

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Good morning all.  I'm back from visiting my dad for the weekend. We had a great time.

Have a good day everyone.


Glad you had a nice trip!  :)


Oh I also finished 2 more hot pads.


And Katie says I'm busy!  :lol


We didn't do much today. I cut up all the ham from what my grandmother gave me and got it all separated into baggies by purpose and put some into the freezer and used some of it in a pasta salad. It's supposed to be a copy cat of what Ruby Tuesday has on their salad bar but we'll see when we have it with dinner tomorrow night! 


I got some work done on the c2c for the big stocking. I'm having to plan on a 2 inch border because I'm worried about running out of that discontinued color, but I think I'll manage. I have enough of the other coordinating colors that the border still should be okay. In theory. Lol 


Tomorrow is a Peanut day and I'm excited to see the little stinker. Sister thinks he's beginning to ask for me.  :manyheart  All he says (besides complete and utter toddler gibberish lol) is "ma ma ma ma ma", "da da da da da" and "tee tee tee tee", so Sister is thinking it's Mama, Dada, and Auntie. Hey, I'll take what I can get!  :yes


Well I think my hands are done for the day as far as this c2c goes, so it's a little tv and then bed for me.  :night

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Hi all :) Well I took a pregnancy test Saturday  morning and it came back just barely positive, so I was pretty excited, but the ones I took Monday and today, both came back completely negative. :( I go see the Dr next month, and will talk to him about that as hes wanting to do a check up with the "baby making" as he called it ( which was weird lol). This is twice since January that this has happened. I hate getting excited only to find out that it didnt "stick".   Work has me pulling 2 shifts a day, 3 days a week for the next few weeks.Wed, Thur, and Fri I will now be working 8am-1230 (noon), then coming back in for my normal 10pm-5am shift. At least im off on sat sun mon tues. 

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Goodness its been rather nippy out the past couple of mornings.  I am glad I resisted the temptation to go ahead and transplant my tomato plants outside because is was so warm the last couple of weeks.  Besides working outside I have been staying busy edging orange squares with black and working in ends so I can get them in the mail to owlvamp.  

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