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Purples/Lilac colors for babys clothing

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This may sound like an odd question, but I needed some input. I am making a baby dress in a light lilac color and showed it to a neighbor. She told me that its an inappropriate color for a baby. Am I missing something? When I asked her what she meant she said its bad luck. Has anyone else heard of this?

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I've always thought that lilac was a lovely color on a baby. However, it used to mean the person was in light mourning after the death of a loved one. Perhaps she meant that it might be perceived like that by an older person.

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It's interesting how different cultures have different takes on baby colors.


I made a baby blanket for an Indian woman at the office a few years back. I asked her if there were any specific colors that they use in India for babies. She told me that it didn't matter--the way they see it, the baby doesn't know the difference! :rofl


So, I made the blanket in a dark green, and she loved it.

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Hummmm....I think I would have questioned her on why she felt this way? To each his own I guess. I have a friend who is going to be a grandmother soon and asked if her daughter decided on any particular colors and she quickly responded that her daughter did not want any pink or blues so I made the ABC blanket using lemon yellow and bright lime green (her DD's personal favorite colors) I think it turned out very pretty and is not what I would have chosen but I am glad I did. I bet your choice will be very pretty too!

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I'm glad I'm not the only one that didnt understand this. She just said that purple is a death color and thus bad luck to put on a baby. Since I've never heard this nor has any of you I think I will continue with my baby dress. Thanks everone for your input.

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Like Ninn said above, purple used to be considered a color to wear in mourning--after a certain period of wearing black, then one would wear purple, then lavender. I associate this with Queen Victoria, so it is going back more than a century. it's definitely not something I would think of and I like lavender so I think it's fine for clothing for any age.

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I have never heard of this either. I am making a baby blanket using purple also. a dark purple and a lilac purple. I was so sick of everything being pink for a girl so wanted to go a different route.

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Never heard of this. Purple is my favorite color so I have made baby blankets using all the shades and the mothers love them!!!

I wouldn't use black in a baby blanket, but who says they have to all be pink, blue, mint green and yellow????? NOONE!!!!!

You create what you want and if someone doesn't like it - too bad. :hook

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I've never heard of that, either. Purple is one of my favorite colors and I didn't know it was used for mourning. I thought black was the only color.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one that didnt understand this. She just said that purple is a death color and thus bad luck to put on a baby. Since I've never heard this nor has any of you I think I will continue with my baby dress. Thanks everone for your input.


I do know that during lent, purple is used as covers for the statues of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. It is a time of reflection on your own personal journey towards following Christ.


I haven't heard of it used as a bad luck color. Purple comes in so many shades, from Pale lilac to dark purple and they all can be pretty on little ones. It's my favorite color.



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that is a NEW one to me, but hey, I live in sheltered Iowa..lol..so I bet there is ALOT out there I never heard of..lol

I wold respect her wishes, however strange they may be..


JoAnn and DO show pics of the dress, I LOVE baby dresses and make them for my dolls!!

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Like Ninn said above, purple used to be considered a color to wear in mourning--after a certain period of wearing black, then one would wear purple, then lavender. I associate this with Queen Victoria, so it is going back more than a century. it's definitely not something I would think of and I like lavender so I think it's fine for clothing for any age.


Well actually... I remember seeing the wreath on the door being changed from black to lavender when I was about 10 and that is not a hundred years ago. :rofl


I do tend to view the purples as funereal depending on the context. With lots of clear colours or pastels with generous helpings of white - good to go.


...if you use the greyed out purples it starts to move into the death and dying realm. there is a reason goths use so much blood red and purple.

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... purple used to be considered a color to wear in mourning--after a certain period of wearing black, then one would wear purple, then lavender.


I have never heard this before. Thanks for the info Kathy, it's very interesting.


Personally I really like purple in all it's shades and use them often for crochet for any age or purpose. I hope I've never accidentally upset someone!

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Well actually... I remember seeing the wreath on the door being changed from black to lavender when I was about 10 and that is not a hundred years ago. :rofl


I do tend to view the purples as funereal depending on the context. With lots of clear colours or pastels with generous helpings of white - good to go.


...if you use the greyed out purples it starts to move into the death and dying realm. there is a reason goths use so much blood red and purple.


LOL, Darski! :lol I wonder how many 110-year-olds are posting in internet discussions:)


Good point about the goth colors.

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Unless you are making the dress for the lady that questioned the color, I would go ahead and make it. Many baby things are no longer the traditional pink and blue.:crocheting

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I wouldn't use black in a baby blanket,


There is a lovely black, white and pink layette in SNB Crochet...the Seija set. I think it's rather "Parisienne" looking and a cute option! I don't think most people attribute the symbolism to colors like they once did. As to purple, it has also been the color of royalty! :hook

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I think you should use whatever color you want, lavender or black or whatever.

Black never used to be used in weddings and now it is since the early 80s and it makes beautiful wedding colors.


White is a color of mourning in China and parts of Africa.


It was the custom for the Queens of France to wear deuil blanc or "white mourning"


White was the color of deepest mourning among medieval European queens was white rather than black. This tradition survived in Spain until the end of the fifteenth century.

And yet we use white for wedding and baby christenings among other things.


Color is just color and it's not giving luck bad, good, or other wise.

However I would not use a color on a gift that the recipient objected to.



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This may sound like an odd question, but I needed some input. I am making a baby dress in a light lilac color and showed it to a neighbor. She told me that its an inappropriate color for a baby. Am I missing something? When I asked her what she meant she said its bad luck. Has anyone else heard of this?


My first and only granddaughter will be 1 yr old next Friday and let me tell ya, i've done a lot of shopping this past year for baby clothes. :lol

I've seen almost as much baby girl clothing in shades of purple as in pink, so it would seem to be a popular color for babies.

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I think purples for a baby are lovely. I see plenty of aqua nad chocolate brown as well. personally I like the colors in baby items. Was never too fond of the whole black and white thing...but to each his own.

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