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Our House Part Two


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Had a good weekend. Left around noon on Friday for Ontario, OR. Dropped the rabbits off at the show room and drove another hour to Meridian/Boise to go eat at Texas Roadhouse...,and yes it was worth the drive!!


Rabbits did pretty good at the show today. Had fun with friends! Drove home after the show was over. It's about a 5.5 hour drive.


Sing with me..on the road again..

Way to Go, Bunnies! Texas Roadhouse sounds good. What did you have?


It's overcast this morning and chilly. Puppies have been out and I'll be getting Miss Kim going in a few minutes, too. Just finished a cup of cocoa. I don't have lots of energy at the moment. I think a strong cup of tea is in order.


Hope that everyone has a nice relaxing Sunday. :hug

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Good morning everyone. Not a lot to report here. More snow last night again (4 or 5 inches), and the forecast calls for another three inches tonight mixed with freezing rain. My daffodils are so far under the snow, that there isn't a hope of seeing them for a while. It's supposed to warm up mid week.


I spend some time yesterday working on a cardigan I started last summer. I don't like the pattern much anymore, so I'm planning to frog it. I think today I will be going back to the doily-ghan if I do any crocheting. I'm more in the mood to read than craft.

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Cindy, it does sound like a day for curling up with a book:yes


We went to Delicious Orchards...TG I'm still below goal weight for WW (not going to meetings at present, though) because I got an apple turnover for desert for tonight (Phil got an eclair) and we have coconut custard pie for the rest of the week.

Not to mention Italian Bread....:devil

And to top it off: Beef Stroganoff for dinner tonight.:lol


I think we'll be passing out tonight:D


Been working on more squares for a lapghan....and I finished the filet-looking doily but the red thread I used refuses to photograph to the point where you can actually see any stitch detail...so, no pic of that one. It blocked beautifully, though, as did the pink heart one.


BBL sometime.

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Only worked and hour as system, like last week which put me behind, kept going down. Sure hope they get them fixed and soon!


Mixed up a couple of loaves of pumpkin/cranberry bread, yum. House is smelling really good!


It's humid and overly warm here for this time of year and thunder boomers forcast again for tonight and tomorrow. Sun makes an appearance once in a while. Otherwise, just low clouds and muggy.


That's it for now. Waiting for the races to come on so I can chill and crochet :)

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:hugHi there house, feel like spring is in the air today in New Jersey. At least I'm getting spring fever. :eek After church I went to AC Moore to get some flowers to put in the living room for I have a need for color in my life at the moment.


Cindy - Oh no more snow. :think


Tony - I can smell that pumpkin/cranberry bread here to. :lol


Got to run House Love Ya

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Back from the cafe- it was a nice relaxing afternoon- some nice jazz music, coffee and crochet. There was another woman there who was also crocheting- must be the craft of the day-:lol


Cheeria- That's nice that you got some flowers to brighten up your space!! And yes, it is a glorious day here in NJ today- 50 degrees sunshine, children out playing and spring is definitely in the air!!!


Cindy- How much snow do you have on the ground. It seems like every day you get 4-5 inches!!!:eek Hope you are enjoying your day. DH didn't want to listen to the book on our ride to the cafe today- so it will have to wait till tomorrow morning.


Judy- Your desserts sound divine! We are having strawberries with whipped cream tonight. But I sure could go for an eclair!!


Toni- At least you got an hour of work in- Hope you are enjoying the rest of the day and your racing.


Hugs to all!

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Judy, i agree with Joanne, you desserts sound yummy!


Cheeria, I like flowers in winter too. Somehow they give you hope for spring.


Joanne, we have quite a bit of snow on the ground, but it's melting a bit now, and most of what we got two weeks ago melted before this weeks onslaught. We have a foot or so on the ground here, but I noticed today that my inlaws who live about 10 miles away have considerably less than we do. Maybe 5 or 6 inches there.

After tonight's snow and ice, we are supposed to get warmer, drier weather for a while, so I expect that most of it will melt this week. And maybe we'll be lucky and the ice will miss us. I don't mind snow, but ice is a different thing altogether.

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Hi, again!

Joanne, it sounds like you had a nice, mellow, time today! With the hours you keep you need it:yes


Yup - Spring is in the air: the birds are chirping and flocks of them have been landing in our yard. It was still too cold to sit out back on the patio, though...I know, because I tried and became frozen pretty quickly.:lol


The Beef Strogonoff was yummy! And yes, we do eat dinner early:D I'm anticipating a nice cuppa with my turnover pretty soon...so will bounce off here for a bit and set up the coffeepot.


Oh - for those who love cats...DS is going to be getting an adult Norwegian Forest cat from a breeder in a week or so. It's the same breed as the one he had to put down and he's super excited. He keeps crazy hours and he misses the greeting he would get from his kitty when he came home.

Here's a pic of his new furbaby.




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Hi guys

Just a quick hop in to see whats new .



The kitty is beautiful !!!!!!!!


Does he have a name picked out yet ?

He's thinking about it...he likes the idea of a "food" name, so I suggested Butterscotch because of her coloring. He may use it, but shorten it to scotch...I'm sure you can guess why:lol


CU all tomorrow!:hug:manyheart

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Oh - for those who love cats...DS is going to be getting an adult Norwegian Forest cat from a breeder in a week or so. It's the same breed as the one he had to put down and he's super excited. He keeps crazy hours and he misses the greeting he would get from his kitty when he came home.

Here's a pic of his new furbaby.



What an absolutely gorgeous kitty! She's adorable. :manyheart


John got home about 4:00. I went downstairs and propped myself against the pillow with the heating pad on my back. I'm feeling better now. He brought me some Chinese food for supper and there's enough for some tomorrow, too.


The final strip is added to the quilt top and I have three of the four skinny borders added. So it should finish up quickly tomorrow as far as the piecing is concerned. Then I'm going to have to play around with some scrap fabric to see what I want to do with the quilting of it. I'll just put some of the various materials together and practice and see if I can get inspired. May have to wait for Rosie to get back. And I'm taking a class in free motion quilting at the sewing and quilt expo, which may also give me some more ideas. Which reminds me that I need to try doing some of that before the class! Oops! :lol :lol :lol I haven't actually done any of it yet. :blush


Have a good evening. I think I'll be hitting the hay early tonight. Didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night.


Catch you all later.

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He's thinking about it...he likes the idea of a "food" name, so I suggested Butterscotch because of her coloring. He may use it, but shorten it to scotch...I'm sure you can guess why:lol


CU all tomorrow!:hug:manyheart


Love the name scotch! :rofl and what a gorgeous cat!

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I actually fell aslep on the sofa before the races came on. Woke up to a big wreck about 60 some laps into the race :lol Must have needed the rest.


Did get pumpkin cranberry bread made and the third strip to the flannelghan done, so accomplished something.


Now, it's time to say good night and I'll TTYL Everyone have a great night and hope you had a wonderful weekend.

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Judy- The cat is beautiful- and I do like the name "scotch" too!!:lol


Toni- Yup- sounds like you needed the rest!! But like you said, you not only got needed rest, you got some hooking in and also got to see some of the race!!


Cindy- Fingers crossed for no ice!!


Linda- Yum- Chinese food- one of my favorites! Sounds like you are making nice progress on your quilt. I'm sure the inspiration you need will come to you --probably when you least expect it!;)


Julie- How's the breathing? Any better than this morning?


Marisa- Missing you posting. Did you have a good time at the folks? What kind of cake did your Dad have? How did your sis like the socks?


Off to head upstairs- Have a good rest of the night- especially those of you on the West coast who still have quite a bit of evening left!

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Good morning!


Nothing new to report since signing off last night!:lol


Hope you all have a good Monday---I'll be working late today so my LAST 12 day week begins with a bang!!!


It's a rainy day here in NJ today so at least I won't feel too bad about being stuck inside Paradise all day!!!


Till later......

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Morning ladies



Sounds like you are going to town on your quilt ! Don't overdo ..your poor back sounds pretty sore . Sorry you didnt sleep well ,so I hope last night was better .

Sam is a terrible insomniac,which surprises me in a way. He always seems so laid back and nothing ever gets to him or makes him worry,so I always think he should sleep peacefully,but I dont guess that is WHY people are insomniacs. I really don't know why ... :think



Not much new here,except we got woken up by a huge earth rumbling thunder sometime during the night. I was too tired to get up,and not too concerned with it. I could sleep through a tornado and wouldnt get scared ,so weather stuff never worries me .


I remember once we were camping at Myrtle Beach and they came through announcing on a loudspeaker that a bad storm would be hitting ,and to please take cover ,so Sam made me go sit in the showerhouse so I'd be safe .

It was early spring,so not lots of people there yet . The rest of the ladies were all real elderly,one had brought a little radio so we could hear what was happening,and another had her "pocketbook" tucked up under her arm,and said she wanted it with her when they found her body so they could identify her . I thought it was a little humorous, because if a tornado or hurricane hits, I DOUBT you'd be able to hold onto your purse .


I'm not sure WHY I'm not scared of storms. My Aunt was killed in a tornado, so you'd think I'd be afraid,but I'm not .


As soon as they said on the radio the storm had passed , I took off running for the beach. I wanted to see the water after a big storm,and it was so neat !


Huge grey waves,sloshing really high up in the air ... I walked out onto the beach and had water clear up my legs. Came home sopping wet, but I thought that was SO cool to see !



Anyhow... not much new here in our boring little hillbilly land . Still sitting ,still breathing .

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What DAY of the week were your born on ?


2-Who was President when you were born ?


3- Were you born in the same state you live in now ?


4-How many siblings do you have ?


5-Do you know a family who chose really interesting names for their kids ,or used an intresting pattern for their names ?


6- What is the largest family of kids you have ever heard of ?


7- Did your parents make you "clean your plate " at mealtime?


8-What is your favorite item on the menu at McDonalds ?


9-What historical place from Ameria's history would you love to see that you havent seen yet ?


10- Can you think of a career that a lady wouldn't be as good at as a man would be ?


11-Name a song with a color in the title .


12 - If you had a radio that ONLY played one station, what type of music would you want it to play ?


13 -A large number of us have grown up going from black and white tv's to the new modern big screen tv's,with the remotes,and all the other special gadgets they have . Would it bother you to go back to a small black and white tv agaian ?


14-If you won the lottery and wanted to donate money towards a charity,which one would you choose ?


15- Do you think a lady could be every bit as good as a man if she were President of our country ?


16 -Name a famous cartoon character that a kid of today wouldnt know .


17- I'm going to list some tv shows that were on back in the 60's/70's ... See if you can remember the character's names on the show . ( Only take one show, let the next person choose another one )



Star Trek

Gilligans Island

Beverly Hillbillies

The Addams Family

Lost in Space

The Munsters

The Waltons

My 3 Sons

Dick VanDyke

Andy Griffith Show

Little House on the Prairie

The Lucy Show(original )




18- If you could spend ONE DAY as a famous person now living, who would you want to be for a day ?


19- Favorite beakfast cereal ?


20- Name a song that was in a musical .


Have fun !!!!!

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What DAY of the week were your born on ? Saturday


2-Who was President when you were born ? Jimmy Carter


3- Were you born in the same state you live in now ? yes


4-How many siblings do you have ? 2 - 1 sister and 1 brother


5-Do you know a family who chose really interesting names for their kids ,or used an intresting pattern for their names ? Yes, my brother has a Caleb, Malachi, and Madeline (Joshua is the most common of their 4 kids), also many of the families that become my patients at work :think


6- What is the largest family of kids you have ever heard of ? 12 - all from the same mother :eek


7- Did your parents make you "clean your plate " at mealtime? Most of the time, but not all the time.


8-What is your favorite item on the menu at McDonalds ? Yogurt parfait, I don't really eat McDonalds so I don't even know the menu :think


9-What historical place from Ameria's history would you love to see that you havent seen yet ? Mount Rushmore and the Grand Canyon


10- Can you think of a career that a lady wouldn't be as good at as a man would be ? Something super heavy, like construction - and I'd have no ambition to be :lol


11-Name a song with a color in the title . Men In Black by Will Smith is the first to come to me :D


12 - If you had a radio that ONLY played one station, what type of music would you want it to play ? This is a hard question, I like variety....I think I'd pick a station playing 70's-80's ish music :think


13 -A large number of us have grown up going from black and white tv's to the new modern big screen tv's,with the remotes,and all the other special gadgets they have . Would it bother you to go back to a small black and white tv agaian ? Probably, I never had a B&W TV, but I love many of the B&W shows and movies that are still played today.


14-If you won the lottery and wanted to donate money towards a charity,which one would you choose ? Hard to choose one, I'd probably split it and give to a few different ones....covering children and /or cancer charities


15- Do you think a lady could be every bit as good as a man if she were President of our country ? Absolutely!!!


16 -Name a famous cartoon character that a kid of today wouldnt know . Woody Woodpecker :D


17- I'm going to list some tv shows that were on back in the 60's/70's ... See if you can remember the character's names on the show . ( Only take one show, let the next person choose another one )



Star Trek

Gilligans Island - Gilligan, Skipper, Maryann, The Professor, (I don't really know the names of the Millionaire and his wife :lol )

Beverly Hillbillies still watch the reruns :D

The Addams Family

Lost in Space

The Munsters

The Waltons

My 3 Sons

Dick VanDyke

Andy Griffith Show still watch these reruns too :D

Little House on the Prairie

The Lucy Show(original ) - and these :D

Bewitched - and these! But, Donna Reed was my show :yes



18- If you could spend ONE DAY as a famous person now living, who would you want to be for a day ? I respecfully decline on this offer, I don't want to be anyone else :no


19- Favorite beakfast cereal ? varieties of Kashi


20- Name a song that was in a musical . Phantom of the Opera :D


Have fun !!!!!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I can't believe it's monday already :shrug I'm back to my routine :sigh I got my hair trimmed on saturday, about 3 inches and now it feel bouncy again :D Then we went shopping and had alot of fun....me, mary, my sister, my mom, and my aunt. Back home to have dinner and then BACK to the mall. A store forgot to take a security tag off a shirt my sister bought (and the alarm didn't go off when we left) and Mary picked up the wrong type of sd card in kmart (for the 2nd time :lol ) so we exchanged that for the right one. Then went to my aunt's to hang out there for a while. Back home to call it a night. We had a half choc and half vanilla cake with a pudding icing :drool Sooo yummy!!! Then sunday was a busy morning. My mom was getting dinner ready then her cousin came by so they could go over some things for our family reunion in July. She left, I adjusted everyone and then my friend from school stopped by with her daughter to bring the girl scout cookies over that I bought from her :D Had an early dinner and Mary and I left to head back just after 2, stopped at the sports store here in the mall still looking for Eagles tattoos at the request of my nephews (and now 2 cups) with no luck. I'm going to check Modell's online :think Made it back home around 4:30 and then we unpacked the car and separated out our stuff. I put the food in the fridge and headed out to the car wash for an 'express' wash :lol Came back to workout, had a bite to eat, watched at show, and hit the sack :yes I didn't get ANY crafting done yesterday :sigh


My sister loves her new crochet hook case :manyheart I'm still working on her socks, which she'll get in 2 weeks :yes


Well, sorry to skip the individuals again, but I have 2 more threads to check and still have to get dressed for work, so I'll see y'all later.

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Good Morning! My router/modem went out not long after I posted Saturday afternoon. :ohdear I called Best Buy and their Geek Squad is two weeks out on appointments, but he told me to come in and he'd try to help. So yesterday, I was there when they opened and he walked me through what I'd need to buy and what to do. AT&T (by phone - their first appt. was a week away!) helped me install the modem and it works! Now I just have to call the router company so they can help me with the router. The At&T guy even gave me a direct tech number - guess he felt sorry for me.:lol Gee, I hate this techie stuff. :yes


I hope all of you had a good weekend. :manyheart Today is major catch-up day around here...plus some crochet time later.

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Good morning, peeps!

Joanne already gave you the weather report for NJ:lol


Linda, does bending over the quilt you're working on aggravate your back? I hope you're better today.


Looks ike everyone needed extra sleep/rest over the weekend!




What DAY of the week were your born on ? :think


2-Who was President when you were born ? Hmmm....not sure. Truman, maybe (Dec '48)


3- Were you born in the same state you live in now ?Nope


4-How many siblings do you have ?One older sister, another who died as an infant and 2 younger brothers


5-Do you know a family who chose really interesting names for their kids ,or used an intresting pattern for their names ? In my family all of us kids' names started with the letter J


6- What is the largest family of kids you have ever heard of ? I had 5 cousins in one family


7- Did your parents make you "clean your plate " at mealtime?

yup...except when I wouldn't touch the liver. 2 hours later mom caved...

8-What is your favorite item on the menu at McDonalds ?

Big Mac:D

9-What historical place from Ameria's history would you love to see that you havent seen yet ?


10- Can you think of a career that a lady wouldn't be as good at as a man would be ?

AA cop on foot patrol as in the old days with no radios or cell phones and only a call box that sometimes worked if you needed help

11-Name a song with a color in the title .

Blue Velvet...by my Polish peep, Bobby Vinton

12 - If you had a radio that ONLY played one station, what type of music would you want it to play ?

'60's music

13 -A large number of us have grown up going from black and white tv's to the new modern big screen tv's,with the remotes,and all the other special gadgets they have . Would it bother you to go back to a small black and white tv agaian ?


14-If you won the lottery and wanted to donate money towards a charity,which one would you choose ?

guess...:lol ASPCA of course

15- Do you think a lady could be every bit as good as a man if she were President of our country ?

Better....no testosterone.

16 -Name a famous cartoon character that a kid of today wouldnt know .


17- I'm going to list some tv shows that were on back in the 60's/70's ... See if you can remember the character's names on the show . ( Only take one show, let the next person choose another one )


GunSmoke Marshall Dillon, Chester, Miss Kitty

Star TrekCaptain Kirk, Spock

Gilligans IslandGinger, Mrs...????

Beverly Hillbillies

The Addams Family Fester, Thing, Gomez

Lost in Space

The Munsters Lily,

The Waltons

My 3 Sons

Dick VanDyke

Andy Griffith Show Opie,

Little House on the Prairie

The Lucy Show(original )Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz,

Bewitched Elizabeth Montgomery



18- If you could spend ONE DAY as a famous person now living, who would you want to be for a day ?

Wouldn't want to be famous...

19- Favorite beakfast cereal ?


20- Name a song that was in a musical .


And I KNOW that's spelled wrong!!


Thanks for the nostalgic trip, Jules!

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Good Morning! My router/modem went out not long after I posted Saturday afternoon. :ohdear I called Best Buy and their Geek Squad is two weeks out on appointments, but he told me to come in and he'd try to help. So yesterday, I was there when they opened and he walked me through what I'd need to buy and what to do. AT&T (by phone - their first appt. was a week away!) helped me install the modem and it works! Now I just have to call the router company so they can help me with the router. The At&T guy even gave me a direct tech number - guess he felt sorry for me.:lol Gee, I hate this techie stuff. :yes


I hope all of you had a good weekend. :manyheart Today is major catch-up day around here...plus some crochet time later.

We waste so much time on that stuff - who said it was supposed to make ourr lives easier???:think



BBL! Food store run

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