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Our House Part Two


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Hi all, it's so hot and humid, it sucks the energy, what energy I have these days, right out of me!


Mary, when my dd goes down to be with them when baby is born, she'll be taking the rocking chair that was his when he lived with me as a baby/toddler. It was an old one I picked up and he just loved it. When he got older, told me when he had kids he'd like to have it, well, he will :)


Joanne, :hug :hug on your LONGGGG day at work today.


Wrennie, glad you're feeling better and hope the audit went okay.


Cindy, enjoy your home alone tonight after your busy day.


Tam, if you check in, know my prayers are with you and your family and sure do miss you! :hug :hug :hug


Linda, Kiyo and some others are MIA too. Thinking they are busy with summer time chores.


Jules and Judy :hi :hi :hi


That's it for me tonight. See you all tomorrow!

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Good morning!!!! Rise and shine!!!:lol


Hope you all have a good day!! Working or otherwise!!!


It's another hot as hades day (as Judy would say), but before we know it we'll be saying it's another snowstorm kind of day.....trying to think cool thoughts here!!!


Anyway- have a good one my friends!!!:hug:hug

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I was actually up a little before my alarm today. Work wasn't too bad yesterday, but then again....monday's usually aren't :think After work I ran to party city to price pinata's for our reunion and then to michael's since it's right next door and left empty handed :eek Came home and washed sheets and towels, then did computer stuff all night :sigh I can't wait to work out this morning just so I can get some tv time :rofl


Toni - very weird about losing all your services the other day :think


Wrennie - Sorry both cars need some work :hug I hope it's not too bad :xfin


Judy - Sounds like you had a pretty easy day yesterday :yes


Mary - Can you make an executive decision for me to stay home all day too :wink Unfortunately, I doubt my boss would agree :shrug I hope you enjoyed the day :hug


Julie - It's crazy hot here too :( I think we're supposed to get rain today :think


Cindy - I have forwarded my attorney a copy of a sample lease for the place I like. It just doesn't have any prices on it yet, but I do know what that is :yes I had my boss look it over too and he said it looks fine :yes I emailed it to both on friday and my boss got back to me yesterday. I'm hoping the atty gets back quickly as well. If I'm going to take it, I need to get a business loan, which also means I need to find time to finish up my business plan, which is at least started. I also spoke with the bank last week, so am waiting to hear back from someone there.


Joanne - :hug :hug :hug Do you at least get the overtime for yesterday, or you're salary? Oh well, look on the bright side....get it over this week and next week will be better than originally anticipated :hug


I've also been thinking about Tam and Linda, I sure hope all is well :ghug Kiyo I know tends to pop in here and there now that her and Aree are super busy and I saw somthing just a couple days ago from her :think


Thank you all so much for your continued support :ghug :ghug :ghug

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Morning all! Nothing new since I last posted and like Joanne said, it's hot, hot, hot and hotter here already this morning and muggy and very foggy. YUCK!


Marisa, sounds like you're getting all your ducks in a row where the new office and business will be. It won't be long now :yay


Joanne, have a good day at Paradise. Never know what my job will be. We might get some rain today, sure hope so.


Off to check a couple of other threads and then it will be time to log on to work.


Stay cool and have a great day everyone! TTYL

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Morning Ladies,


Just a quick pop in before I have to wake Maya up. She needs to get a bath and it takes me some time to do her hair. Today it is just redo on her hair. Her Mom straighten it and braid it so I will just redo that.

Hubby has his doctor appt this morning that's why I have to wake her up.

Hubby came home from the hospital saturday morning. We didn't get to go to the car show. He was to sick. I told him just go lay down and sleep. We did go to dinner though. It wasn't very good though. Salad was warm (which I told the waitress when I paid the bill they should serve cold salads, especially on a hot day), the steak had no seasonings on it, very bland. So that is a been there and done that place. They serve 14 different kinds of shirmp you think they could season the steak. Oh well!

We had my family reunion sunday. That was fun! We had 38 people and 23 of them were from my family, 6 were cousins and 9 were guests. There is usually 6 more cousins and my Great Aunt who is 92 that come but didn't make it. I called my cousin who brings my Great Aunt he was busy so couldn't make and my Great Aunt said that was okay with her. It was very hot and humid so she probably perferred to stay home where it was cooler.

I need to scoot now. Hope everyone has a great day! Stay cool everyone, today is are last day of the heat for a couple of days then it's back again.

Hope everyone is doing okay! Keeping all of you in my prayers.

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A quick good morning to my House friends! I'm going to leave by 8 to go watch Luke at his Little Gym class. :D It's every Tuesday, but I seldom get in gear early enough to go.


I just saw on Fox news that 20 states are under heat advisories! We're used to it, but I hope everyone is safe and able to stay cool. :manyheart


See you all a little later. I joined 3 more rows on my quilt ghan yesterday. :hook

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Hi ya, ladies!

Marisa, i forgot to tel you about the Mac...DS can't use it for work bcaus of the software he needs to use. He has a mac laptop for personal use I think.


Mary, I'm looking forward to seeing the evergreen quiltghan!


Marlene, Toni, Dust, Julesi and everyone - good thoughts, hugs and prayers. Anyone with our horrible heat and humidty - be careful out there. We're hibernating today!


I finished embroidering Lucy's name on my Petghan. It's a little bigger than the other names - the others were graphed in, so...... I'll get a pic later,

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Hi guys

Quick drop in -- been a little busier week than usual . We are planning a few days get -away to the motel we go to for reunion,so have been making lists, getting things gathered up ready to pack , getting groceries and bills paid early so it's all done before we go .

We will be gone the first couple days our girl is home, but they will probably be so tired for the first couple days it wont matter- I've never ridden on a jet ,but I'd think riding from Hawaii to Ohio with 6 kids on a plane would be quite the challenge ,and be very tiring to get used to the time changes etc.

Sent Cam a card today at camp -- hope he likes it better than I did. I went one year and hated every single minute of it .



Sorry your hubby is still ill,and that your meal wasnt good. That irritates me too when you pay that much to eat out, the food should be good .


Hi to Joanne, Marisa,Toni,Jude and Mary --

Trying to touch on the ones who checked in this morning .



Thinking of you, if you happen to see this ..we'll be here whenever you get the chance to check in. No pressure !


Will try to pm Linda today to see if we can locate her -- maybe she has just been busy and unable to log on, or maybe the heat is getting to her. I know it has been miserable here,so cant imagine how much worse it'd be that far south .

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/*˛˚ •˚ ˚Good Morning! ** ~*

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Oh goodness………….. please forgive my absents over the last handful of days!!! I am sooooo sorry for not posting. I got on my computer like once for something... and off again! It has been somethin’ else around here. The flood waters are creeping in… they are now 10 miles from us. We have been busy sandbagging… baseball games… more sandbagging…. And Hubby had a bone marrow biopsy yesterday. Spent the whole day at the hospital with the boys….. we couldn’t leave until hubby was stable. We sit and wait now for results to determine his continued remission.

Thank you all sooooooooooooo very much for all the birthday wishes!!!! Love you guys!


I’m finally getting a chance to sit and catch up a bit… I have email… posts and crocheting to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to mention a couple boxes to get in the mail!!!

David and Michael are out playing in the pool… Patrick is in town playing computer games with a buddy. They need a little “down time” after how busy we have been! Ken is off to one of his clients for a bit.. then to the hospital for a dressing change on his groshong.


Okay… I need more coffee … I’ll be back later to catch up more!

Have a great day ladies!!!



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Good Morning! I never seem to be able to get in here on a daily basis long enough to reply!


Joanne-Sorry about the mix-up with work hours but at least it'll be over with and you can enjoy next week!


Marisa-Sounds like your making some headway with the new office-Good Luck!


Marlene-The reunion sounds like a great time! It's fun to get everyone together once in a while. Sorry dh is still ill.:hug


Julie-Enjoy your get-away! I'm sure Cam in enjoying camp, boys usually do!


Tam-Thoughts coming your way-take care.:hug


Everyone who has horribly hot weather, please take care of yourselves and try to stay cool.


The weather here is weird. We wake up to fog every morning lately and the temps only get to about 80. Very unusual for Northern Cal. Not complaining though-I don't do heat well at all.


Well, off to do something constructive. I'll check back in later to see if we hear anything from Tam and Linda.


Have a great day everyone!:hug:manyheart

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Hi Ladies. I'm back from errands and Little Gym - and in the a.c. for the rest of the day! Watching 8 cuties all under the age of two is the best entertainment in the world. :lol They have so much fun and get to learn gymnastics on "miniature" equipment...with their parent's/instructor's supervision of course. Luke kept looking for me and grinned and waved. A couple of times, he ran over with his arms out with a big hug for me. :c9


Marlene ~ Oh, I sure hope they can figure out how to help your DH! :hug I'm glad your reunion went well and that so many came. How is Miss Maya? :)


Trish ~ Hi! It's so good to see your post - how is your shoulder? Are you able to squeeze in some crochet time?


Tam ~ Lots of prayers and hugs coming your way. :hug Positive thoughts for a good report on your DH's biopsy. :manyheart


Marisa ~ Wow! It's so exciting to read how much you've accomplished! :clap You should be proud of yourself for jumping out there and starting your own business.:yes


Julie ~ Yay for a get-away trip! A change of scenery is good sometimes and you deserve it! :manyheart


Judy ~ Looking forward to pictures!


Cindy ~ Hi! What are you working on? I hope work is going okay. :)


Linda ~ Thinking of you!

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Hey Tam !

Great to see you .Hope the flood waters recede ,and most of all,hope the hospital has some great news for your husband ! We'll all be waiting to hear, right along with you guys .

No worries if you needed to take a break. We all need it at times .



Hi Trish !

How much longer til you have to go back to work ? I remembered thinking it'd be a good part of the summer . Hope you are enjoying all your time off and that you are on the mend well .



The little gymnastics class sounds neat. I don't know if they have anything like that around here. Maybe in the bigger towns ,but the closest our Hillbilly Village has to Gymnastics, is sitting in your car outside Dom's Bar on Saturday night ,watching the guys ATTEMPT to stumble to their car without falling down .

THEY kinda walk like they are on a Balance Beam .

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It's storming here. Flash flood warnings out in lower lying areas. The one thing about living in mountains you can count on when it rains hard for prolonged period of time. Lights have flickered on and off a couple of times. At least it has dropped the temps down, thank goodness.


Tam, it's wonderful to see you!!! :cheer :cheer :cheer Your life has been very busy and stressful. Hugs and prayers for Ken's biopsy to be a good one. And prayers the flooding stays away from your home. How is your oldest son doing, any flooding where he is?


Mary, what fun watching the future little gymnists! Luke loves his grandma!


Judy, can't wait to see the petghan!


Trish, we have had dense fog warnings every morning for a week. Makes me so happy I don't have to drive to get to work!


Jules, love the description of the "gym" in your town! Sounds like around here when there is work being done on some water repairs or new trailer going in across from my mom's, there is always a crowd and they bring their chairs!



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Never got the pic of my updated petghan; will do it tomorrow. I've been entertaining Miss Lucy and it's kept me busy. Now that she has more roaming area I need to make sure my furniture is safe....:lol


Have a good night everyone - and Tam, it's great to hear from you!:hug

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Hi Ladies. I'm back from errands and Little Gym - and in the a.c. for the rest of the day! Watching 8 cuties all under the age of two is the best entertainment in the world. :lol They have so much fun and get to learn gymnastics on "miniature" equipment...with their parent's/instructor's supervision of course. Luke kept looking for me and grinned and waved. A couple of times, he ran over with his arms out with a big hug for me. :c9


Trish ~ Hi! It's so good to see your post - how is your shoulder? Are you able to squeeze in some crochet time?

OHHH! The gymnastics sounds adorable! My shoulder is doing great-just need to work on making it stronger. Yep- I crochet everyday, it's so nice to be back on track now!

Hi Trish !

How much longer til you have to go back to work ? I remembered thinking it'd be a good part of the summer . Hope you are enjoying all your time off and that you are on the mend well .

I go back to work the first week of Sept. Now that I am able to do more I am really enjoying my time off! Maybe a little too much!:lol


Trish, we have had dense fog warnings every morning for a week. Makes me so happy I don't have to drive to get to work!

It usually burns off her by 9:30 and it's high fog but at least it keeps the temps down!

Tam- :hugGood luck with the biopsy results! It's definately nice to take some down time once in a while!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I was actually up a little before my alarm today. Work wasn't too bad yesterday, but then again....monday's usually aren't :think After work I ran to party city to price pinata's for our reunion and then to michael's since it's right next door and left empty handed :eek Came home and washed sheets and towels, then did computer stuff all night :sigh I can't wait to work out this morning just so I can get some tv time :rofl


Cindy - I have forwarded my attorney a copy of a sample lease for the place I like. It just doesn't have any prices on it yet, but I do know what that is :yes I had my boss look it over too and he said it looks fine :yes I emailed it to both on friday and my boss got back to me yesterday. I'm hoping the atty gets back quickly as well. If I'm going to take it, I need to get a business loan, which also means I need to find time to finish up my business plan, which is at least started. I also spoke with the bank last week, so am waiting to hear back from someone there.


Joanne - :hug :hug :hug Do you at least get the overtime for yesterday, or you're salary? Oh well, look on the bright side....get it over this week and next week will be better than originally anticipated :hug Nope - I'm salaried---all the extra hours I work are "pro bono":lol:lol Anyway, you are right- I'm getting the "late nights" taken care of this week and next week will be better than I'd planned


I've also been thinking about Tam and Linda, I sure hope all is well :ghug Kiyo I know tends to pop in here and there now that her and Aree are super busy and I saw somthing just a couple days ago from her :thinkShe has the flu I heard from Sue on the Tote Swap thread!:(


Thank you all so much for your continued support :ghug :ghug :ghug

Oh you know you've got it!! You are doing so well with your planning- I'm so impressed!!!!:hug:hug


Morning Ladies,


Just a quick pop in before I have to wake Maya up. She needs to get a bath and it takes me some time to do her hair. Today it is just redo on her hair. Her Mom straighten it and braid it so I will just redo that.

Hubby has his doctor appt this morning that's why I have to wake her up.

Hubby came home from the hospital saturday morning. We didn't get to go to the car show. He was to sick. I told him just go lay down and sleep. We did go to dinner though. It wasn't very good though. Salad was warm (which I told the waitress when I paid the bill they should serve cold salads, especially on a hot day), the steak had no seasonings on it, very bland. So that is a been there and done that place. They serve 14 different kinds of shirmp you think they could season the steak. Oh well!

We had my family reunion sunday. That was fun! We had 38 people and 23 of them were from my family, 6 were cousins and 9 were guests. There is usually 6 more cousins and my Great Aunt who is 92 that come but didn't make it. I called my cousin who brings my Great Aunt he was busy so couldn't make and my Great Aunt said that was okay with her. It was very hot and humid so she probably perferred to stay home where it was cooler.

I need to scoot now. Hope everyone has a great day! Stay cool everyone, today is are last day of the heat for a couple of days then it's back again.

Hope everyone is doing okay! Keeping all of you in my prayers.

Your DH is in my prayers. Sorry that the dinner was a "been there done that" kind of place.


A quick good morning to my House friends! I'm going to leave by 8 to go watch Luke at his Little Gym class. :D It's every Tuesday, but I seldom get in gear early enough to go.


I just saw on Fox news that 20 states are under heat advisories! We're used to it, but I hope everyone is safe and able to stay cool. :manyheart


See you all a little later. I joined 3 more rows on my quilt ghan yesterday. :hook

:clap:clap:clap Glad you had fun at the gymnastics!!!


Hi guys

Quick drop in -- been a little busier week than usual . We are planning a few days get -away to the motel we go to for reunion,so have been making lists, getting things gathered up ready to pack , getting groceries and bills paid early so it's all done before we go .

We will be gone the first couple days our girl is home, but they will probably be so tired for the first couple days it wont matter- I've never ridden on a jet ,but I'd think riding from Hawaii to Ohio with 6 kids on a plane would be quite the challenge ,and be very tiring to get used to the time changes etc.

Sent Cam a card today at camp -- hope he likes it better than I did. I went one year and hated every single minute of it .

Is this is first year going to camp? My DD's loved it when they went- but they were a little older than Cam- I think they went when they were around 11- My middle DD went to a gymnastics camp. Oldest went to dance camp and youngest went to soccer camp


Will try to pm Linda today to see if we can locate her -- maybe she has just been busy and unable to log on, or maybe the heat is getting to her. I know it has been miserable here,so cant imagine how much worse it'd be that far south .

Hoping all is well with Linda!


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/*˛˚ •˚ ˚Good Morning! ** ~*

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Oh goodness………….. please forgive my absents over the last handful of days!!! I am sooooo sorry for not posting. I got on my computer like once for something... and off again! It has been somethin’ else around here. The flood waters are creeping in… they are now 10 miles from us. We have been busy sandbagging… baseball games… more sandbagging…. And Hubby had a bone marrow biopsy yesterday. Spent the whole day at the hospital with the boys….. we couldn’t leave until hubby was stable. We sit and wait now for results to determine his continued remission.

Thank you all sooooooooooooo very much for all the birthday wishes!!!! Love you guys!


I’m finally getting a chance to sit and catch up a bit… I have email… posts and crocheting to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not to mention a couple boxes to get in the mail!!!

David and Michael are out playing in the pool… Patrick is in town playing computer games with a buddy. They need a little “down time” after how busy we have been! Ken is off to one of his clients for a bit.. then to the hospital for a dressing change on his groshong.


Okay… I need more coffee … I’ll be back later to catch up more!

Have a great day ladies!!!



Coffee is always needed!!!I'm having a cup now!! Prayers and positive thoughts for good biopsy results!


Good Morning! I never seem to be able to get in here on a daily basis long enough to reply!


Joanne-Sorry about the mix-up with work hours but at least it'll be over with and you can enjoy next week!




Julie-Enjoy your get-away! I'm sure Cam in enjoying camp, boys usually do!



The weather here is weird. We wake up to fog every morning lately and the temps only get to about 80. Very unusual for Northern Cal. Not complaining though-I don't do heat well at all.

Nor do I. Can't wait for the temps to go down some- too hot/humid for this gal!!!

Well, off to do something constructive. I'll check back in later to see if we hear anything from Tam and Linda.


Have a great day everyone!:hug:manyheart

Enjoy your time off from work now that you are feeling better from your surgery!!!
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Judy- can't wait to see the petghan


Toni- Hope the angels bowling and the "strikes" of lightnening don't affect your power!


To the rest of the house--have a good night!!


I didn't get home till 6:30- I was working on something and before I knew it, it was almost 6:00----that happens sometimes when i'm working on it- I get so involved, I don't realize the time!!


See you in the AM

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Hey ladies :hi


I have some things to do but was dragging so badly at work today :( After I'm done here, I'm going to watch something while folding my towels and sheets. Then maybe pack a box or 2, but totally need to get to bed early tonight :yes


Judy - Most of the software out there is for the PC, there's only 1 I came accross for mac and it looks interesting. It also runs on PC too though. I'm trying to schedule a demo with them to see it in action :yes


Julie - Enjoy your little get away :yay I'm sure Cam is having fun :yes I LOVED camp. We went to a music camp put on by the philharmonic. It ran 5 consecutive weeks from sunday through friday. And the weeks were avaiable based on skill level. So I remember week for being beginners, that was always the busiest. Me, my sister, and my brother all went and it was really cheap too, so easy for my parents to do :yes The philharmonic was actually run by our priest so basically the costs covered food, activities, and utilities to run. Then we put on a concert each friday before leaving :manyheart.......I play the violin (sis plays viola and bro plays cello)


Tam - So glad to hear your alright :hug Continued prayers going out your way for multiple things.....You, Ken, the boys, the flooding, etc. :hug


Trish - Thanks.....so what was the constructive something you got done today :devil:think


Mary - Oh, Luke must've been just too cute along with the other kids :manyheart


Toni - Hopefully the storms don't get you too bad :xfin


Catch y'all later :hug

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Hi everyone...quick fly by, worked today and then went to the zoo with the grandsons. I''m exhausted.


Tam, keeping my fingers crossed that dh stays in remission.


Marlene, hope your dh feels better soon.

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Hi guys


The camp Cam went to is church camp ,and he did go last year, but only for a 3 day.This year is a 7 day camp .

He sounded excited about it and he also went with 2 friends ,so he will probably do ok .



You just have all kinds of talent,little miss ! The violin ? How about that ? Do you still play ?


As for my "camp adventure" ,without offending anyone, let's just say it was a very regimented,strictly run,every spare moment was planned, the food was lousy,I didnt know anyone there . Not fun .

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Happy Hump Day!!


Julie- Sorry that your camp experience was not fun- but I'm sure Cam is probably having a good time- especially if he went with two of his friends and he enjoyed it last year!


Have fun on your little get-a-way!!!!


Cindy- Did the GS like the zoo? that's a long day- working all day and then treking through a zoo!! Hope you slept well


Anyone heard from Linda?


Off to get ready for Paradise- which isn't so Paradise like this week...but the end of the week is growing near.....


Will probably stop by DD's after work today- she has her ob appt today---20 days and counting till the due date!!!!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


Trying to wake up here. Happy hump day :D Not much to report here this morning. I folded my laundry last night, but that was all that got done. :sigh


Julie - I have a violin here, but I really haven't played in years at all :( I'm quite rusty since I haven't stuck with it after high school :think

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Morning folks


Glad your work week is almost half over,sounds like it hasnt been much fun this week.

Your big day is coming soon,with a new grandbaby due to arrive ! Are you taking off work and going to be there when the big day arrives ?

I paced ruts in the floor waiting for Cam . I went in off and on,but left when it got close to delivery time -- they called me in after he was born . I was SO excited ! Only one of the grandkids I got to be there when they were born .



I bet the kids had a blast at the zoo .



I have always wondered how hard it'd be to keep up on a musical instrument years after band or classes were over. Our school band has an alumni band that plays twice a year- once in the parade and once at Homecoming . There are some who were in my class and others even older. I wondered how they'd remember how to play after that long .



Will be waiting to see the pic today if you get a chance .


Howdy to everyone else -- hope we hear from Linda soon .

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Morning, peeps!

Here's the updated petghan. For the newcomers here, I graphed int he names of all the pets we've had...and then when we got Lucy I had to improvise. Her name is x-stitched onto the ghan as you can see...and it turned out a tad bigger than I should have made it - but it is what it is....;) The color will soften after it gets washed again, so it'll help.

Now have to dash...BBL!



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