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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Got a chance to get caught up on posts. :( Such sad news, Katie. I think leaving an empty chair for her is a beautiful gesture! She sounds like a friend worth remembering.


I feel a little silly sharing eye candy now, but that's what I signed back on for, and maybe it will be a little cheering? The picture with the orange squares is the ones I just got from Our Nikki. When I laid them out to photograph, Little Viking picked up a pink one and brushed it against his cheek, saying "It's so soft and fwuffy!" Then he asked what they were for and I said they're to go into a new blanket, and then we had this conversation:


"Is it for me?"

"Well, it can be if you want it to. Do you?"

*gasp* "Yes!"


So it looks like when my fractal blanket is done it'll be going to the little guy! He does love helping me open packages with "beautiful yarn!" inside.


Oh, almost forgot. The other pics are what I've been doing on my first friendship-ghan lately. I'm getting close to the edging finish! (I've made a couple of the squares I'm using for this ghan, but the ones in these pics are all from you guys!)





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hello all,

beeee uuu tee full day here so far, so good, hate to mention weather, when the east coast is almost under the gun for a bad bad storm, so sorry to those of you in it's way, stay in, and stay safe....


February birthday ladies, I mailed out puffies today, I know it's early, but got them done, and was running into the post office for some thing else, so took um with me,and mailed um out!! sO, Happy Birthday Kay and Maria!! hope you have a wonderful birthday month coming up....


oh, more news, and not good, one of our older brunch bunch ladies, that hasn't attended for quite sometime, due to health issues, and a neighbor here to all of us, passed away last night, she had been in the hospital for about a week. So sorry to hear that, we will miss her, she was 93, but full of spunk, and fight, and such a delightful lady, full of wonderful stories. I will miss her a lot, we all will, but she has gone to a better place, for sure... so, a moment of silence please, for Evelyn. RIP friend, you are gone, but never forgotten. A lone and empty chair, will stand empty in her honor from here on out, at all our meetings, and brunches, in remembrance of her.

Sorry about that, have been thinking about it since this am, when I heard the news. I never know what to say when something like this happens.




ahem, ok, well, i don't know what to do with myself today a bit out of sync i guess, but there is lots to do to chose from, I am never at a loss for something to clean, sort, straighten, put away, wash, dust, vacuum, or shine, so there's that, best to keep busy, me thinks. and always, ill take some solace and comfort, in my yarn and hook as well..


My new system here, since a while ago, I do things like one day, all the glass, mirrors, tv screens, pictures, everything glass on the walls, or in the room, gets windexed...in all rooms..


Then the next day, everything needing a spray or two of endust or Old English, gets done.....


Another day, all the bedding, sheets, sometimes pillows as well, and throw rugs, when needed, it's  wash day,


Another day, vacuum all the rooms, and baseboards, and remove all the cob webs, if there is any, lol


It seems to work, and then if I DON"T feel like doing much else, at least that major thing is done, but that is just a guide, cause most days, i do multiples of those tasks, and others, lol


closets and dresser drawers, are always a pain though, lol


ok, over and out, nothing much else news wise, hope all of you in that storms way, take precautionary measures, and are prepared, take care all of you, where ever you all are!


Oh, Katie, I'm so sorry about your friend!  :hug  I think the chair at your brunches is a beautiful thing to do for her. I know she'll still be there with your group. 


I wish I could keep up with a schedule like yours for cleaning. I always have these great plans and then I guess I just get lazy. I have no excuse, I might as well be honest! Lol 


We're getting snow here, nothing too bad so far. Our inspections of the new place were this morning and we had to be careful going up the hill in between here and there, but at least there was no traffic! And we got the inspections all done and so that's taken care of. Yay! I also took a bunch of pictures, and we took a few room measurements before we killed our tape measure. It won't retract now. So we're definitely feeling good about the place; there was one minor issue with the septic system the inspector said it would be good to have checked out and cleared up, but "it's not great news, but it's not bad news". Everything really checked out pretty well. So that's the next step down! :D


We'd taken off work today anyway for the inspections, since the company said they were going to take about five hours (which they did), and then we picked up the little guy from school on our way home, just because it was on the way. Which was when we found out they were closing at 3:00, about ten minutes after we got there! I had totally missed the sign on the door in the morning when we dropped him off. Tomorrow nobody really knows yet.... It hasn't been too bad so far, I don't think. My work is going to send a text message tomorrow morning if we're not open normal hours. We'll see!



Got a chance to get caught up on posts. :( Such sad news, Katie. I think leaving an empty chair for her is a beautiful gesture! She sounds like a friend worth remembering.


I feel a little silly sharing eye candy now, but that's what I signed back on for, and maybe it will be a little cheering? The picture with the orange squares is the ones I just got from Our Nikki. When I laid them out to photograph, Little Viking picked up a pink one and brushed it against his cheek, saying "It's so soft and fwuffy!" Then he asked what they were for and I said they're to go into a new blanket, and then we had this conversation:


"Is it for me?"

"Well, it can be if you want it to. Do you?"

*gasp* "Yes!"


So it looks like when my fractal blanket is done it'll be going to the little guy! He does love helping me open packages with "beautiful yarn!" inside.


Oh, almost forgot. The other pics are what I've been doing on my first friendship-ghan lately. I'm getting close to the edging finish! (I've made a couple of the squares I'm using for this ghan, but the ones in these pics are all from you guys!)


Yay on the house! I'm so excited for you! And Little Viking is just too stinkin cute.  :manyheart  My squares would be so happy in an afghan for him! 


Didn't get into much again today... We went to Walgreens and picked up cards and Toys R Us gift cards for DH's niece and nephew (we figured we can't go wrong with Toys R Us) and stopped at the post office to get them in the mail to their mom. They live in Florida and both have birthdays in February so we figured we'd mail them to their mom and she can give the presents to them on their birthdays. We'll probably make a trip down in the Spring but I don't think we'll make it before then. 


Tomorrow would usually be a Peanut Visit but I'm not sure if it'll happen or not... It's going to depend on the weather. It's snowing now and they have no idea what exactly is happening... somewhere between 1/2" to 2" is what they're saying. They never know for sure! Lol! But I hate driving in it no matter how much we've got so we'll just have to see.  :flake  :flake


Working on hot pads/pot sitters/trivets, whatever you want to call them tonight. I've still got skeins of cotton I'm trying to use up. I didn't quite realize how much was in each one when I bought them, so I kind of wish I had just gotten 1 of each color instead of 2. Oh well. Use it if you got it!  :lol


I hope all our East Coast ladies (and everyone else for that matter!) are prepared and stay warm and safe tonight and tomorrow! I know some places are expecting up to 2 feet of snow!  :wcold

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I was up most of the night last night to my dog having babies.. 5 total 4 made it. NOW - I get woke up this morning by Mr. Connor saying, "Mom!! Izzy had 2 more babies and Jingles has 2." I thought.. Oh my! Izzy had 7 babies total? Came in here & she only had 4 in her box LOL! When he went to sleep she only had 2 babies so he thought the others were born while we were all asleep! Jingles is up to 3 and I hope she doesn't have many more. 


This is a sore subject for me! We went out of town & the people we left the dogs with over Thanksgiving took it upon themselves to get them bred. Why? I don't know. They aren't THEIR dogs. They don't get the money, nor do they get a puppy! They are C.R.A.Z.Y........ straight up!

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I'll be out of sorts for the next few days. A friends son passed away and will be headed that way today and back on Sunday.

It' s a very sad time and he will be missed. The father is taking this very hard. So if you don't see me on you will know why. I'll try to check in.


I'm very sorry about your loss.  I can't even imagine what it must be like for someone to lose one of their children either young or grown.  

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oh, more news, and not good, one of our older brunch bunch ladies, that hasn't attended for quite sometime, due to health issues, and a neighbor here to all of us, passed away last night, she had been in the hospital for about a week. So sorry to hear that, we will miss her, she was 93, but full of spunk, and fight, and such a delightful lady, full of wonderful stories. I will miss her a lot, we all will, but she has gone to a better place, for sure... so, a moment of silence please, for Evelyn. RIP friend, you are gone, but never forgotten. A lone and empty chair, will stand empty in her honor from here on out, at all our meetings, and brunches, in remembrance of her.

Sorry about that, have been thinking about it since this am, when I heard the news. I never know what to say when something like this happens.



I'm very sorry to hear about your friend, Katie.  It's very sad.  How nice that you will have the empty chair in honor of her at your meetings.  That's a very nice way to remember her.    

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This is a sore subject for me! We went out of town & the people we left the dogs with over Thanksgiving took it upon themselves to get them bred. Why? I don't know. They aren't THEIR dogs. They don't get the money, nor do they get a puppy! They are C.R.A.Z.Y........ straight up!


Wow, it's so surprising to me that anyone would do that. I would be upset about it too.  It must have been fun having puppies though.  I've never experienced seeing them born.

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Sorry for the multiple messages, I have to figure out how to get them all in one.  I'm guessing by using MultiQuote.   


Just wanted to do a check in message.  I have squares ready for our birthday girls for January.  One is going out today and the other as soon as I get the address.  I had a chuckle when I saw the squares received because one of the squares that I made last week looks so similar to one of the squares that Yarnmonkey made. :lol    I guess we were really thinking alike. They are somewhat different though, so that is good.  

Not much going on with us.  We had a week (almost) off from work last week and really needed it with all that we've been through this winter with the big storm in November and then losing my father-in-law at the beginning of December (due to the storm we believe).   Even though he was 85, it's been quite hard on my husband and his family.  It happened so suddenly and we all loved him very much.  We are all adjusting to our lives being so changed now and so many decisions to make like where my mother-in-law will live, etc.  


But it was very nice to have some time off.  We have a cleaning business and haven't had an employee for a year and I'm ready to have one again and be able to stay home again and I think Sal (hubby) needs to also go the same route.  It's something that burns you out after a while.  It's not even the cleaning, it's the stresses caused by some of the customers.  


Today I'm going to relax and maybe work on some Feb squares.  I spent too much time on Facebook the past few weeks playing a farm game and finally got myself to dislike the game so hopefully I can move on to more productive things.  


Hubby and I might also attempt to cut my hair today or tomorrow together  :(    I've decided on a layered bob.  Hopefully it will turn out well.  I've cut my own hair on and off for years but this time it's a bit more challenging so hubby will help with the back.  


Okay, off to get some things done.  I hope everyone is having a good day.  I'm counting the days until Spring.  So glad that Jan is almost over.  

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:hug :hug :hug to all


still no word from the Y, except that they will "have to take a few days to think about it." and that my "lack of employment history is very concerning" because "scrubbing floors is not an easy job". Excuse me but Ive been scrubbing floors nad cleaning up after 3 of the most demanding people you will ever meet for the last 12 years. I did not say that (only because it would have looked bad for my friend who is trying to get me the job), but darnit, its true. Children are the hardest people to work for, LOL. 


So, Ive been filling out apps online and paper ones too, just about everywhere you can think of. Somethings gotta give. right?


Well, my break is over, back to hitting the books. I have a Bachelors Degree to earn :)

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Wow, it's so surprising to me that anyone would do that. I would be upset about it too.  It must have been fun having puppies though.  I've never experienced seeing them born.


I helped birth a baby goat when I was little. I dont remember it, but my mom has pictures.

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Hi All!  Checking in from snowy Central Massachusetts.  It looks like the storm is just about over for now.  Hubby is cleaning up and getting ready for the next one.  Thank goodness we didn't get as much as they had predicted.  Hubby says we got about 18" here although the weather station says we got a foot.  It's always less in town and I think that's where they get their numbers from.  Either way it's better than the 22-30 they were predicting, lol!  How have the rest off the East coast members faired?  I hope everyone is safe and warm.


Katy, I'm so sorry to read of your friends passing.  It is a beautiful idea for leaving an empty chair in her memory.


Viking, very pretty squares!


Jessie, wow, I would be so angry with those people for mating your dog!  Geez, what the heck were they thinking? 


Sharon,  best of luck with the haircut!  I used to cut hubby's hair.  Now he does it himself and I just trim it up.  But we always tease about him cutting mine and when it comes down to it he says no way, lol.  I settle for a trip to the salon once or twice a year when I'm feeling up to it. Otherwise it's in a ponytail, lol.


ImmaFreak, hang in there.  (((hugs)))


Time to get back to my needles.  I'm working on a baby blanket.  After trying several crochet projects and frogging all of them this one finally called out to me and is playing nice on my needles, so I guess it was meant to be, lol.  Have a great night all and stay warm and safe!

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I just fell victim to the disappearing post... Ugh.  :(  Let's try this again... 


I was up most of the night last night to my dog having babies.. 5 total 4 made it. NOW - I get woke up this morning by Mr. Connor saying, "Mom!! Izzy had 2 more babies and Jingles has 2." I thought.. Oh my! Izzy had 7 babies total? Came in here & she only had 4 in her box LOL! When he went to sleep she only had 2 babies so he thought the others were born while we were all asleep! Jingles is up to 3 and I hope she doesn't have many more. 


This is a sore subject for me! We went out of town & the people we left the dogs with over Thanksgiving took it upon themselves to get them bred. Why? I don't know. They aren't THEIR dogs. They don't get the money, nor do they get a puppy! They are C.R.A.Z.Y........ straight up!


Eek! Puppies! I love puppies! I think DH is glad we rent because we're not allowed to have animals. Otherwise I'd be bringing them all home with me. 


I can't believe the people watching YOUR dogs decided YOU needed puppies! As my mom would say... "Some people's children!" I just can't even imagine the thought process behind this... Surprise, we decided you needed puppies! I mean, what if your dogs had some sort of health issue or something??  :no  Ridiculous! It'd be a sore subject with me too!


Sorry for the multiple messages, I have to figure out how to get them all in one.  I'm guessing by using MultiQuote.   


Just wanted to do a check in message.  I have squares ready for our birthday girls for January.  One is going out today and the other as soon as I get the address.  I had a chuckle when I saw the squares received because one of the squares that I made last week looks so similar to one of the squares that Yarnmonkey made.  I guess we were really thinking alike. They are somewhat different though, so that is good.  

Not much going on with us.  We had a week (almost) off from work last week and really needed it with all that we've been through this winter with the big storm in November and then losing my father-in-law at the beginning of December (due to the storm we believe).   Even though he was 85, it's been quite hard on my husband and his family.  It happened so suddenly and we all loved him very much.  We are all adjusting to our lives being so changed now and so many decisions to make like where my mother-in-law will live, etc.  


But it was very nice to have some time off.  We have a cleaning business and haven't had an employee for a year and I'm ready to have one again and be able to stay home again and I think Sal (hubby) needs to also go the same route.  It's something that burns you out after a while.  It's not even the cleaning, it's the stresses caused by some of the customers.  


Today I'm going to relax and maybe work on some Feb squares.  I spent too much time on Facebook the past few weeks playing a farm game and finally got myself to dislike the game so hopefully I can move on to more productive things.  


Hubby and I might also attempt to cut my hair today or tomorrow together    I've decided on a layered bob.  Hopefully it will turn out well.  I've cut my own hair on and off for years but this time it's a bit more challenging so hubby will help with the back.  


Okay, off to get some things done.  I hope everyone is having a good day.  I'm counting the days until Spring.  So glad that Jan is almost over.  


Lol! All of the square patterns in the world and we made the similar ones!  :lol Great minds and all that! Those games can be so addictive! I was hooked on them for a while, off and on... Currently I'm off, but you never know what will happen. They're time suckers, that's for sure! I take my hair somewhere, just because I'm scared of what I would do to myself if I did it alone, but DH wants to get clippers and start doing his own. He just shaves it all down anyway, not bald thank goodness, so it'd be cheaper that way. Then I can use the edger thing and trim him up in the back. He and his roommate did it for each other all the time. 


  to all


still no word from the Y, except that they will "have to take a few days to think about it." and that my "lack of employment history is very concerning" because "scrubbing floors is not an easy job". Excuse me but Ive been scrubbing floors nad cleaning up after 3 of the most demanding people you will ever meet for the last 12 years. I did not say that (only because it would have looked bad for my friend who is trying to get me the job), but darnit, its true. Children are the hardest people to work for, LOL. 


So, Ive been filling out apps online and paper ones too, just about everywhere you can think of. Somethings gotta give. right?


Well, my break is over, back to hitting the books. I have a Bachelors Degree to earn 


I'm a little concerned that a lack of an extensive job history has an effect on your ability to scrub floors. Some of the best scrubbers I know got real good at it by cleaning up after husbands and children! That makes no sense... husbands and children are far more demanding! Keep us updated!  :hug Whatever happens is what's supposed to!  :yes


Hey all.  Well we are in waiting. my niece thinks her water might be leaking.....  maybe a baby on the way


Yay! Another baby for our little CVille group!  :yay  I can't wait to hear all about it! 


Hi All!  Checking in from snowy Central Massachusetts.  It looks like the storm is just about over for now.  Hubby is cleaning up and getting ready for the next one.  Thank goodness we didn't get as much as they had predicted.  Hubby says we got about 18" here although the weather station says we got a foot.  It's always less in town and I think that's where they get their numbers from.  Either way it's better than the 22-30 they were predicting, lol!  How have the rest off the East coast members faired?  I hope everyone is safe and warm.


Katy, I'm so sorry to read of your friends passing.  It is a beautiful idea for leaving an empty chair in her memory.


Viking, very pretty squares!


Jessie, wow, I would be so angry with those people for mating your dog!  Geez, what the heck were they thinking? 


Sharon,  best of luck with the haircut!  I used to cut hubby's hair.  Now he does it himself and I just trim it up.  But we always tease about him cutting mine and when it comes down to it he says no way, lol.  I settle for a trip to the salon once or twice a year when I'm feeling up to it. Otherwise it's in a ponytail, lol.


ImmaFreak, hang in there.  (((hugs)))


Time to get back to my needles.  I'm working on a baby blanket.  After trying several crochet projects and frogging all of them this one finally called out to me and is playing nice on my needles, so I guess it was meant to be, lol.  Have a great night all and stay warm and safe!


That's still too much snow, in my opinion, but I'm glad you didn't get what they were calling for! And I'm glad the yarn finally decided to get along and apparently found its soul mate! 


We got about 3" in snow last night, which was more than what they called for, but not by much thank goodness. It's enough to keep me home, mainly because I don't trust the other people driving in it, but it was all gone just about by dinner time! There's a model floating around the internet now talking about us getting over a foot at the beginning of next week. I'm hoping it's just another one of those fake Facebook things that never happens!


I got another hot pad done today and I'm going to make at least two more... I want another round one and I need a long one for my big casseroles. I'm a woman obsessed! I refuse to run out when we have Christmas dinner again! :lol  Oh! I even got my tree down today and DH took all the big tubs of decorations up to the attic! Now I have a big empty hole in the living room to figure out what to do with! But at least I can focus on sorting my mom's stuff into what goes to the attic and what will go up around the house. 


Not sure what I'll get into tomorrow. Hopefully I'll feel up to going through Mom's things and I've got clothes to wash so maybe I'll get that done too. Exciting stuff! Lol! I've got a Peanut visit planned for later in the week. Sister and I are headed to the mall to see if we can find some little pants for his little tush. He's feeling better and back to being smiley with his 2 teeth! 


Hope everyone has a good night!  :ghug Stay warm!!! 



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I was up most of the night last night to my dog having babies.. 5 total 4 made it. NOW - I get woke up this morning by Mr. Connor saying, "Mom!! Izzy had 2 more babies and Jingles has 2." I thought.. Oh my! Izzy had 7 babies total? Came in here & she only had 4 in her box LOL! When he went to sleep she only had 2 babies so he thought the others were born while we were all asleep! Jingles is up to 3 and I hope she doesn't have many more. 


This is a sore subject for me! We went out of town & the people we left the dogs with over Thanksgiving took it upon themselves to get them bred. Why? I don't know. They aren't THEIR dogs. They don't get the money, nor do they get a puppy! They are C.R.A.Z.Y........ straight up!

That is crazy! I can't even imagine the thought process, either. Well, I can, I just don't know if it matches. In my head it goes something like "Hey! Welcome home, hope you had a great holiday! Oh by the way you're going to have like a million puppies in a few months. Have fun with that! We thought you'd appreciate it."

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Did you know the entire time she was pregnant or how did they tell you? Was it the same dogs breed that they bred yours with? I cant wrap my head around it either how anyone could do that to someone elses animals. Like someone said what if there was health issues. Or plan out you didnt want it to happen.

I love puppies to and hope you share pictures. I hope mom and puppies are doing well.

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This is a sore subject for me! We went out of town & the people we left the dogs with over Thanksgiving took it upon themselves to get them bred. Why? I don't know. They aren't THEIR dogs. They don't get the money, nor do they get a puppy! They are C.R.A.Z.Y........ straight up!




Are you serious? What in the world were they tinking? I'd send them the vet bills for shots n such!



I'm very sorry about your loss.  I can't even imagine what it must be like for someone to lose one of their children either young or grown.


Sorry to hear of your loss! Its so hard to lose friends.


The squares I got the other day are from grannieannie and yarnscrapper! Thanks ladies!!!! I love them.


We got a little bit of snow here I am by far done wit winter! In the words of my four year old on things he doesn't like "I hate it!"



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I agree on sending them the vet bills and stuff. that takes nerve to decide to make such a decsion.


Katy I hope u are fairing well sweety. In my prayers. 


I have to say I love this group and love you all. You guys have become like family.


Speaking of family....  No baby. false alarm.  so we wait.....

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just got caught up reading

boy the nerve,thinking you would want pups,Linda still shaking head,over that one

we have a new weather gal,she from Boston,and she said oh just a foot of snow,thats not a problem,you should have seen the look she got from the newscaster who is a Virginian,priceless,2 or 3 inches is a problem in this area,which can go years and years without even flurries

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Are you serious? What in the world were they tinking? I'd send them the vet bills for shots n such!



Sorry to hear of your loss! Its so hard to lose friends.


The squares I got the other day are from grannieannie and yarnscrapper! Thanks ladies!!!! I love them.


We got a little bit of snow here I am by far done wit winter! In the words of my four year old on things he doesn't like "I hate it!"

Glad the puffie reached it's destination!!

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