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What I don't get...

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...Is why crochet patterns would ever have you make pieces and sew them together. This is crochet, we can twist and turn our way around any shape.


I don't see how having ugly seams that serve no purpose is a good thing. :soap


I have learned my lesson and from now on I will read every pattern and either not make it if seaming is necessary or change it to work back and fronts together. I don't have a problem with sewing a seam that is necessary as in a BICO - because you have made a seamless garment to that point. Back, fronts and sleeves are all done and just need one quick joining. But these pieces that are just like what you would cut out of fabric is beyond my ken.


if I wanted to sew - I would get out my machine and sew. The point of crochet is to make life easier not more bother.


This has been a pet peeve of mine for years but making a baby sweater this weekend has really put my knickers in a twist. it is just foolishness. This sweater could have been done ages ago but all this piddling is a waste of energy


Ok :soap mode off now NOT!!! :rofl

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I so sympathize. I am making a "Renaissance Beauty" Doily, and I have reached the point where I'm starting to hate every minute of it. Even when continuing with the same color, the instructions have you fastening off rows and starting afresh. Between the petals of a flower, there added little fillers that take about 60 seconds to crochet, but that little "feature" gives you 20 extra ends to weave in. I'm not happy with the way this pattern is designed, but I'm way too far into it to leave it unfinished. I just think the general effect could have been achieved with better design, instead of all this starting and stopping and starting again. It's a slightly different issue from yours, but my general point is the same--crochet doesn't need to be designed this way.

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I am so with you on this one! I hate sewing a lot of pieces together, even to the point that I don't make granny squares any more. I have some made and set aside for an :H: bag, and just can't make myself put any more together!


The seams in crocheted items just always 'seam' too bulky (sorry for the bad pun!) no matter how I put things together! Life is too short to make something with a lot of pieces, and put it aside because I will never finish it!


Now having said that, I took inspiration from you, Darski, and am looking at doily 'ghans! Lovely and made in ONE piece!!! Thank you for that!!

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Ladies, that's why when I sew things I take months to get "hemmed"! When crocheting I'm really trying to work tails in as I go as that is something else I hate to do. Now if I'd just make a magic yarn ball as I finish a skein or a project I'd be much happier. Feel your pain.

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Oh darski, I so agree with you. One of the best things about crochet is that you can work up or down, in rows or in rounds, join in and pick up stitches anywhere, increase any number of stitches at the beginnings and ends of rows, and all on the same item. There are so many ways to eliminate or minimise sewing, that if I crochet a garment I always design it myself so that I can have maximum crocheting fun, and minimum sewing-up pain.

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I find the easiest way to minimize stress is to just sew the pieces as I go along. Then, when I get two strips of squares, I sew the strips together. And so on. It's still a pain, but at least I'm not stuck with a basket of squares that I keep meaning to sew together, but never do. :crocheting

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...Is why crochet patterns would ever have you make pieces and sew them together. This is crochet, we can twist and turn our way around any shape.


I don't see how having ugly seams that serve no purpose is a good thing. :soap


I have learned my lesson and from now on I will read every pattern and either not make it if seaming is necessary or change it to work back and fronts together. I don't have a problem with sewing a seam that is necessary as in a BICO - because you have made a seamless garment to that point. Back, fronts and sleeves are all done and just need one quick joining. But these pieces that are just like what you would cut out of fabric is beyond my ken.


if I wanted to sew - I would get out my machine and sew. The point of crochet is to make life easier not more bother.


This has been a pet peeve of mine for years but making a baby sweater this weekend has really put my knickers in a twist. it is just foolishness. This sweater could have been done ages ago but all this piddling is a waste of energy


Ok :soap mode off now NOT!!! :rofl


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. This has driven me nuts for a long time. I do not like to sew, I wish I could pay someone to sew the pieces together, especially when it is a Barbie Doll size dress.:hook

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...Is why crochet patterns would ever have you make pieces and sew them together. This is crochet, we can twist and turn our way around any shape.


I don't see how having ugly seams that serve no purpose is a good thing. :soap


I have learned my lesson and from now on I will read every pattern and either not make it if seaming is necessary or change it to work back and fronts together. I don't have a problem with sewing a seam that is necessary as in a BICO - because you have made a seamless garment to that point. Back, fronts and sleeves are all done and just need one quick joining. But these pieces that are just like what you would cut out of fabric is beyond my ken.


if I wanted to sew - I would get out my machine and sew. The point of crochet is to make life easier not more bother.


This has been a pet peeve of mine for years but making a baby sweater this weekend has really put my knickers in a twist. it is just foolishness. This sweater could have been done ages ago but all this piddling is a waste of energy


Ok :soap mode off now NOT!!! :rofl


Amen, that's why I have a hard time finishing anything in pieces.

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I don't like to sew things together either. For a garment, to me the biggest drawback of the piecework approach is that you really can't tell if it will fit until it is finished. Working in one piece is much better as you can try it on. and no odd-looking seams to mar the beauty of the crochet!


I can see where it may be easier for the designer to use pieces, esp. when working out the different sizes. But I think seaming contributes to the "boxy" look that crocheted garments can have. Seams don't allow the crocheted sttiches to flow. (If anyone is looking for one-piece designs that really do fit, D Chan's Everyday Crochet is a great resource)


As for changing colors, I really don't mind sewing in the ends, but I do try to find shortcuts. A lot of Japanese motif designs call for teeny rows of different colors, which are really beautiful, but I have to be in the right mood for that:crocheting


As for sewing squares or motifs together, I don't like the way my sewing looks and again it constricts the motifs, so I just use a join as you go method and crochet them together---that way the joining is part of the fun:)

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I feel your pain and agree that sewing together pieces is difficult to line up, and it always seems as though you have more stitches on one side than the other. That is why I love the Crochet Garden's patterns. Most all of her patterns are no sew and she has taught me many new techniques in an easy to understand fashion.

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I feel the same way. I now read the patterns and if the sleeves are made seperate and then sewn on, I don't bother.


I make a lot of baby items and it's easy just to make the yoke of the sweater and the front and back all in one piece and then go back to the hole for the sleeve and make one from there. That's what I look for in a pattern.



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Darski, it seems that you've really struck a nerve here. I also hate the sewing so I especially hate projects made with motifs or squares. Every once in a while, I'll start one because I like the pattern and then it ends up in my WIP drawer never to see the light of day again!

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I crochet almost all my seams. I hold the 2 pieces together and slip stitch, ch 1 across through both pieces. It goes really quick and has a little stretch to it.


Dumb question...do you hold them right sides together or wrong sides together? :think

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I am so glad I'm not the only one!!! :cheer Sewing when I want to is one thing. Sewing when I'm crocheting is completely different! I can count 15 different times and wind up with more stitches on one side than the other anyway. It drives me absolutely BANANAS!! I always think I've got the gumption to do a project with seams, but then I get everything crocheted and to the point when I have to do the seaming and it will take me months to decide to do it-- if I ever even do!


We need a smiley that has a piece of rope to hang itself with because that's how seaming makes me feel! :lol

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Ugh!! I don't like the sewing of garments or squares either. I try to stay away from them and then I will get this thought of "oh that's a cute kid blanket, I should make it for a christmas gift"......uh 250 2X2 squares later, they are sitting in a plastic bin, waiting to be sewn together and I really just don't want to do it. All those ends and I just plain and simple am not good at sewing anything. But the finished blanket on the pic was adorable.

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Well I guess I should fess up about something I have been working on. A pattern I am developing for our 18" girls is being made in sections to sew together. I have been dragging my feet on this thing largely because it will have to be sewn together. The pattern itself seems to demand that sectioned bit but I am now going to see if I can re-think this thing and get it to look just as good if I make it all in one. Maybe I'll make and post both. Then people can choose.


I need a whole lotta :think time for this one.

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