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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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I just finished this guy. He gave me a +1. :) Working on a bear now that will add another +1.




I'm madly in love with him!!! Eggbert was the name of my firstborn while he was still in utero. (His name is David now.)

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Putting in my totals now, while I still remember. I've been sick this week, so I'm liable to forget on Saturday.


I was strong this week (okay, I was sick and couldn't go out yarn shopping :lol), so I managed to use up 2 skeins:


Stashbuster Total: WTD +4 YTD +38

Happy to be on the positive side so far this year... :c9

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I'm putting in my totals today too since we're heading out of town tomorrw for a couple days. Plus since I work tomorrow there will be no yarn shopping. :lol


WTD: +4, YTD: -14



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Trying to get more crocheting in tonight before I pass out. Bought 13 skeins this week. Have used up 8 skeins worth so far. :) Going to try to use up a bit more.

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wtd -28 as of 3/4

ytd -97


posting tonight since I won't finish my project I'm working on tonight anyway. Tomorrow busy all day at a rabbit show, board meeting for the state rabbit club tomorrow night AND then drive home :think:eek


Pray the pass to home is clear tomorrow night. Was great today, but a sloppy mess again tonight

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Finished two projects this week - a yo yoghan and a shawl. Sounds like a lot, but not much points wise. (will post pics if I ever get them taken)

WTD +3

Next week it should be better (hopefully). Making Rose Red's flannelghan for my son. Since it is a 2 stranded project and it goes really fast, I'm hoping for a good positive #.

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I used four skeins in my son's afghan to offset the 15 skeins of cotton I bought. I'm working on a baby blanket, but it's three colors so finishing skeins is going slowly.


WTD -22/YTD -193

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I started a scarf on Tue. Used 1/2 (+/-) a skein and rolled the rest down (+1) :cheer. I found a ball of white thread and the snowflake pattern books. Now where did I put my doily hooks :think? I made 83 shamrocks and have 24 left. I hope that's enough, because I'm out of green :yarn again. People are asking what I'll make for Easter. It's never ending.

WTD: + 1 YTD: + 26

Ellie 13

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I have been knitting baby booties for the Baby Shower at the church next Sunday.


Unfortunately, they don't use much yarn.


WTD=+1 YTD=-19



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WTD: -9

YTD: +22

I bought 13 skeins this week, and used up 8.5 skeins worth this week. Going to crochet more tonight, but the current project on the hook (a boring bland door snake... hubby picked the color...) wont use up much yarn before midnight. I want to get it done asap because we have a bit of a draft coming in under the front door, and the current door snakes that we have are not long enough to cover under the door. Of course...those door snakes are nice and colorful!


hubby goes "They really dont go with our house. Can you make one in brown?" So I searched the stash and found a beige that goes with our carpet, and I'm adding in a row occasionally of a darker brown to break up the monotony.

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